The Global Order Of Satan

The Global Order of Satan is an international collection of communal Orders, helping to grow Satanic idealism and self worship, while protecting those who are oppressed by overbearing religious hegemony. As atheists we believe in neither gods nor devils. Our ideology is instead rooted in courage, compassion, science, the self, and in rituals of introspection. These ideals are enshrined in our Founding Pillars. ### The Six Pillars Satanism helps define how we live our lives & interact with other people. The founding pillars of a Satanic organisation guide and empower you to live a Satanic lifestyle. No single founding pillar should be raised higher than any other. Our actions should be guided by them collectively. 1. Self-fulfilment and personal understanding allow us to support ourselves and therefore others. 2. Respect the inviolable body, autonomous will, and sovereign right of every individual to guide their own life and being; remembering that enjoyment of these rights is predicated on respect for the same in others. 3. Science, evidence, reason, and critical thinking should guide our beliefs about our universe. Truly critical thinking can only be achieved by challenging your own preconceptions and opinions, providing a more balanced outlook to help us make better informed decisions. 4. Act with empathy, compassion, and wisdom towards yourself and others. 5. Justice always takes precedence over laws, institutions, and religious texts, as long as the pursuit of it does not countermand the pillars. 6. All people make mistakes. Allow them to correct those mistakes, as we seek acceptance in others over our own. ### FAQ #### Do you believe in / worship Satan? No. We are atheists which means we don’t believe in the existence of the supernatural. This means no god, no demons, no angels, no ghosts (holy or otherwise) and no devil. Worship is an expression of adoration to something which one reveres. In our case, we revere ourselves as individuals capable of the greatest human expression of compassion and empathy. We have hearts and minds that are imbued with warmth, rationale, and a quality of curiosity that can reason, resolve, and navigate profound existential experiences. That’s essentially the heart of Satanism. This philosophy can be thought of as a type of selfism. #### Do you sacrifice animals? Of course not. Satan doesn’t exist, so there’s nobody to sacrifice to. Besides, animal cruelty or the mistreatment of animal remains would be against everything we stand for. There are plenty of other religions (and troubled teenagers) that kill animals with the intent of achieving some misguided ritual “purpose”; despite what lazy journalists would have you believe there’s nothing in modern Satanism that would encourage such an act. #### If you don’t worship the devil then why do you call yourselves Satanic? Buddhists don’t worship Buddha, but they follow those teachings. The name Lucifer actually means lightbringer, and nothing is more illuminating than knowledge. In fables, Satan was the first to speak out and voice rational inquiry to an authoritarian god that demanded blind obedience, and for it he was cast out. Of course we don’t believe this actually happened. But, historically, we know that those who speak out against the injustices committed by governments, religious dictators, and corporations that consistently prioritise profits over people are often imprisoned, killed, or branded incendiaries. So we believe the allegorical teaching of Satan is the need to use one’s own voice as an honest tool of evidence-based dissent against corrupt regimes where one sees it. Use of the name also requires individuals to think about what it is that they actually believe. To its detriment, much of the world’s cultural experience is informed by religious dogma and institutional influence and it can be hard to disentangle what one actually believes from what one has been told to believe. Associating with something typically seen as forbidden and characterised as evil when evidence shows that thing to be ethical and charitable for the benefit of all mankind, requires a level of rationality and critical thinking that we encourage in our membership. And if people and governments and leaders can do horrible things in the name of God then we can most certainly do beautiful and inspired things in the name of Satan. #### So then you’re activists, not Satanists? We are Satanists, make no mistake. It is the lessons of the literary Satan that we follow –the importance of dissent, rational inquiry, vigilant self-assessment, and the continuing struggle for justice. Because we’re committed to acting on our beliefs, this philosophy can take the form of activism. And like anyone else who calls themselves religious, it’s our commitment to these deeply held convictions that our organisational identity represents. So, yes, we’re Satanists – and activism is just our way of doing the devil’s work. #### Won’t the name Satan make it harder to accomplish your goals? Wouldn’t it be better if you called yourself something else? People can be superstitious and reactive as individuals and in groups which is often a symptom of ignorance or entitlement and we’d like to change that way of thinking. Of course it’s an uphill battle, but every movement towards social equilibrium requires those on the forefront. If the world would take steps to shift its collective approach to differences away from defensive and protective, making an intentional movement towards vigilant integrity in our approach to truth, understanding, and self-awareness, then we might realise we’re far less vulnerable and capable of great adaptability which is empowering. #### So you don’t have rituals or kill babies? What most people think they know about Satanism comes from Roman Polanski films like Rosemary’s Baby and The Ninth Gate, The Omen trilogy, and Hammer Horror films like The Devil Rides Out. It’s not surprising – those are great films – but that’s fiction, folks. We do perform rituals, but so does everyone else in their daily life. Crossing the street is a ritual in which you look both ways beforehand. Checking your email can be a ritual if you have a routine for it – do you check it in when you first wake up…with coffee? Do you play music and dance around the kitchen while cooking supper? That’s a ritual too. We ritualise life because it provides comfort and it can be a hallmark for important events of recognition, such as the ritual of marriage. Global Order of Satan performs rituals too, but it isn’t black magic, it’s just a celebration of life. #### I’ve heard that becoming a Satanist will grant me money, fame and power. How do I join you and get all this? We’re sorry to disappoint you, but joining Global Order of Satan does not grant you money, or fame, or power. If you read through the rest of this FAQ and site, you’ll find that we’re an atheist group, who don’t believe in a god, or a devil, and also laugh at the concept of doing some kind of deal with a supernatural entity for a secret way to make money, become famous or powerful. We stand for those oppressed by mainstream religions, and provide a community for those who agree with our philosophy – we’re not a cult, there’s no direct line to grant special favours from Satan, and we’re very sorry you’ve been lied to. #### Are you related to the US-based Church Of Satan or The Satanic Temple? We have no current affiliation with either. We have similar beliefs but we also have different policies and principles. For example, membership with Global Order of Satan is always free. We also don’t ask for money from our members or chapters and we put into practice our ideals about autonomy and the importance of rebellion. Because we have more of a global reach, as we currently preside over Europe, Australasia, and the Middle East, our concerns are global ones and not restricted to our locale. #### So do you hate religion? Religious practice can be a source of immense emotional gratification. We’re a religion ourselves, so -no- we don’t hate religion. What we hate is abuse and bullying. When Catholic Charities are taking social welfare money earmarked for HIV prevention but hide the condoms because they don’t believe in them, that’s a type of moral bullying with epidemic consequences. When families in one of the most dynamic capitols in the western world burn to death in substandard housing because of greed supported by casual classist attitudes, that’s economic bullying and a form of genocide. And if you’re a bully, especially one who uses religion as a get-out of-jail-free card in place of compassion and reason, then we’ll probably be seeing each other soon. #### Do I have to be a goth/like metal music to join? Absolutely not – we believe in individuality & free expressions, and appreciate the value of diversity. #### Does it cost anything to be a member? Membership is free, and we will never pass around a collection plate.


An interesting article in The Independent claims the UK is now officially in its first ever ['Age of Atheism']( as there are now more atheists than theists in the UK. Clearly great news but makes it even more of a mystery why we still have 26 christian bishops appointed to law making positions in the House of Lords, why swearing on the bible is still a thing, why kids are still legally obliged to be force fed christian content in schools and why christian nationalists are on the rise amongst Tory MP's. We won't stop until its all gone.


Some of our UK Order will be at the Satanic Flea Market this coming Sunday (6th October). Market address is: Electrowerkz, 7 Torrens Street, London, EC1V 1NQ. Nearest tube station is Angel. There's a £4 entry on the door and its open from 12-6pm. Come and say 'hi' :) ![](


Global Order of Satan and Satan Not Hatin' are thrilled to announce "Contra Odium" ("Against Hate"), a compilation album which will feature songs from some of our Satan Not Hatin' participants in support of charities who do work supporting victims of hate or who support musicians local to each of our participating Orders (Global Order of Satan - United Kingdom, House of Heretics, Satanistiska samfundet and Global Order of Satan: Steel City). To see who we're supporting and full details of this release [head to the Event page](


Last week, our "Satan Not Hatin'" campaign - set up to challenge hate and far-right extremism in alt music scenes - welcomed it's 200th opt-in participant. That's 200 artists, bands, record labels, promoters, venues and other organisations not prepared to tolerate hate. As well as the documentary on the project (which is still being shot), a Stockholm based radio show, Trigger, have announced they will be dedicating an episode to the campaign and playing bands that are participating! You can read more about the campaign at it's [dedicated website]( and details of how to access the Trigger episode (either as its broadcast via their website or the next day on their Mixcloud account) are also [on the site]( ![](


We are delighted to welcome back our dear friends in Sweden, Satanistiska samfundet, as an official Order of Global Order of Satan after a hiatus of a couple of years. As the right-wing religious threat grows across Europe, Satanism in Sweden has seen an uptake in interest and after a surge in membership applications GOS Sweden are now ready to once again stand with us in active opposition. You can find them in the following places: * [Official website]( - you can apply for membership here too. * [Facebook Page]( * [Discord Server]( (side note - I'm hoping to get them active on the Fediverse too!).


Firstly, in an amusing turn of events YouTube removed the latest episode of GOSPod from their site. The reason? The episode - the subject of which was Satanic conspiracy theories - briefly mentioned the antivaxxers and YT said we were peddling medical misinformation. We appealed but nope. You can still hear the episode in all other places [listed here]( Secondly, the S8N Not H8N campaign now has its own dedicated website as its was just getting too big (over 130 participants now) for one page on the main website to cut it. You can find that here: []( and we also have launched socials for it too if you want to follow them: - [Mastodon]( - [Facebook]( - [Instagram](


The far right, emboldened and enabled by political leaders such as Nigel Farage, are currently engaged in a wave of misinformation-driven violence that is in danger of engulfing the UK. See it for what it is - extremist thugs manipulating the totally unrelated murders of children to further their fascism. They are using the tools of right wing social media outlets to organise and spread their misinformation and hate via the usual suspects - Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk etc. How can we fight back? One way to effectively fight back is to support groups like Hope Not Hate and their 'Hold On To Hope' campaign: where you can sign up to lend support, keep abreast of developments and donate if you are able to. If it is safe for you to do so, another way is to talk positively about multiculturalism on your social media presences and challenge the prejudices you encounter. This country was literally built by thousands of years of multiculturalism with hands and minds from many places and of many colours creating the very best of it. We must never let the far right deny that reality or allow their misinformation to gain a foothold. EDIT: Here is a list of UK wide anti-racism protests being held this coming weekend:


A member of our UK Order took time off from our own podcast ( to be interviewed on the Spiritually Incorrect podcast about Satanism and GOS. You can listen to the [whole episode on their website]( (also contains links to other podcast supporting platforms).


On December 12, 2023, within the corridors of the Polish Parliament, a scandalous incident occurred, exemplifying extreme discrimination and a lack of respect for the freedom of conscience and religion. During the ceremonial lighting of Hanukkah candles, Member of Parliament Grzegorz Braun extinguished them using a fire extinguisher. Following the incident, Braun gave an interview to the tabloid Super Express, justifying his actions by claiming that “the act that took place in the Parliament was a religious act, deeply satanic in nature” and that “it would be a betrayal of his principles to tolerate and ignore Satanism.” Thus, in the view of the Global Order of Satan, Braun’s act resonated not only as anti-Semitic but also as anti-Satanic. **For this reason, one of the members of our community has filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, citing a justified suspicion of committing a crime under Article 196 of the Penal Code**(commonly referred to as ‘the insult to religious feelings’) to the detriment of one of our members. [Read the full article here]( (Polish and English available)


The latest episode of GOSPod [is out]( It's also [on YouTube]( and [PeerTube]( as well as the usual places - Spotify, Amazon etc. In this episode we talk about the campaigns we've done in the past as well as our current campaigns and some ideas for the future.


A documentary about our Satan Not Hatin' campaign is underway! An award-winning documentary filmmaker — who has also directed numerous high-profile music videos for metal bands — was intrigued by the campaign, and by Satanists working towards positive change in the music scenes we love. They are now in the process of interviewing participating this space for more updates on this exciting development. Meanwhile the campaign progresses apace, with nearly 70 participants signed up! If you, your venue, or bands you know would like to join in you can get in touch using the form on our website at . Let's make sure we're all #protectedbythepitchfork


We're thrilled to announce our latest Order - and second in the USA - **House of Heretics: Global Order of Satan Seattle**. Our second Order in the USA, House Of Heretics was established in early 2023 in Seattle, Washington. House of Heretics is registered and licensed by the State of Washington as a non-profit church, and serves the Pacific Northwest region. [Read more about them]( on our site. ![](


Satanists on the island of Ireland! Talk has recently started about the creation of an Order for you. If you're interested in guiding that discussion and/or joining the potential Order, please head to our [International Discord server]( and when filling out the Discord access application, mention your interest and we can add you to the appropriate Channel.#Ireland #eire #northernireland #UK #satanism #satanic #atheism


Satanists come from a range of eclectic backgrounds with many of us coming from the various alt music scenes – rock, metal, punk, goth, industrial and more. Our love of these scenes, along with the bands, venues and organisations that exist within them, intertwines with our Satanism, often embracing the same themes, imagery and symbolism. Sadly, we are noticing a rise in hatred and bigotry in the music scenes we hold dear. We’ve witnessed racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other hate crimes. We’ve seen the symbols we use co-opted into messages of hate. People have been made to feel shamed and unwelcome in what were once open and inclusive communities. No more. This is where we start to reclaim these spaces. We have therefore relaunched the [Satan Not Hatin’]( campaign to combat this rise and are thrilled to have been joined by a number of bands, orgs and venues from those scenes. ![](


We are excited to share that we can be found at Pittsburgh Pride this Friday (2-8) and Saturday (11-8)! We can be found on the map as SR 26, and will be on Sylvia Rivera St! We will be performing unbaptism rituals, selling merch (stickers, pins, and satanic rosaries), and collecting items for our Baphomet Bags project! We would love to see you there! ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](


[Episode Two]( of our Podcast is now live, the subject is Satanic Safety. We don't use pseudonyms to be edgy. Identifying as a Satanist carries real risk. We interview a few people to hear their experiences. As well as [Podbean](, the episode is on [PeerTube](, [YouTube](, Spotify, Amazon etc. There's also a YouTube version [without ambient background music]( for those with sensory processing issues or who just find it distracting. YouTube videos will also be available on Invidious and Piped. ![](


Our UK Order will be in London at the Satanic Flea Market on Sunday June 30th. Come along and say ‘hi’! The Market is in Torrens Street, the nearest tube is Angel. It starts at 12pm and ends at 6pm, entry is £4 per person. ![](


An announcement from our UK Order: "Whilst we never usually share details of our membership, we will make an exception in this case. Please welcome our two newest members, Fleur (left) and Flo (right)." ![](


Our UK Order's next market is a month today! Saturday 8th June, 12 - 6pm at The Dirty Black Summer Market at The Black Heart in Camden, London (The Black Heart, 2 - 3 Greenland Place, Camden Town, London, NW1 0AP). Nearest tube station is Camden Town, less than 1 min away. Entry is free, under-18's welcome, dogs welcome. ![](


Our UK Order have published episode one "Origins" of GOSPod, their podcast. In this first episode of GOSPod, they talk about the origins of the Global Order of Satan and what it's become today and offer some personal insights into how each of the hosts discovered Satanism and GOS itself. You subscribe in the usual ways at []( or either our [YouTube GOSPod playlist]( (remember Invidious is a thing) or if you prefer, it's on our [PeerTube GOSPod playlist too]( ![](


So, we had a very successful day in London yesterday, Talked to lots of interesting people, sold some merch but the star of the show was undoubtably Rollo, the Hellhound (our Chaplain's doggo), chief dispenser of good vibes. ![]( ![](


The [article]( is paywalled, here is a working [archive version]( In an article in the Financial Times, the increasing rise in christian extremism amongst Tory MP's is noted. They quote MP Nick Fletcher: >"Fletcher is a proud evangelical Christian, and cites trans rights, conversion therapies, abortion, assisted dying and freedom of speech as topics where religious MPs “need to be able to talk about our faith”." They also note the rising prominence of Miriam Cates and Danny Kruger, co-chairs of the New Conservatives right-wing faction who we at GOS have [talked about before]( and who have links to the influence and money that sibling organisations in the USA provide, a fact the Times also notes: >Tim Bale, a politics professor at Queen Mary University of London, said the growing strain of evangelicalism in the Tory party, which he described as “an American import”, was particularly notable. Cates and Kruger were part of a christian/right-wing conference last year (the [National Conservatism Conference]( where these evangelical ideas were expounded upon by the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Suella Braverman, Micheal Gove, David Starkey (who said that left-wing activists are “jealous” of the Holocaust and that groups like Black Lives Matter were attempting to destroy “white culture”), anti-vaxx mouthpiece Melanie Phillips and Lee Anderson as well as speakers from the US arm of the movement such as Senator JD Vance. ([Guardian article]( for more on this Conference) All this against the backdrop in the UK of continual and notable decline in christianity in both people who identify as christians no longer being a majority of the population and the active decline in [church attendance]( It's amazing to us therefore that these MP's have the hubris to believe they have a right to speak 'for the people' when they very clearly don't and that they think they have the right to impose their superstitions on the rest of us. Especially since 'the rest of us' is now the majority of the country. >"...MPs also cited the role of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational Christian network founded in 1990 that “inspires and equips believers to go into public life”, as a key force in ushering in more Christians into the party’s elected ranks." Looking at the rise of the very extreme right wing based christianity in the US, this is not something we want here. We stand against it as Adversaries. >


We're delighted to introduce our latest Order: **Iglesia Satanista - orden local de la Orden Global de Satanás**. Based in Chile, South America, they have spent several years now laying the groundwork for the formation of a local Satanic religious organisation. We've been keeping track of their progress over the last two years and are all really impressed with the dedication and determination on show. Philosophically they fit in perfectly with our Pillars and we are really excited to join forces with them. ![](


Our UK Order will be at The Satanic Flea Market in London on April 7th, here's where you can find them at the event. ![](


GOS: Steel City [recently announced]( the launch of their 'Baphomet Bags' campaign to help their unhoused neighbours in the Pittsburgh area offering ways to donate money or through Amazon Lists. They have now announced the location of physical drop-off points should people want to donate pre-owned items. These are (so far): **Grim Wizard** located at 1206 Arlington Ave and **Studio 42** in Beaver Falls.


Announcing GOSPod - A monthly(ish) podcast from GOS UK. Head to []( to listen to the short trailer and subscribe. We hope to be on Apple, Google, Amazon etc soon but it takes awhile to get approved. EDIT: I'll be uploading each episode to our [PeerTube account]( too. ![](


I've got a few messages on Matrix recently that shows that our communication methods area bit confusing. Noted and I'll make things clearer on the main site but in the meantime; We do most communicating via Discord. If you are a Satanist, or simply Satanically curious and want to participate then: 1. [GOS-wide Discord server]( - this is open to all GOS members, whatever country specific Order they belong to. It is also open to Satanists who might belong to other organisations or none as well as people who are not Satanists but curious or interested. Maybe you're thinking about applying but want to see what we're about first - this is a good way to do that. *There is an application form* as we want to screen for racists/transphobes/homophobes/misogynists/ableists etc. You are *not* applying for GOS Membership, just Discord access. 2. [GOS: Steel City]( is our US/North American specific Discord server. It's operated by GOS: Steel City, our US Order. This is for people who specifically want to join that Order. *There is an application form*. The form *is* for full membership. 3. [GOS Polska]( same as above, but for Polish full Members. 4. [GOS DE]( same as above but for all our German SPEAKING Orders - so Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Full Members only. I hope that's a bit clearer.


"Steel City’s current Unholy Philanthropic venture is an assembly and face to face distribution of "Baphomet Bags" Pittsburgh is currently facing a notable increase in homelessness. We are working to help our unhoused neighbors by collecting a variety of sustainable essentials and distributing them directly to those in need. Working alongside local small businesses and our siblings in Satan across the globe, we hope to bring a better quality of life to and connect with our unhoused population. Our focus will be on items that are lightweight, collapsible, and reusable. Oftentimes people have to carry around all of their belongings with them at once. This will help ease the burden both physically and of having to find the same resource over and over again in some cases. " [Visit the linked page]( if you'd like to throw them a couple of bucks or buy something via their Amazon wishlist - everything goes to their unhoused neighbours. If you're a Pittsburgh local, they'll shortly be announcing some drop-off points too if you have already something that's on their wishlist.


Our UK Order will be in London at the Satanic Flea Market on Sunday April 7th. Come along and say 'hi'! The Market is in Torrens Street, the nearest tube is Angel. It starts at 12pm and ends at 6pm, entry is £4 per person. ![](


Global Order of Satan became aware today that the Daily Star newspaper have run a front page story in which ex-Boyzone member Shane Lynch claims Taylor Swift is a Satanist. We have a long-standing policy of not confirming or denying rumours about our membership but we'd suggest that Mr Lynch Needs To Calm Down and stop creating Bad Blood. Even if she weren't our Anti-Hero, we'd still think she needs to Shake Him Off because We Knew He Was Trouble. As stated, we don't usually comment on membership applications, but We Wish You Would.


You may recall that in November last year we were delighted to announce the induction of our newest Order formed of members from the Pittsburgh area, USA. After a hectic few months of dedicated hard work by them, they've now announced their official web presence and social media accounts. They have also grown quite a lot too (currently approaching 100 members) and have begun accepting Order members from other locations in the US on the East and West Coast areas until such times Orders become established there too. They have even found time in amongst all this organising to initiate a number of philanthropic initiatives such as their **Baphy Bags** campaign - preparing, filling and distributing practical resource bags to unhoused people in the Pittsburgh area. If you'd like to know more about them, here are some links for you: 1. [Official website]( 2. [Their Discord]( 3. [On Mastodon]( 4. [On Facebook]( 5. [On Instagram]( 6. [On Twitter/X]( 7. [On YouTube](


![]( The last five years have marked a great number of achievements for which we feel justifiable pride. A few highlights among them: * we featured in documentaries for major networks including Netflix and Vice * we made national TV news in Poland for our anti-homophobia Black Mass * our ongoing Bloody Hell! campaign has to date donated hundreds of pounds of sanitary supplies to local food banks * we successfully campaigned for Satanism to be recognised as a major alternative religion in the 2021 UK census, and as one of the fastest-growing * we made the right-wing Mail Online retract inaccurate statements against us and pay out for unauthorised use of our media — and then donated their money to charities supporting trans youths and opposing discrimination * we were featured in national UK news outlets as the face of growing Modern Rational Satanism; these reports were then picked up in alarm by US media * worked with the Discovery media network to provide a genuine Satanic voice to their programming Most importantly, we have built a strong community of motivated, principled Satanists in our network of Orders across the globe: committed to upholding the moral standard set by our Pillars and acting to oppose the many abuses of hierarchical religious oppression wherever we encounter them. We thank all our members and allies for their dedication, hard work and support over the last five years — and look forward with excitement to what we will accomplish together in future. Thanks to you all and, as always, Hail Satan!


From the article: >"In a sermon titled ‘Submit and Love’, Reverend Chris Demetriou told worshippers that a wife “should submit to her husband’s leadership” because “that’s the Lord’s pattern for us”. He added marriage with a wife at the head “will not reach its full potential” - instead, women should be subservient women and duly submit to their husbands “out of obedience to Christ”." None of us should be surprised that this is what Christians think. So why is it news? The Church is a charity and in the UK charities have to behave in a certain way - they have a responsibility in other words - and if they break that then the regulator (the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator in this case) can and should get involved. Alejandro Sanchez of the National Secular Society is quoted [as saying]( >"Mr Demetriou’s vision of a world of female subservience is straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale. It is misogyny like this that underpins the abuse and coercive control of women, which the Scottish government says it is committed to ending....In return for generous tax breaks, charities are meant to provide a public benefit and not cause likely detriment or harm. If ‘the advancement of religion’ enables charities to promote misogyny with impunity, it should be removed from the register of charitable purposes.” He's absolutely right. This is 2024 not 1824. Some christian misogynist telling his flock to subjugate women never had a place, but even less so at a time when christianity is no longer a majority belief in the UK.


The survey, conducted by the University of Birmingham and funded by the Templeton Religious Trust, explored the beliefs of religious, spiritual and non-religious people and their links to science. Over 2,000 people took part in the survey in the seven different countries surveyed: the UK, the USA, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany and Spain. In most countries, except the USA, more people think that religion has more negative effects on society than positive ones. In the UK, half of the respondents believe this, while only 13 per cent think the same about science. Here's two of the responses: --- Please indicate the extent to which you personally disagree or agree with the following statement. **I think that religion often has more negative consequences for society than positive consequences** | Country | Agree | Neither Agree Nor Disagree | Disagree | Don't Know | | -------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | | Argentina | 37% |25%|31%|7%| | Australia | 56% |16%|25%|3%| | Canada | 51% |19%|26%|4%| | Germany | 51% |21%|22%|7%| | Spain | 54% |17%|26%|3%| | UK | 50% |16%|30%|4%| | USA | 40% |15%|42%|3%| Please indicate the extent to which you personally disagree or agree with the following statement. **I think that science often has more negative consequences for society than positive consequences**. | Country    | Agree | Neither Agree Nor Disagree  | Disagree | Don't Know | | -------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | | Argentina  | 20%    |27%|46%|7%| | Australia  | 20%    |20%|57%|4%| | Canada  | 15%    |20%|62%|4%| | Germany  | 12%    |20%|62%|6%| | Spain  | 10%    |14%|74%|2%| | UK  | 13%    |19%|63%|5%| | USA  | 26%    |18%|53%|3%|


Just a heads up - the GOS main website and domains are being transferred within the next hour. We (GOS + hosts) have done all we can to minimise downtime but there probably will be some.


![]( (UK Order) - Our campaign against period poverty is ramping up, with our first deliveries to local food banks starting today! Help support our efforts by donating at


So East Lothian becomes the latest UK Council to strip unelected church members of their voting rights, following a public consultation where 84 per cent of people believed religious representatives should not be allowed a say. Amusingly (and somewhat amazingly) some Council members had an issue with this. One of them said: >“I wonder if this is the start of the removed on any representation or moral compass from the education committee. It sits uneasy with me.” Because we all know it's only the Church that has morals. The rest of us exist in a pile of amoral awfulnes, unable to know the difference between right and wrong because the sky daddy doesn't talk to us.


![]( We somehow missed this “news report” when it first came out in response to the article about us in the Telegraph, but those who have been following us will no doubt find it as hilarious as we did. As a pleasant departure from the norm this Catholic “news network” actually started by portraying a reasonably-accurate summary of our philosophy. We appreciate their highlighting that we don’t murder people and that challenging authoritarianism and injustice, acting with compassion and seeking knowledge are all very important to us. Unsurprisingly they then pivot to explaining why these are all in fact terrible and shocking values to uphold. We do understand that they might be a little upset by our “elevating an anti-Christ, anti-God ideology” (which is, in fairness, true) and “promoting the work of the Devil himself” (debatable), but it’s strange to us that the quote from our website offends them so. Their key concern seems to be that we do all this without needing the promise of eternal salvation or the threat of damnation — but as we’ve said all along, if you need to be threatened into behaving morally, you aren’t really a good person. If that makes us “purveyors of a lie” then so be it! “What can we do as Catholics, especially to help our young people?” Their priest suggests they start by repenting, as if that ever achieved anything worthwhile. We have some alternative suggestions: * dismantle your hierarchical systems of oppression; * learn to love your queer or trans neighbours, instead of trying to debate their right to exist; * take concrete steps to protect innocent children from vile abuse at the hands of your priests and leadership figures; * take accountability for the sickening, disgraceful treatment of underprivileged and Native children, past and present, in your educational institutions; * Charitable work is its own reward. Stop sending missionaries to perform “good deeds” with the ulterior motive of colonisation. If the Catholic Church continues to follow its ancient, well-trodden path of bigotry and intolerance, they can expect their influence to further dwindle as newer generations see through their hypocrisy and false hope. We will not mourn its loss. You can see the whole thing at the links below: [YouTube]( | [Piped]( | [Invidious](


It's Transgender Day of Remembrance, and once again we mourn our friends, siblings and comrades who have left us too soon. Join us in celebrating their lives by continuing to strive for acceptance for all, and working towards a future free from bigotry and intolerance around any individual's real or perceived gender identity. TransEdu has compiled a list of resources for trans and non-binary people, which you can find linked in the URL field. If you are in crisis — please reach out. We care, and so do hundreds like us. Every loss is one too many.