Mental Health

**Quick update first:** Hey, the worst mod of a community on LG here, life is insane and I completely forgot this community existed, sorry comrades, hope you can forgive me. Here's the community post, gonna try to post a new one every few weeks. Weekly is too much for me to remember right now. ![]( **Hey Comrades,** With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent and support post. This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you’re feeling and why below. Let’s use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite On a side note I want to suggest checking out **It's Not Just In Your Head**, a podcast by two radical anti-capitalist psychologists discussing mental health and it's relationship with Capitalism.**___**


Hi all, Leninismydad here! **Intro:** As the new sole (active) moderator of this community i am looking forward to developing this as a safe place for discussion of mental health issues, venting, treatment help and resources. This is my first time being the lead mod of anything on the internet, so this will be a learning experience for me, if you have any suggestions, please reach out to me, i'd love some ideas or tips. I want to thank /u/princesscelestia for creating this community and hope they return to lemmygrad in the future and can join again in helping moderate this community. **The Plan** My plan with this community in the short and medium term is the following: - Develop a comprehensive online resource list for mental health support. I hope to gather resources for various countries/regions around the world so that we can build an expansive list for our diverse community and beyond. This, however, will take time and likely more manpower than i can do on my own. If there is anyone interested in helping with this, please message me directly and we can talk more. - Grow and foster a community where people can share their troubles, struggles and hardships; free of judgement and criticism. I want this place to be a positive environment for members of the Lemmygrad (and lemmy if they want to come hang out) community at-large, to help folks navigate the difficulties of living in a capitalist dominated world. - More to come as i figure this modding thing out. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A note before rules and guidelines, most of you have seen me around lemmygrad and know i am not high strung or unreasonable, this community means a lot to me and i want it to succeed. Most, if not all, of you already post well within these rules and guidelines on LG already and i don't plan on being an aggressive moderator. Keep the spirit of justice and comraderie and you'll be fine to post whatever. **Post Guidelines (Work-In-Progress - 8/10/2022):** - Content warnings are required in post titles if discussing topics that could potentially be triggering, please use common sense and best judgement for this. - Use title tags if possible to help people know what you are posting about (Example: [Venting], [Advice Needed], [Resource], [Discussion], etc.). - If you are posting information to help others, please try to make sure it is evidence-based treatment; homeopathic/naturopathic treatment and spiritual guidance is absolutely fine, within reason, but please note this in the title or body of the post. **General Community Rules (Work-In-Progress - 8/10/2022):** - I will tone police, if you are being an ass, i will shut you down. I will not allow a breakdown of decorum in this support focused community. If you want to scream about how terrible psychiatry is or shit talk anti-psychiatry, find another community for that. or make a new one. - This is a positive and supportive place, treat others like you want to be treated, give someone the benefit of the doubt, and help where you can help.


My mood has severely dropped off compared to a month ago where I was feeling my best I’ve felt in many years. I am currently on an assortment of medications to mostly help combat depression, OCD, and anxiety. If it helps the medications I’m on are 150mg Quetiapine (75mg twice a day), 20 mg propanalol (10mg twice a day), 50mg Pristiq, and 1 mg clonazepan. I was prescribed 21 days worth of Ritalin which I believe increased my mood and helped me get out of bed and do things with my life. The issue here is it sucks that I’m having to rely on a chemical dependence in order to feel good, also the fact the cocktail of medications I’m on aren’t doing anything for my mood and I’m just falling deeper into a depressed state. I asked my psychiatrist a month ago if we could trial other stimulants as the 10mg Ritalin only worked for about 3 hours max and then would drain me of all energy for the rest of the day. Last week when I spoke to him he said “I don’t want to add too many moving parts” which is a way of saying I shouldn’t be on stimulants. I see my psychiatrist soon, maybe if I explain how depressed and exhausted I’ve been he might be able to look into some alternative treatments to combat how I feel. I’m concerned with bringing up controlled substances as he has already provided me with a months worth of Benzodiazepines, asking him for stimulants because they make me feel good might not go well especially since he is concerned there’s too many drugs in my repertoire. It’s annoying that I’m on so many drugs yet they seem to not be doing anything for my mood, and the only drugs that help are addictive.


cross-posted from: > It's needless to say that climate change is a very scary topic that is a lot to handle. There are a lot of very bleak predictions, and even optimistic predictions will significantly disrupt humanity for at least some time. > > What are your tips on how I (and many others) can cope with this? > > (P.S. It's like I make a new post every day, isn't it?)


As some of you might know, I experience strong mood swings accompanied during the hyperthymic phases by delirious thoughts (technically not bipolar though, so no option for targeted treatment until it worsens, for now I only get an antipsychotic drug at low dose). I already feel a reduced need for sleep, lots of energy, etc. And I'm beginning to spend much more money than usual, making ridiculous plans, talking and writing too much and having a fast stream of thoughts involving nonsensical math, economy and science. This time I'll try to keep myself safe. So no more huge debates with libs on Reddit, no more deranged thought posts here, etc. Irl my friends and family know when to warn me.


In between jobs again recently and as usual everytime this happens my stepdad rips into me every chance he gets about having "no money and no job" Among other things like calling me a parasite or whatever. Go into mental health treatment soon and that cant come soon enough to get away from this crap.


I usually fall asleep around 22:30-23 and have to wake up around 6 for school. I’m a night person so I can’t really get to sleep before that. Also, the sound of my alarm is physically painful so I tend to be half-awake a while before it in anxious anticipation. High schoolers (I’m USian) need more sleep than most people, so I feel miserable on less than nine hours and deteriorate throughout the week. Idk how some people do it on even less sleep. My head buzzes and I can’t focus most of the time during the school day. On weekends I used to get 11-12 hours to make up for my sleep debt, but I haven’t been able to since daylight savings time. I can now barely get ten hours a lot of the time, leaving me tired enough to have a strong tendency to go on social media without much energy for else. Any advice? I can provide more information if necessary.


It seems all I do nowadays is work, be grumpy or read. Usually if I'm too grumpy to do anything I just sleep early, but I can't physically sleep enough for my mood these days. Your methods will probably not work for me, but I think this might get my head working on ideas. Besides that, I bet others will find some use for your ideas too.


I'll probably be feeling reasonably okay after some sleep tomorrow, but I need to lose my composure somewhere right now to blow off steam, and I guess this is a mental health community and I feel reasonably comfortable posting this here. It's relevant for this that I'm autistic. ::: spoiler Suicidal implications, lots of pettiness from my part, and some statements I'm well aware are irrational I've been dealing with some form of [Anhedonia]( for most of my adult life. Only recently I managed to find a coping mechanism in the darkest place, basically taking it as a premise that I'm gonna carry that with me forever, and trying to use my life as a platform to help people who actually can enjoy life instead. This effectively influences every facet of my life. I've structured my future plans in a way that doesn't hold any expectations of living into old age. I plan how I spend my time with regards to productivity (towards people I help, not towards wage thieves), rather than my own pleasure. I spend all my free time either planning and doing volunteer work or resting from it. I've even started exercising and eating well in order to have more energy and disposition for the projects. And I've been the most stable and functional I've ever been. I talk to a lot of people with ease, wake up early, and people even seem to enjoy my company and work a lot. From an outsider perspective, it might even seem like I "tricked myself" into enjoying life by hating life, but I still hardly feel any joy, definitely not enough to justify how much work it'll need to maintain this body for a long life. And I think that's okay. I'm fulfilling some sort of functions to society. And if I haven't managed to fix my issue with years of therapy or medication, I think it's more reasonable to work with the hand I was dealt than idealistically long for better. But now, from all this socialising, I've met a person who I uncritically enjoy a lot (context: I've only uncritically enjoyed a person's company once, and it was a time-limited thing), and started having romantic feelings towards her. That'd actually be completely fine, just a small inconvenience from either the temporary joy when together or the anxiety when overanalyzing things when apart. This part is not really new to me, and I think I could live with it. But then this one friend (who's also my ex and also the only person I consider a friend) took this as one big sign that, yes, I can actually enjoy life. Then she went on to try and get the idea in my head that "I deserve to be happy", as if I was punishing myself with this lifestyle (which I think is really inaccurate). But now the idea is there again, and every single inconvenience I get massively angry because "I deserve to be happy" and how unfair it is how I can't enjoy shit. Case in point, one "expert" that volunteered to collaborate in one of my classes made it flop massively because he has no idea how to conduct a class. The reception by the students was night and day. (Context: I think it's fair to say I'm a pretty good teacher given the sheer amount of praise I always get) And instead of just working with what I was dealt like I've been doing, I'm just so fucking angry because "obviously it's unfair", because I'm "damned if I do, damned if I don't" regarding helping myself or others. It's irrational and borderline religious, but I feel like, if I'm not going to be allowed joy, at least life shouldn't also throw completely unforeseeable curve balls at my projects to help others. I'm also really annoyed at this "romance" thing. I can't tell at all either what kind of body language I transmit to neurotypicals or what they imply. So to avoid trouble, every time something like this happens I just wait it out until it's no longer relevant. I probably missed a lot of people being interested in me this way, and I never minded that. But this time, this person is basically being framed as a "reason to enjoy life" in my brain, which feels deeply unethical. Basically putting her in an uncomfortable position if we were to get involved and then part ways. On the other hand it feels strange as fuck to try and argue for anything more "basic human joy" than deep human relations (platonic or romantic). So again, it's damned if I do, damned if I don't. Can't try to proceed this thing because I'll be moving to an unstable and unethical position, but can't walk away because "I deserve to be happy". Not to mention the downsides of romance with all the anxiety regarding subtle cues I can't really read. It's also so hard to form any lasting relationships (platonic or romantic) because I mostly just "tolerate people very well" and hardly ever enjoy their presence, let alone uncritically. So it feels like a huge lost opportunity. It's so strange seeing people so invested in "me being happy" despite many years of first-hand evidence showing that's unlikely. This kind of naïve hopefulness feels weird invalidating, even without deferring me to therapy (which I already do regularly). Hopefully this will pass, and I'll revert back to the certainty of hopless grumpiness soon. Dreams are for those who sleep. > Pessimism of the Intellect, and pessimism of the will too :::


cross-posted from: One of my good friends tried to take her life last week. I happened to be over hanging out with one of her roommates when her gf came out and said 'we need to get her to the hospital like now,' and I volunteered to drive. My crisis response is typically to get very robotic and problem solve about the events at hand. I had the thought "I am going to need to cry about this in about a week," but otherwise stayed focused on supporting the two of them. Later that night, I took care of my bf because he was really triggered by everything too. While a few friends have sat with me and kept me company when I've asked, for the most part no one has been proactive about checking in on me. Today and yesterday, my feelings have finally caught up to me and I've felt really sad and overwhelmed—more or less on schedule. with my original prediction. I have been having a lot of whiplash between the incredible support our community has had for our friend, and my frustration about feeling isolated now. I am worried that actually people are making some effort that way and that I am just being receptive enough to it and feeling guilty about feeling sad wrong. My own hurt and frustration are started to transfer into anger at my friend for doing something so traumatizing right now when I had already been having a difficult time. It feels like a lot of the progress I have been making on feeling more secure and self-sufficient have been undercut by this round of insecurity and isolation. I have done a better job of asking for help than I have in past times when I have been upset, I just wish people gave it proactively when they knew I was upset. It is a cruel thing to blame my friend for the response of our community. It is a cruel thing to be mad (upset is okay!) at my community for not saving energy for my delayed emotional response when hey there is a big crisis that happened and used up lots of people's energy. I am seeking advice on letting go of these bitter feelings.


I've been helplessly struggling with intrusive thoughts since as long I can remember. They were hard to explain. They got more drastic since the start of my teen years and gets bad to the point they make me want to commit suicide. They ruin about everything. Things I love, critical thinking, my perception of reality, my sanity, and my mental health. I rarely tell people because I was afraid that they were going to give me very dull advice. And it was months ago when I finally found the actual term for these thoughts. Right now my mind feels numb and worn out. (Probably gonna edit this later.)


Sorry for making a big text and sorry for my English. Cheers to you even if you're not reading it. ::: spoiler Very Slight TW I'll talk about compulsive scratching of some wounds/bruises I have ::: I'm a Brazilian from a big city, and I was accustomed to the Brazilian way of life. I recently went to the US to visit family and the sheer difference in purchasing power, quality of life, the humongous disparity between the US and Brazil are killing me. The US middle class is better off than the BR upper class by a big margin. I'm currently studying computer science in university, and my goal is to leave BR for somewhere ""better"" (take better with heavy quotes). Thing is, in BR there's basically no university-grade job in my field and there's basically almost no way of getting out if you don't have experience in the field like me. Recently, about 2 months ago, I've stopped taking my (light) anxiety meds because they're expensive. My parents (I'm 20) can buy it no problem but my expenses weigh on me so much I just stopped it. I started to itch some tiny wounds in my legs and they got rather ugly, which is not as bad as an infection or something. I was always worried about getting out of BR because I wanted a good professional life in which I could actually use the skills I got from uni, but in Brazil there's basically nothing besides making websites and bugfixing banking software. I want to make graphics drivers, motherboard firmware, work with free and open source software, but there's nothing here. And with nothing here, how do I get an opening to move to another country like Germany or the US? (countries I have family living in) Seeing NYC compared to São Paulo, seeing the standards of living in person is driving me nuts. I'll live a comparably miserable life, with a miserable job, with mental health issues, and I'll never start a revolution. I'm giving up. Do you have any words of advice for a young comrade? Thank you for reading thus far and sorry for being so incoherent. Cheers from Delaware (and from São Paulo)


Bad news: It’s still retailing at $365/month Death to America


- Usual: voices have no meaning, no voice, repetitions of certain phrases, few seconds, Idling. The following are special recent cases that stood out. - Encounter one: unintelligible conversation with an inanimate object (Tomato), thoughts, whispering voice, meaning: sabotage of someone I know, few minutes, Idling. - Encounter two: stapler in right hand, pin in left backhand hand, no memory, Idling. - Encounter three: conversation with mirror(?) reflection(?), rhythmic beat tapping with nails, nonsensical, meaning: fight(?), few minutes, Idling. - Encounter four: unintelligible voices, a need for isolation, emotional weight with no link, 2 days, Idling. - Recent encounter: unintelligible voices, attempts at detaching fingernails, few seconds, Reading a book. I feel like help is an illusion.


Frankly, I need to start using this with deciding on "what to read next" and "what to study next."


I feel like I have been deteriorating for months. I haven't wanted to do anything and talk to anyone. Even playing video games feels like more work than I'm willing to do. I don't want to leave bed and just want to sleep permanently. I'm lucky that I work from home and have a slow enough job that I can regularly shirk responsibility without anyone noticing. I'm also lucky that I still live with my parents and have some people around. But I can't keep living like this. Despite having a full time job, I'm living like a NEET. I'm already seeing a therapist and getting medication from a shrink. That doesn't seem to be making a difference. Between support from professionals and family members and professionals, I'm getting more than enough help for most people to get back on their feet. Yet for some reason it's not enough for me. I can only conclude at this point that the reason I'm continuing to get worse is that I refuse to take personal responsibility. I know "personal responsibility" isn't enough in most cases where systemic issues keep people down, but I'm ridiculously privileged, as in "has never faced anything resembling real hardship" privileged. The system is set up for shits like me to do well and I still can't pick myself up. It doesn't help that I have less self discipline than a teenage twitter anarchist who wants to abolish bedtime. How do I get myself to stop being so lazy and do something? I'm tired of being little more than a parasitic slug.


![]( Hey Comrades, With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent and support post. This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you’re feeling and why below. Let’s use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite On a side note I want to suggest checking out **It's Not Just In Your Head**, a podcast by two radical anti-capitalist psychologists discussing mental health and it's relationship with Capitalism.


i have biolar 1 with psychotic features. what illness you got from these people?


I’m very sorry for rambling and writing terribly. It’s very late where I am and I feel exhausted after spending all day fighting myself again. I’ve been putting off sending a post like this for a while, but I just feel like I’m at the end of my rope. Hopefully I make at least a little sense. I just started typing and wrote from my heart without looking back. Thank you for reading. I’m just very confused and its destroying my mental health. Thinking of the future in general is soul sucking. I don’t have dreams of traveling anymore, or going out with friends, or having a family or a high paying job. All I have is stress and fear from the very idea of working 40+ hour weeks at a dead end capitalist job with no vacations, no benefits, no sick days, playing a capitalist rat race, not having enough money to save up and support myself, and not having enough time or money to do anything interesting or worthwhile. I feel like I’m trapped in a cruel hell. I’m currently in the college hell of trying to determine what to major in, and more importantly pursue in the future as a career or field. I’m quite lost and extremely anxious going through this. I feel that most of my interests are laughable and/or translate to poorly paying jobs, or are social “negatives” that can only be rarely applied in a very niche collection of spaces in a capitalist system (i.e. Marxism). For example I was very interested in political sciences, but jobs are one in a million if I weren’t to pursue academia or law which I’m not particularly interested in. Even then what little jobs there are are pretty much all for neoliberal, conservative, and imperialist; corporations, thinktanks, and government institutions. Along with that, all my dreams of the future feel empty and impossible now, as I have a hard time finding any strength to fight back against the system alone. It’s hard to see the purpose is trying. I feel like I made a big mistake walking out Plato’s cave and seeing the world for what it is. I wish I could go back to the blissful ignorance. I can’t even decide what I like anymore, I don’t enjoy anything useful like Comp Sci or Medicine, and I don’t feel a particular strong passion or interest for any field, even ones that don’t pay well or are rare. For example I have a friend in art school, which while an unconventional and poorly respected path in the capitalist hellscape, they find great passion and interest in what they do and love every moment of it. Letting them pay little attention to the future. Meanwhile I feel trapped thinking about the failure I will amount to as I am stuck paralyzed. All I can think about is the hellscape of the system I’m trapped in with no way to claw out of. Like a bad dream that you can’t wake up from. I’m very privileged to have been able to see a a very distinguished and well respected therapist and psychologist for what’s been going on in my life, but even they’re clueless. All they can give are sad platitudes, and depressing agreement to what I say. They are a wonderful person and try their best, but it seems like there’s little someone can do to help a problem like this. I feel trapped and cursed.


![]( Hey Comrades, First, I want to apologize for not being more active in developing this community, life became very hectic shortly after taking over moderating and hasn't really let up since. Will do my best to get these threads up weekly going forward to help grow the community. With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent post. This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you're feeling and why below. Let's use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite.


I dont want to become like the #1 poster of long-winded rants about my life here, but I find it therapeutic. I am also wondering if this just my brain being checked out, a medical thing, or something everyone has. I have this thing where my brain decides to think things that I would never do. Its also hard to talk about because then everyone would think I secretly want to do all the things described. Cookie cutter extreme example: it imagines me killing everyone around me or something. I would never want to kill anyone around me, at least usually lol. Most times it's my family which I care for deeply. Ill just be near something, or someone, and my brain imagines me doing the absolute worse thing someone could do in that situation. It fucks with me. Because I feel like there's a serial killer describing some really fucked shit in my head as I'm trying to exist. That odd force would never have any power, and it shares no desires with me, it just sits there and acts like I want to engage in horrible acts. Also, I dont see it as an actual entity in my brain, like another person, it's more like self-doubt but saying things that make me want to never talk to anyone again. Again, does this happen to any of you? Do any of you know what this is? thanks. (Also worth noting, much worse shit it imagines as compared to just killing people. Shit that makes not want to see anyone ever again.) (Edit: I suppose this is relatively normal. I guess no one told me people have thoughts they may not agree with, maybe more of a comment on Amerikkkan education and parenting.)


Lately discussing politics with people is really doing my head in. Like, is it that hard to be a decent human being and care for eachother, nature and yourself? Is it that hard to understand that we're better off working together instead of being hyper competitive to benefit a few people at the top? Is it too much to ask if we want decent living standards for **everyone**? Sometimes I internally ask myself why I bother this much. Not that I see myself as the next Jesus bringing world peace or something, I only want to make this world a better place in the ways that I can. But so many people over here seem to not care in the slightest and that gets me to be negative sometimes. Makes we want to buy a tiny house in nature somewhere and just piss off and let everyone go their own way. Just wanted to rant, comrades. I know I need to remain calm, read my theory and keep on explaining to people. But my God if I need to keep hearing about the free market economy or how immigrants are to blame for everything for the next years I might go insane.


Anyone find this useful?


Ever since I've became a Marxist, I've been seeing the dark sides of liberalism, capitalism, etc. Now, all my passions and the capitalist/liberal desires that fueled them have died. I wanted to be a musician and become rich and famous, now that's an unrealistic kid story. I wanted to become a writer and spread my works to millions, not anymore. I wanted to do game development, but that's gone now. I wanted to become a legislator as a kid and spread good for society, proposing laws that would help the younger generation, but the US government is so fucking corrupt. I wanted to become an MMA fighter, but the industry in that is rigged. I wanted to become a business owner, and even learned the dark things needed to do to become "successful." But the thought of fucking over vulnerable people for personal gain makes me sick to my stomach. I've recently found a major I could study in college for - Electrical engineering. But really I don't feel the slightest interested in that either. I had a quick blip of interest and then it died. Every industry is so rigged, and people like me won't survive in it. I'm not a fake it till you make it type person. I'm never favored by anyone, not popular in any type of circle. I'm cold and concrete, I can't put on masks. And even the thought of manipulating people is tiring as hell. I'd rather be real and truthful, least bit of effort. I have no money to travel to other countries where music might make me successful, and my passions for everything have died. I hate the word "hard work." I like work that's worthwhile and enjoyable, something I would spend hours on. But that doesn't exist in the US. I seriously feel like a wandering soul. The only thing that's keeping me alive is the desire to travel the world. If I didn't have that motive, I probably would have offed myself a long time ago. I feel like my life is nothing, and I am nothing. I honestly don't know anymore. I might become a thief, stalking rich people's social medias then stealing from them. Or becoming a mercenary. Kid's fantasy, I know. I might have to face the disgusting truth and join the military to get the rest of my basic fucking human rights. Housing, money, college, I don't know. I feel like I'm going no where.


I have been going through things because of what others might consider something insignificant, I feel like a giant baby even thinking about it, anyhow if you have something small or considered insignificant bothering feel free to comment it ig


**This post is fairly disturbing and also true, so if you are bothered by that maybe stray away. ** ::: spoiler spoiler im composing this while in therapy and bullshitting (sharing as little as possible that is) my current therapist. I'm tired of therapy that makes no sense, every time I don't vibe with my therapist I try a new one, and it's the same white cis woman who hasn't had a mental health issue in their life. I'd rather have someone who I feel like I can actually spill my mind on. Not to mention, damn me for being suicidal. Tried telling that to one of them once and all I got was DSS case on my ass and someone asking if I wanted to shoot queer people. Dumb ass i'm a fucking trans person do I look like a fucking mass shooter. Mofos got my weapons too. Didn't even help at all, they kept all my Tylenol in tact at my apartment, I guess they think people just shoot themselves. The mental health "support" I have are all Cis, straight, Liberal, petit bourgeois people who'd rather ask if they can do a tarot reading than actually help with my depression. Not to mention what being neurodivergent has to do with it. Found out I have Autism and ADHD recently and all that've got is people dismissing me. My current therapist doesn't know two shits about autism, I mean they don't know two shits about queer people either so whatever, still though, I went to get a support needs based therapist and I got fuckin dismissed. Apparently I'm "High-Fuctioning" enough to not need fucking help. Whatever. (btw the person who diagnosed my ADHD and Autism says I need support.) Anyway, don't worry for me if you are, I won't be offing myself anytime soon. My birthday is coming up and I have a supportive helpful family. I also have a friend of mine, who funnily enough i've only known for a month and a half which is faaaaaaaaar better at helping than therapy. He's also struggles with the same exact things. I've been able to help and open up about mental, sexual, and general helth more than I could to a therapist in 1,000 years in less than two months ::: .


I thought this was interesting. Initiatives like these, I feel, are more often than not at their core a band-aid to cover up the intrinsic socially atomizing and alienating facets of capitalist society. However, I do think that the idea of a state-run agency that helps facilitate social interaction between people, especially people who realize that their loneliness is causing them great distress, is a good thing. It's hard to socialize as an adult I feel, and institutions like this could be an accessible way to meet new people. If they're implemented properly, of course.


I just came from failing at my exam. The one subject I studied the most, the one I sacrificed the other subjects for. I panicked and I wasn't able to do simple math. Nothing ever works. I'm living in almost complete poverty, don't even have money for toilet paper, eat basically rice every day, I can't even wash my clothes. My mother has kind of told me to fuck off and I'm supposed to go and live with my drug addict of a father, I need to get a shitty job, I don't know if I have the mental equilibrium to do both a job and university. I have nothing. I have no one. I need to kill myself and stop pretending I can go forward, it only ever gets worse.


Hey you, business owners Are you so blinded by short term profits that you can't make a long term recruiting plan? Or have you given up on the future already and are just trying to live the life before it's all over? Why are you asking me for 1 year of experience and mastery of 8 different technologies on your entry level pre-employment listing? I've already got a degree, does that mean anything to you? Are degrees useless now? I'm willing to take any salary at this point just to get out of my room and do something with my life Why do they call it a job market? A job is the only real source of income for the majority of the world population, are we trading people's lives now? Why is it that if I stay unemployed I'm treated as if I have an expired sticker on my face? And you, state Are you so pathetic to publish a document with all sorts of legal jargon for just one position? One position that will get you a 6 page list of candidates just so they can all move to the capital twice to pass your oral and written exams? For one position? Are you not ashamed in the slightest? I'm so tired of you all


Hey Comrades, With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent post. This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you're feeling and why below. Let's use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite.


Hey Comrades, With the current state of the world and general increase in negative feelings and emotions as a result of the current state of affairs, I wanted to start a community weekly vent post. This will be for anything you need to talk about related to your mental health that is bothering you. If you feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, depressed, anxious, anything, write what you're feeling and why below. Let's use this as a place to help each other get through this awful shite.


Quit nicotine two weeks ago, vaping, cigs, patches, everything, done with it. I'm going nuts if I'm being honest. It was fine the first week, which I guess was weird, but the this last week has been a nightmare, everything I do is difficult and annoying I'm itchy all over, can't focus on anything, I have cried like seven times since yesterday over the dumbest things. I dropped my chopsticks on the ground, and cried as I was cleaning them because they were dirty I guess? Nicotine makes my anxiety way worse and I have known for years that I need to stop, but it helped me get off hard drugs so I was partial to it and always made excuses. Finally decided to do it with my partners support. It's been hard, but I'm gonna do it.


I see ADHD meds *constantly* being prescribed to people that fit ADHD symptoms; but neurotransmitter levels usually aren't checked prior, which could cause some issues in development. Capitalism is a parasite that values profit over people, so it is unsurprising to find that some people fit ADHD symptoms because the brutality of capitalism exhausted them. Artificially inserting neurotransmitters into children can affect their development; health issues could appear as a result.


I literally fall asleep to the deprogram so that I don't get depressed. I feel like I'm going nuts.