
It was honestly a perfect combo of the two shows. Many moments had me howling.


HOLY HELL. For those that really loved Shin Godzilla I feel like this is gonna be a feast!


I was not expecting an anime version of Suicide Squad but I am here for it!


This is something I want to do with the channel but am considering waiting till we get at least 1000 subscribers so theres enough people to make the server viable. Before making that decision, Id like to get your feedback!


I am flabbergasted that this actually got made! I loved this game series as a kid and am morbidly curious about a tv adapation.


I’m a huge Indiana Jones fan and finally saw Dial of Destiny last night. Sadly, I didn’t really enjoy it. The deaging was distracting and didn’t add anything to the story and Harrison Ford is honestly too old to be playing Indy anymore. His performance reminded me of Patrick Stewart in Picard - trying so hard to reach the quality of his former iconic character but not having the ability anymore to do it successfully. I also expected more from Mangold. Logan was such a high quality movie that I assumed everything Mangold would do after would be top tier but this movie kinda proves that Disney’s army of producers can ruin any talented directors work and there’s no reason to get excited about a specific director if Disney is involved. What did y’all think of Dial of Destiny? Do you feel similar or are my opinions off base?


Seems like a solid first season! I’m most excited for the story - it’s described as a stand-alone tale instead of a direct continuation of the campaign. It will deal somewhat with the fallout of Inarius’ death and what’s going on with the Cathedral of Light now. This will certainly be a treat for us lore-nerds. Anyone else gonna be starting the season day 1?


Felt like a neat add on to TOS but probably my least favorite of the season so far even tho I did like it. I’m still pretty lukewarm on the Pike/Batel relationship. The reunion at the end didn’t feel very earned. Would be nice to get some more time with those two so I can get why I’m supposed to like them as a couple.


My partner and I just started it and are about 6 episodes in and it’s honestly pretty interesting. It has some YA novel feeling issues but it overall seems like a well done show. I like how the showrunners are able to have all the characters talk to and treat younger people in the show like they’re normal adults/people. There’s no talking down or disregarding them because of their age. The one time where someone tried that (when the aeronaut met Lyra) the notion got shot down immediately. Is that an aspect in the books as well? Seems like a refreshing choice.


Maybe more to do with the non-sensical story and the final act turning into a kaiju attack lol


Between this and the King of the Hill revival, older animation loving millennials are eating gooood.


Now THIS is a patch update. Ready to grind some NM dungeons while I wait for the season to start.


Hey all! I started this community and wanted to kick things off with an inaugural post! Much appreciation to anyone who is checking out this channel. This is meant to be an inclusive and fun group so if you like what you see, subscribe to the channel and join in the conversation! I'd love to hear what folks have been playing/reading/watching lately. For me, I've been having a blast with Diablo 4, so much so that I finished the campaign and decided to go back to the very beginning and play Diablo 1. The main nerdy show's I'm watching are Silo and Strange New Worlds. Im liking Silo but hope season 2 steps up the writing. SNW is top notch like it has been since it started. As far as reading, I'm in the middle of Tom King's Supergirl series and have been enjoying it greatly. Looking forward to building with you, Clark.