
[Every day, my genitals "produce" several million sperm — about 1,500 per second.  ]( My sperm are [BIG]( insurrectionist (part of an disorganized militia)... and they have sharp little teeth.  They need to be evicted thoroughly and often.   If sperm are not released from the testicles, they die, and their corpses are absorbed.  This creates a swampy puddle with sperm swimming in their decomposing peers... and that's sad.  I don't like having sad cemetery balls filled with marmy death, so I attempt to give every sperm an adventure - [the time of our lives]( Of course, not every sperm is sacred - not every sperm is great - nature attempts to allow for [diversity]( ), and often fails. Each of these individuals (who are also somehow "me") has some amount of autonomy.  They each choose to float, swim up, down, left, right, fast, slow, over here, over there, away from the heat, away from that other guy, and at best [TOWARD THAT EGG]( ).   Female humans release a relatively passive "egg" - an [ovum]( - about once per month.  It attracts sperm, carries genetic information, imposes natural selection, is enveloped by an incubation structure if fertilized, and contributes to the physical body it becomes. To my [perception](, it seems as though the ovum is the prototypical "body", and the sperm is the prototypical brain, spine, and central nervous system that enters that "body" - or is accepted by it, or a combination of both - to begin gestation. This is not "belief" (the acceptance of something without evidence), it is a hypothesis that is based on what I consider to be known about human reproduction and anatomy.  I accept that sperm do not have vertebrae... but they do have a "tail" that is remarkably similar to a spine in function and in form - the difference between them is a lack of calcium deposits... "bones". We are in that respect very similar to the earliest known precursor to all vertebrates - [pikaia gracilens]( Fetuses also have early stages that include [tail-like forms]( ), and not often, but occasionally, humans are born with [vestigial tails]( that are indications of remnants of early evolution. I'm just saying... the general shape of the thing... that is... the sperm... seems to reappear during the first two months of gestation, and remains recognizable in the cerebrospinal structure.   "Created YHWH Elohim the sides which had taken from Adam as a wife and brought to Adam." The "side chambers" or "sides" (the Hebrew is צְלָעֹת/tsela) that were taken from Adam and made into Eve by YHWH, refer to the side-by-side nature of the testicles. It does not infer that the testicles or part of the testicles were removed, but that some of the contents of the testicles were used in the creation of Eve.  This is a reasonable, non-destructive, somewhat natural perception.  To insist that YHWH created Adam whole only to immediately remove part of His creation is extremely problematic. The essential naturalistic difference between male and female sexual physiology would reasonably be the presence of semen created by males, to early men. 2023 DRHOY asserts - based on indirect observation - that a sperm is a prototypical brain, spine, and central nervous system. ~2010 YouTube atheists (to my experience) give the definitive answer to "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?". ::: spoiler spoiler Birds - such as the chicken - [evolved from lizards](, and lizards are also born from eggs. ::: 1978 The first human baby born from in vitro fertilization (IVF).  1916 The first “sperm count” tests were available.  1878 Reproductive cells - egg and sperm - were named "gametes". ~1870 Biologists understood that both sperm and egg are required to produce offspring, but remained largely "Spermist": “The male seed of whatever members of the animal kingdom contains … all the limbs and organs which an animal has when it is born.” 1824 Animal trials were convincing that sperm are not parasites but are involved in fertilization. 1685 It was suggested that inside a sperm’s head was a tiny human body (a "homunculus", blending Ovist and Spermist features).   1651 William Harvey’s On the Generation of Animals states, “Everything from an egg”. "Ovism", the opinions of "Ovists", had a preformist view: there was a ready-made, tiny human being, inside the egg; and inside that human was another egg, enclosing another body, like a hopelessly unnecessary matryoshka doll.   ~1590-1650  Microscope users observed minute wriggling living animals in semen.  Sperm were generally considered either to be parasites or the sole precursor of a baby ("Spermism"/"Spermists"). c. 1200s Islamic physicians suggest seeds for reproduction are made in several organs and congregate in the sex organs.  c. 65 BCE Roman philosopher and poet Lucretius wrote that men and women produce fluids containing seeds for procreation.  ~3000 BCE  Enoch began the writing tradition that became what is now Bereshit (Genesis), somehow including an understanding that reproductive influence is located in the testicles.


[Matthew 2:9]( Moreover having heard the King, they went away; and behold, the star which they saw [*while] in the East went before them until having come, it stood over where was the Child. [*The Magi are not saying that they saw this significant star in an astrological "eastern" position, nor that they saw the star in the "East" relative to where they were when observing it, but that they saw the star accompanying the birth of Jesus while they themselves were located in the "East" relative to Jerusalem.] I think it is reasonable to assume that in the context of the nativity the general form of the "star" is some form of a floating or flying object that is composed of or radiates light.  This star is not described as making any sound.   It is reasonable to assume that there is not a known modern-day meteorological equivalent to this "star".  It is not "swamp gas", as it were. In fact, it is not described as having a gaseous field around it - [as new stars do]( ) - or this quandry would be more easily explained.  It could be readily assumed and accepted that while stationary near Jerusalem it gave off a gas cloud that made it appear larger - and more easily seen from afar - and while moving the gas cloud was dispersed. If a star without a gas field were to indicate by proximity the location of a birthplace, it must by some reasonable means create association with an area that is approximately "personal".   The star must by one of at least two means do this.  Either the star itself moved close enough to the proper hut, cave, or barn; or it [radiated light at the location]( indicated. The star is not described as radiating beams of light in particular directions.   It is described as [moving relative to the Magi and the points of interest]( Bethlehem is a relatively small place - especially compared to a celestial "star". A star similar to the Sun could not indicate by means of proximity any particular continent to the perception of observers, much less a particular place of birth. [The "star" is comparatively small, and is itself the expression of direction. ]( The parameters of the size of the star are seemingly presumable. It must be small enough to indicate relative proximity of the birthplace, and either large enough or close enough to be observable by the Magi.  For greater distances, a larger span between the Magi and the star is reasonable - and possibly necessary. If the star were not at sufficient elevation, the [curvature of the Earth could block it from the Magi's view](  At an international scale, a star could indicate sufficient directions by being in a general area between the Magi and Judah. For lesser distances, such as a metropolitan scale, that direction would still remain reasonably general, but could account for the best means of travel (accounting for terrain and other physical realities) between cities, villages, and other municipalities. Within the constraints of an actual village, such as Bethlehem in the year 4BCE, a star as a guidance tool would need to be personably small. This star as described indicates the appropriate entrance - whether it be of a house, barn, or cave - to the place of birth, and moves with recognizable relativity to the Magi. The Magi travel from "the East" and are anticipating and observing stars to signal the birth of a king of the Jews. To my sense of appropriate cultural relativity, this must include at least all of Mesopotamia, if not all of what was then considered the "Orient". All of the major Mesopotamian cultures celebrated [royalty and deification through the symbolism of "stars"]( (and also what we would now consider "planets").  It seems necessary that the star of the Christ must be visible from at least the birthplace of the cultures it was intimately associated with. Jesus was considered to be a High Priest in the Order Of King Zedek. King Zedek was the first king of Jerusalem (Jeru-/YHWH's- -Salem/-Peace), and a contemporary of Abraham.This must include at least what is now NorthEastern Turkey (which contains the ["Garden Of Eden"]( - the place of creation of and for YHWH's people), if not also what is now Southern Iraq (which contains [Ur](, the birthplace of Abraham, who purchased the [Foundation Stone]( as a threshing floor, and was personally covenanted with Elohim).  The question then becomes - assuming that the star does not change its size or brightness as required - how big and bright must a star near Jerusalem be to be observable from those relatively similar distances? The light that is described may be assumed to be "starlight". It is not a laser-beam, and it is not described as having any particular focus of radiation.  The [Bat Signal]( is a spotlight (being focussed) of a reasonable size (perhaps as much as ~10' diameter) to give relative indication of an entranceway - but could not be seen in Ur from Jerusalem. The light would diffuse in the atmosphere long before reaching the Chaldees, and the spotlight would be indecipherable. Could an orb the size of the Epcot Center indicate a very particular "room" from the perspective of human observers? Spaceship Earth is 165 feet in diameter, and [has a very particular "bottom" from a human perspective]( [The Epcot Center (Spaceship Earth) is observable to the eye at a distance of only approximately 18kms.]( The distance between Ur and Jerusalem is ~1000km, and the distance between Göbelbakan, Türkiye and Jerusalem is ~1200km. I don't math real good... but it seems that the star would have to be about 61 times the size of Spaceship Earth.  That is approximately 1000 feet (or ~300 meters). The Eiffel Tower is slightly more than 300 meters high. It may be of interest to some, that the parameters wherein a star could fulfill the descriptions given of it in the Gospel Of Matthew are very slim but only just possible.   Those of faith are more likely to assume these conditions to be proof of a miraculous nature, and those without faith more likely to reject the assertion wholecloth. Here is the approximate scale of a star that is observable across Mesopotamia, but small enough to indicate by its presence the location of a particular dwelling: Matthew 2:10 Having seen moreover the star, they rejoiced with joy great exceedingly. ::: spoiler spoiler Shoop images: :::

Religion DRHOY 1y ago 100%
This is poetry.

**PRIVATE POVERTY** 95% of sexual abuses are not reported to law enforcement. Few victims of sexual violence receive professional supports. Sexual abuse causes difficulties in intimacy. Sexually assaulted persons experience profoundly damaged security, self-esteem and self-confidence. **NO TRESPASSING** Deuteronomy 22:25 (Darby) But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her, then the man only that lay with her shall die “O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will.” … An-Nisa” 4:19 The third of the Five Precepts of Buddhism is "To refrain from committing sexual misconduct”. Dharmasutra Vasistha 28​:2-3 states that, "…a woman is polluted by being raped…” but is ritually cleansed. The Matsyapurāņa states that a woman who is raped is innocent but her rapist should be executed. The Criminal Code Of Canada: Assault • 265 (1) A person commits an assault when a) without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly; b) he attempts or threatens, by an act or a gesture, to apply force to another person, if he has, or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose; or c) while openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes another person or begs. • Marginal note:Application (2) This section applies to all forms of… …sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon,… …and aggravated sexual assault. • Marginal note:Consent (3) For the purposes of this section, no consent is obtained where the complainant submits or does not resist by reason of a) the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the complainant; b) threats or fear of the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the complainant; c) fraud; or d) the exercise of authority. • Marginal note:Accused’s belief as to consent (4) Where an accused alleges that he believed that the complainant consented to the conduct that is the subject-matter of the charge, a judge, if satisfied that there is sufficient evidence and that, if believed by the jury, the evidence would constitute a defence, shall instruct the jury, when reviewing all the evidence relating to the determination of the honesty of the accused’s belief, to consider the presence or absence of reasonable grounds for that belief. Marginal note:Assault 266 Every one who commits an assault is guilty of • a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or • b) an offence punishable on summary conviction. Marginal note:Assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm 267 Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who, in committing an assault, • a) carries, uses or threatens to use a weapon or an imitation thereof, • b) causes bodily harm to the complainant, or • c) chokes, suffocates or strangles the complainant. **THE VIOLATED WILL BE PROSTITUTED** More than half of all attackers are known to the abused. Harms of sexual abuse often result in social dysfunctions. Research [suggests]( that approximately 3 in 4 are violated prior to prostituting. [This]( [is ]( [poetry.](


[Emperor Rudolph II ](,_Holy_Roman_Emperor)kept a pet tiger running wild in his castle at all times.   People who came to the castle were assured that if the tiger hurt them that the Emperor would reimburse them or their heirs. I'm just saying... the guy was wild. Rudolf II inherited the [Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta]( from his grandfather Emperor Ferdinand The First (who had an impressive [five-head]( The Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta ("The Model Book of Calligraphy") is a magnificent creation. It features plants, animals, pretty writing, and many purely fictional fantasties of supernatural things. The Voynich Manuscript is a... it falls quite short of magnificent... I can say that it is a work of astonishing dedication. Dedication... to tomfoolery. It also features plants, animals, and many purely fictional fantasties of supernatural things - including somewhat less pretty (but entirely fraudulent) writing. It featured the calligraphized signature of E Rudolpnus (that's how he spelled it in the manuscript, not accounting for a few umlauts or whatever) ***very many dozens of times***. The signatures are generally in the bottom-left of the page, and are occasionally written vertically on its edge. Rudy had created his own colouring book - very similar to the manuscript his grandfather had given him - and was practicing his signature. Then, he had a bold idea. He could convince people that his nonsensical paintings were of archaic - perhaps even alien - origins. He scraped his signatures and family crest off, weirded the whole thing up with a fake script and a few embellishments, and sent it to a friend. The friend used a dialect from Malta. The friend was fooled by the hoax, attempted to equate the symbols within the script to alphabetical characters, and eventually hazarded a guess that the book must be from "West France". I have now been distracted by the influence of Emperor Rudolpnus' humour for too many hours of my precious life. From this manuscript, however, I discovered a new form of identification of written characters, and coined them "hydroglyphs". Hydroglyphs occur when a manuscript gets wet, water stands on the page, ink leaches out of/off of the page, the ink floats on top of the standing water, the water carrying the ink moves, the water carrying the ink dries, and the ink carried by the water re-adheres to the page in a new location (often with a different orientation). Rudy would have approved of the actual knowledge incidentally gained from his prank. 

Religion DRHOY 1y ago 40%
Eskimantsik Pie

"Eskimo" - from "Eskimantsik" - means "eater of raw meat." Macronutrients - carbohydrates, fats, alcohol, and proteins - are the sources of all dietary calories. These are the compounds that are converted into energy.  Micronutrients - generally vitamins and minerals - although needed only in trace amounts, are essential for survival.  A visitor to the arctic attempted to become infected with tapeworms from eating raw Arctic char. He removed tapeworm larvae from the fish, and swallowed them in gelatin capsules. He developed three tapeworms from 24 larvae. He then recommended that the fish be cooked to kill the larvae - not realizing that cooking would destroy vitamin B12, the only source of vitamin B available. Since every animal in the arctic food chain is eating the other raw, the nutrients are preserved, and passed on up the food chain to its pinnacle. The Arctic Foodchain Turducken Song - to be sung to the tune of "[The Bog Down In The Valley-O](": Oh, Oh, The rattlin' bog, The bog up in the arctic-O Oh, Oh, The rattlin' bog, The bog up in the arctic-O And in that bog there was a kelp, A rare kelp, a rattlin' kelp. With the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. Eating that kelp there was a krill, A rare krill, a rattlin' krill. With the kelp in the krill, And the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. Eating that krill there was a fish, A rare fish, a rattlin' fish. With the krill in the fish, And the kelp in the krill, And the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. Eating that fish there was a seal, A rare seal, a rattlin' seal. With the fish in the seal, And the krill in the fish, And the kelp in the krill, And the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. Eating that seal there was a walrus, A rare walrus, a rattlin' walrus. With the seal in the walrus, And the fish in the seal, And the krill in the fish, And the kelp in the krill, And the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. Eating that walrus there was a whale, A rare whale, a rattlin' whale. With the walrus in the whale,  And the seal in the walrus, And the fish in the seal, And the krill in the fish, And the kelp in the krill, And the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. Eating that whale there was a human, A rare human, a rattlin' human. With the whale in the human, And the walrus in the whale, And the seal in the walrus, And the fish in the seal, And the krill in the fish, And the kelp in the krill, And the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. Eating that human there was a bear, A polar bear, a rattlin' bear. With the human in the bear, And the whale in the human, And the walrus in the whale, And the seal in the walrus, And the fish in the seal, And the krill in the fish, And the kelp in the krill, And the kelp in the bog, And the bog up in the arctic-O. The replenishing of nutrients improves health. The perception of improved health may be experienced immediately.  Most cultures have or had mythologies, rituals, and/or religious ceremonies involving the eating of raw flesh.  It is obvious that a source of the superstitions is a combination of pride and excitement in successful hunting and the relative perception between exhausted nutrition and the sudden onset of an overwhelming sense of health. [Wetaskiwin.](


The Chitsonim dubbed the Pharisees: "The Seekers Of Smooth Things" in fragments 3 and 4 of the Pesher Nahum (4Q169) of the [Dead Sea Scrolls](  The term was an insult of those who had appealed to Demetrius III Eucaerus in opposition to Alexander Jannaeus. The Pesher Nahum describes The Seekers as an organized violent group responsible for numerous deaths. They are blamed for misleading kings, princes, priests, and the nation in opposition to the divine plan.  More on that tragic tradition... on another day. Punishment suggested in the Temple Scroll for those who oppose god is to be "hanged on a tree" - crucified - until death. The Chitsonim were allied with King Jannaeus, a particularly prominent opponent to the Pharisees, who after defeating Demetrius, crucified 800 Pharisaic dissidents and had their families killed while enjoying a feast. Usury was forbidden throughout all of Ancient Israel. "If thou lend money to any of My people, even to the poor with thee, thou shalt not be to him as a creditor, neither shall ye lay upon him interest" (Ex. 22:24).  "...if thy brother be waxen poor and his means fail with thee… Take no interest of him or increase; but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon interest, nor give him thy victuals [provisions, living necessities] for increase" (Lev. 25:35–37).  "Thou shalt not lend upon interest to thy brother: interest of money, interest of victuals [provisions, living necessities], interest of anything that is lent upon interest. Unto a foreigner thou mayest lend upon interest; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon interest; that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou puttest thy hand unto…" (Deut. 23:20–21). "He that augmenteth his substance by interest and increase" is among "evil men" (Prov. 28:8).  "He that putteth not out his money on interest" is upright and righteous (Ps. 15:5).  In the prophecies of Ezekiel usury was mentioned in the context of larceny, adultery, homicide, and other "abominations" that are worthy of death (18:11–13).  The "Mark Of The Beast" was - or is said to be - "666".This "sign" is prophetically expected to be placed on the forehead and right hand of all people.  The placement of these signs are directly counter to - and blasphemous of - phylactery use.  The Teffilin - discipline symbolized as [tiny scrolls representing the Torah]( within leather boxes attached to leather straps - are [bound upon the forehead and the left hand]( of Jewish men.  The significance of the number "666" is the yearly personal credit of 666 [gold talents]( demanded by King Solomon, who failed to observe the "Ten Commandments" (or the "Laws Of Moses", "Book Of Moses", "The Law", etc.) in his profound gluttony of all things. In Revelations 6:6, John Of Patmos relates as post-humous testimony from Jesus/YHWH that "...I heard like a voice in midst of the four living creatures, saying 'A choenix of wheat for a denarius, and three choenixes of barley for a denarius, and the oil and the wine not you should injure.'" That is - the price and quality of basic goods necessary for worship must be maintained as both inexpensive and precious.  The Sanhedrin was the bi-cameral (two-chambered) governmental office of the Sadducees and the Pharisees under the authority of the High Priest.  Among the many responsibilities and powers of the Sanhedrin was the imposition of tithes (religious taxes for the Temple of generally 10%), and expenditure of Temple finances. The Sanhedrin was not always equal parts Pharisee to Sadducee, and in the early First Century Sadducean influence had been rendered inconsequential. The "Fifth Woe" of Jesus referred to laws of tithing in burdensome minuteness, created by the Pharisees as the Sanhedrin. The smallest plants that could be preserved had become associated with a responsibility to tithe 10% of them to the Temple. Not only the seeds, but, even the leaves and stalks of produce became expected to be tithed. These are, in large part, some of the burdens mentioned in [Matthew 23:4 "They tie up burdens heavy and hard to bear and lay on the shoulders of men.  Themselves however, with finger of them, not are they willing to move them."]( The descriptive title is an insult - and is really quite witty.   Only people with smooth hands are able to feel smooth things, and only people who do not work have smooth hands.    To the sardonic perspective of the Chitsonim, Sadducees, and other righteous Israelites, the Pharisees must primarily be "Seekers Of Smooth Things", because they appear to preserve smooth hands at all costs.


Within Judaism there are dietary restrictions, allowances, and requirements. They are based on the remembrance and observation of religious principals. Many of the origins of these disciplines have not been fully understood for thousands of years. Amongst these are details about which insects are kosher and how they can and cannot be prepared by Israelites.   Locusts were/are kosher: Leviticus 11:22 "Of them you may eat: the locust (arbeh) according to its kind, the bald locust (salam) according to its kind, the cricket (hargol) according to its kind, and the grasshopper (hagav) according to its kind.” 11QT Temple Scroll XLVIII ... You may eat flying: every kind of great locust, every kind of long-headed locust, every kind of green locust, and every kind of desert locust.  The Chitsonim ("Outsiders") Priests of Qumran were attempting to revive the origins of Judaism, and with mostly remarkable results. I do not yet trust that their locust list is a chronological interpretation of Leviticus, but I presume it to be highly probable.  If the Sons Of Light were transliterating directly, then:  locust = great locust  bald locust = long-headed locust  cricket = green locust  grasshopper = desert locust Within the Damascus Document (found in Qumran and Egypt) there are stipulations as to how locusts may be prepared. They must be either immolated (burned) or drowned. These recipes appear to avoid causing the death of the insect by crushing.  Damascus Document Chapter 12: And all species of locusts shall be put into fire or water while still alive… ...Let no man pollute his soul with any living and swarming creatures by eating of them...  This would be a particular nuisance to a Nazarite, who is more likely to subsist on kosher insects, as John The Baptist was and did. It wouldn't be enough to simply catch the insects, but one would have to either kindle a fire or locate a water source before it could be eaten. Insect storage would also be effected, requiring groceries of the field not to be crushed.  FUN FACTS!  ::: spoiler spoiler I once attempted to observe the conditions of a Nazarite vow. The prohibition against coming into contact with a dead thing is especially difficult. Gelatins are most often animal by-products and are ubiquitous in modern food products. My vigilance ended while eating delicious forbidden marmalade. It contained a concentration of white grapes, and I hadn't read the package prior to gnoshing.  ::: ㅤ I suspect that the observances of slaughter by drowning or burning avoid the means of preparation used in sacrificial rituals in other nations.  One record of such an offering is found in the Testament Of Solomon - who fell in love with a Shunammite/Shulammite woman.  The Song of Solomon features a bride of Solomon who is almost certainly the same individual, whom Solomon agreed to sacrificial worship of Remphan and Moloch for.   According to the Testament, when the King crushed five locusts in his hand, the spirit of God departed from him immediately, and he became a laughingstock.  The idolatry was completely forbidden - but his nose was open to expand the Royal Harem. 

Religion DRHOY 1y ago 100%

According to ancient Judaic texts, there very few means of procession from life into eternity: 1. Ascension - the individual is so perfectly acceptable that they are taken directly to Heaven without ever experiencing the First Death (corporeal death/death of the body) or the Second Death (incorporeal death/death of impure "spirit"). 2. Holy martyrdom - individuals who gain acceptance by and into Elohim through dying. Experience of the First Death without experience of the Second Death. This is a resurrection apart from what was claimed by Matthew:52-53. 3. Acceptance after First Death. The individual dies, awaits Judgement Day, and is deemed acceptable without having to experience the Second Death. 4. Resurrection - very few individuals received the First Death, were patiently resting in the bosom of Abraham, and then were resurrected and presumably ascended directly to Heaven. Matthew 27:52-53 does not expound further on the ventures of the Zombie-Jews. 5. Direct damnation - it seems to appear in both Enoch and Revelations that Azazel/Azrael was condemned to Sheol/Hell directly without losing bodily form, will be released upon the Earth for a limited time, will then "be defeated", and then condemned to the Lake Of Fire eternally. 6. Judgement - for those requiring more consideration, a First Death is experienced, then judgement of the "spirit" that remains, resulting in a temporary refining that removes "spiritual" impurities in the Lake Of Fire, before eternity begins in Heaven. Ancient texts repeatedly and often express that Hell/Sheol/Gehinnom is only temporarily endured by most: ------------------------------------ Mark 9 43 And if thy hand cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life maimed, rather than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire. 44 [where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.] 45 And if thy foot cause thee to stumble, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life halt, rather than having thy two feet to be cast into hell. 46 [where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.] 47 And if thine eye cause thee to stumble, cast it out: it is good for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell; 48 where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 49 For every one shall be salted with fire. Mark 9:43-49 explicitly states that there is a particular region of the Lake Of Fire in Sheol where the "worm" (impurity) is not consumed, and the fire is not quenched or is unquenchable (is eternal). It also continues to state that every one will be "salted" (purified) with fire in some region of the Lake Of Fire, but not necessarily the region reserved for blasphemy against Elohim. This is only a very slight overstatement, as a very select few are described in ancient Judaic texts as "ascending" - avoiding both the First and Second Deaths (the Second being purification in the Lake Of Fire). It is also conceivable that the overstatement is mine, in that those who are not in the Lake Of Fire appear to be active in administering services upon those who are in it. Enoch, for instance, described varying regions of Sheol as being attended to by angels. He then also ascended directly to Elohim - becoming Metatron, and gaining a very particular place and function within Heaven. ------------------------------------ First Book Of Enoch, Chapter 3 "The blind sheep were brought there, and were judged and found guilty, and were thrown into that abyss of fire on the earth, and burnt. The abyss was on the right side of that house. And I saw the sheep burning, and their bones dissolving. ... Then all who had perished [in the Lake Of Fire in Sheol] and had been destroyed, all the wild animals, and every bird of the sky, assembled in that house, while the Lord of the sheep celebrated because they were all good, and had returned to his dwelling." ------------------------------------ The Book Of Enoch CH.27 Then said I: 'For what object is this blessed land, which is entirely filled with trees, and this accursed valley between?' Then Uriel, one of the holy angels who was with me, answered and said: 'This accursed valley is for those who are accursed for ever: Here shall all the accursed be gathered together who utter with their lips against the Lord unseemly words and of His glory speak hard things. Here shall they be gathered together, and here shall be their place of judgement. In the last days there shall be upon them the spectacle of righteous judgement in the presence of the righteous for ever: here shall the merciful bless the Lord of glory, the Eternal King. Here shall they be gathered together, and here shall be the place of their habitation. In the last times, in the days of the true judgement in the presence of the righteous for ever: here shall the godly bless the Lord of Glory, the Eternal Kin. In the days of judgement over the former, they shall bless Him for the mercy in accordance with which He has assigned them (their lot).' 5. Then I blessed the Lord of Glory and set forth His ⌈glory⌉ and lauded Him gloriously. ------------------------------------ The First Book Of Adam And Eve, Chapter 71, Verse 2: "'Since, when at first, I ate of the tree, He drove me out of the garden into this strange land, and deprived me of my bright nature, and brought death upon me. If, then, I should do this, He will cut off my life from the earth, and He will cast me into hell, and will plague me there a long time." ------------------------------------ ODE 31. 1 The abysses were dissolved before the Lord: and darkness was destroyed by His appearance: 2 Error went astray and perished at His hand: and folly found no path to walk in, and was submerged by the truth of the Lord. 3 He opened His mouth and spake grace and joy: and He spake a new song of praise to His name: 4 And He lifted up His voice to the Most High, and offered to Him the sons that were with Him. 5 And His face was justified, for thus His holy Father had given to Him. 6 Come forth, ye that have been afflicted and receive joy, and possess your souls by His grace; and take to you immortal life. ------------------------------------ 4TH maccabees, Chapter 5, Verse 18: "And with his bodily frame already in dissolution this great-souled youth, like a true son of Abraham, groaned not at all; but as if he were suffering a change by fire to incorruption [fire as the purifying element to the soul], he nobly endured the torment..." ------------------------------------ "For we mean by eternal life that life where there is endless happiness." - Augustine "Endless happiness" is not the biblical or actual definition of "eternal life". "For if the soul live in eternal punishments, by which also those unclean spirits shall be tormented, that is rather eternal death than eternal life." - Augustine "Eternal death" is an internally incongruous term. Augustine may as well refer to "dry rain" or "cold fire". ------------------------------------ Of the man Christ Jesus, the mediator between God and men According to ancient Judaic texts, Sheol was not a place of permanence long before YHWH became Jesus. The dead slept awaiting Judgement Day in Sheol (the experience of which ranges from sleep, through honoured pleasure, to righteous improvement). Jesus was not the first Jew to be reincarnated or resurrected and/or ascended. John The Baptist was a reincarnation, and following the death of Jesus, The Gospel Of Matthew (I suspect erroneously) reports that the "Saints" of Jerusalem rose from their graves (and presumably ascended shortly after). ------------------------------------ That Jesus is declared to be the only means by which any human can "go to" Elohim, is a product of direct intervention by YHWH. YHWH chose to directly - that is, in "person" - intervene in the affairs of humans. He literally set up camp on and "Lorded over" Mesopotamia, first in immortal form as YHWH upon the Mercy Seat, and later in mortal form as Jesus. The other host of Elohim were somewhat accessible, but rarely in physical form. Elohim had promised to maintain favour for Ishmael and his descendants (who are considerable as Arabia). ------------------------------------ The "ministry" of YHWH/Jesus is a religion that precedes the Great Flood. Jesus took a Priesthood "in the Order Of Melchi Zedek", to which He was inducted by John The Baptist, and which precedes the establishment of and Covenant with Israel. King (hebrew: Melchi) Zedek was the first King and High Priest of Salem (Jeru-salem: Yireh- "the abiding place" and -Shalem "Place of Peace"). In this return to earlier Mesopotamian culture, a much broader scope of religion was again acceptable to YHWH/Jesus. It is within these contexts that YHWH/Jesus is the intermediary that salvages people from the Lake Of Fire. ------------------------------------ Virgil Æneid 6.733 et seqq [1st Century BCE syncretism] Hence wild desires and groveling fears, And human laughter, human tears, Immured in dungeon-seeming night, They look abroad, yet see no light, Nay, when at last the life has fled, And left the body cold and dead, Ee’n then there passes not away The painful heritage of clay; Full many a long-contracted stain Perforce must linger deep in grain. So penal sufferings they endure For ancient crime, to make them pure; Some hang aloft in open view, For winds to pierce them through and through, While others purge their guilt deep-dyed In burning fire or whelming tide. ------------------------------------ "But temporary punishments are suffered by some in this life only, by others after death, by others both now and then; but all of them before that last and strictest judgment. But of those who suffer temporary punishments after death, all are not doomed to those everlasting pains which are to follow that judgment; for to some, as we have already said, what is not remitted in this world is remitted in the next, that is, they are not punished with the eternal punishment of the world to come." - Augustine According to ancient Judaism, those who have no purpose such as the saints who enjoy 1000 years with Jesus/YHWH on Earth and a Holy War, simply await Judgement Day in Sheol (the experience of which ranges from sleep, through honoured pleasure, to righteous improvement). Then, some people - many previous atheists - may be adjudged as not requiring the Lake Of Fire, while others, receive the same purifying elements but for different reasons and durations. Augustine is, however, astute enough to realize that "of those who suffer temporary punishments after death, all are not doomed to... ...eternal punishment". ------------------------------------ Isa. 46:24 ”their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched.” Mark 9:47-48 “It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hellfire: where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” Ecclus. 7:17 “The vengeance of the flesh of the ungodly is fire and worms.” The elements that are necessarily eternal within these texts are the elements of torture - the worms and fire - which must be eternal to exact the most grievous of punishments against those who have committed blasphemy against Elohim. One might imagine the worms and fire that have already purified lesser sinners who have been "saved" from Sheol, then attending to Azazel and his peers. They would accumulate all of the elements of the tortures of others, that their influence had some part in corrupting - each new worm or lick of flame a reminder that someone else has attained Heaven with Elohim, the eternal pleasure the eternally damned have forfeited. Dan. 12:1–2 “At that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” This "time" may be at the start of the Holy War. That would explain the severe dichotomy between two states, if it be two. It may also be three states: 1) everlasting life, 2) shame, and 3) everlasting contempt. These two or three states do not account for those Saints who have already ascended from the first resurrection (of 29CE) and personal redemptions. ------------------------------------ A baptism by spirit and fire, is a dark symbolism. The "salvation" afforded by Jesus - that is, YHWH as a human - is from the Lake Of Fire in Sheol. It is not automatic avoidance of the Lake Of Fire entirely, but the possibility of being retrieved from it after purification, if necessary. ------------------------------------ "...eternal life is... ...the one object for which we are Christians." - Augustine The "object" of "Christianity" is not "eternal life" (to become so pure as to avoid either the First - mortal - Death, or the Second Death that is permanent purity from a temporary purification in the Lake Of Fire). Ascension is certainly an object of Judaism - and the ultimate achievement possible, perhaps excluding holy martyrdom - but it is not the primary goal. The ultimate goal of Judaism is not the prizes and hierarchies of zealous achievement, but to maintain struggle toward the same. ------------------------------------ Dan. 12:1–2 “At that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” This "time" may be at the start of the Holy War. That would explain the severe dichotomy between two states, if it be two. It may also be three states: 1) everlasting life 2) shame 3) everlasting contempt. These two or three states do not account for those Saints who have already ascended from the first resurrection (of 29CE) and personal redemptions. Of the resurrection of the flesh, which some refuse to believe, though the world at large believes it Augustine appears to omit the resurrection of the dead found in the Gospel Of Matthew. This is most peculiar, and being of - to wit - the 5th Century CE, ought to be later than any fraudulent inclusion within the biblical record. ------------------------------------ The 9 And A Half Tribes 40-45 (truncated) By the decree of the Lord they are handed over alive to Gehenna. ... Then the Holey Ones wil enter the ancient bosom of their mother. So that whom the Evil One has persuaded may also be refreshed. He will torment them with various punishments so that they may believe in Him. Then comes in the end the time for temptations to be removed from the world. The Lord will begin to give judgement by fire. ------------------------------------ History of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi (Ma‘aseh De-Rabbi Yehoshua‘ ben Levi) 14:2 Many pits of fired are open and they rise up and consume the wicked.e 3 After they consume them, they rise up on their feet from the fire and fall down and are burned (again). ... 8 Angels stand here with their staffs and throw them upon the fire and all of them are burned. ... After this, they bring the wicked out of the fire as though they were burned, but the fire had not touched them at all. 12 Then they burn them again, and thus they do to them seven times—four by day and three by night. ------------------------------------ Tractate on Gehinnom (Masseket Gehinnom) 6 1 Chapter three: 2 It is taught: Three descend into Gehinnom and do not ascend—the one who commits adultery, the one who exposes his neighbour in public and the one who swears falsely in the name of the Lord. 3 There are those who say: also the one who glorifies himself through the disgrace of his neighbour, and the one who becomes entangled between a man and his wife in order to bring strife between them. ------------------------------------ Babylonian Talmud, Chapter 11 It reads [Isa. v. 14]: “Therefore hath the deep enlarged her desire, and opened her mouth without measure (chok).” Said Resh Lakish: It means him who failed to perform even one (chok) law of the Torah. Said R. Johanan to him: Your saying is not satisfactory to their creator. Say the reverse, even he who has studied but one law does not belong to the Gehenna. ----------------------------------- In What Manner Is the Punishment of the Grave? (Ketsad Din Ha-Qever) 1:1 His disciples asked Rabbi Eliezer: “In what manner is the punishment of the grave?” 2 He said to them: […] and half of iron and strikes him. 3 One time his limbs were taken apart […] and from his tongue […] and revile people, and so it is with all of them. 4 Rabbi Meir says: The punishment suffered in the grave is worse than the punishment of Gehinnom. 5 […] from this originates what the sages said: The generation comes […] even the generation in Babylon. 6 The one who dies on the eve of the Sabbath does not see the punishment of the grave. 7 […] from the womb, this is the punishment of Gehinnom. 2:1 Rabbi Hiyya expounded: The leech has two daughters, “Give! Give!” 2 Rabbi Elazar said: Two bands of angels of destruction stand over the entrance of Gehinnom and say: “Give! Give! Bring! Bring!” 3 Why is it called Gehinnom? It is a valley where all its dead walk from one end of the world to the other. 4 Why is Gehinnom also called Tofteh? Because everyone who is enticed by his inclination enters there. 5 Rabbi Yohanan began with:e There are seven divisions in Gehinnom. 6 Each division has thousands of compartments, and in each compartment there are seven windows. 7 In each window there are thousands of vessels of poison. 8 They are all destined for the officers, the scribes, the judges, the heretics and the apostates. 9 Not one of them will escape unless he possesses Torah and good deeds. 10 After this, He has compassion over his creatures, as it is said, For I will not contend forever and I will not always be angry, for the spirit would grow weak before me and souls I have made. 3:1 Seven descend into Gehinnom and these are they: the judge, the butcher, the clerk, the physician, their scribes and the teachers of young children. 2 If they do (their duty) for the sake of heaven, they all descend and ascend, except three who descend but do not ascend—the one who exposes his neighbour in public, the one who calls his neighbour a name and the one who commits adultery. 5 1 At the time that a person is convicted for punishment, they deliver him to angels of destruction. 2 They seize him and lead him to the court of death, darkness and shade, as it is said, May their way be dark and slippery. 3 Not only this, but they push him into the midst of Gehinnom, as it is said, And the angel of the Lord pursues them. 4 When a person dies and is put on a bed, the ministering angels walk before him, and people walk behind him. 5 If people say about him: “Happy was so-and-so, this one was good and praiseworthy in his lifetime,” the ministering angels say to him: “Write it down,” and he writes it down and they sign. 6 Not only this, but two ministering angels escort a person at the moment of his death and they know whether he stole or withheld or denied a debt. 7 Not only this, but the beams and stones of a person’s house testify against him, as it is said, A stone from the wall will cry out, etc. 8 Whoever repented is brought to Gan Eden, but if he died without repentance, he is brought to Gehinnom. 9 When a person dies, they bring him to Abraham and Isaac and they say to him: “My son, what have you done in the world from which you have gone out?” 11:10 Rabbi Eleazar said: Poverty is harder for a person than the punishment of Gehinnom, as it is said, Did I not refine you, etc., I tested you in the furnace of poverty: 11 because the Holy One, Blessed be He, recovered every good reward to give them to Israel, but he did not find anyone learning Torah except the poor who are in the midst of poverty. 12 None of them have anything to eat and because of this they are afraid of the Holy One, Blessed be He. ------------------------------------------- Legend of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi (ʾAggadat Rabbi Yehoshuaʿ ben Levi) Aramaic Recension 1:2 There are many pits and lions of fire rise up there. When people fall there, the lions consume them. 3 After the fire destroys them, they rise up as before and are cast into the fire of every compartment of the first division. ... 12 After the wicked were placed to be struck and burnt, they went out from the fire as though they were not burnt, but again they return and strike them, and so they do to them seven times by day and three times by night. 7:5 Regarding all the seven thousands who are in every division: they punish all the wicked with the former punishment. ------------------------------------------- A common error made by interpreters and translators of ancient Judaic texts is to conflate "eternity" or "eternal life" with "everlasting" or "never-ending life". "Eternity" is a timeless state that begins after life on Earth. Ever-lasting or never-ending life also includes eternity, but the connotation is that the life begun on Earth does not come to an end in either the First or Second Deaths. Ever-lasting or never-ending life is reserved only for those who receive ascension directly to Heaven (or perhaps "descension" to the Lake Of Fire). A person who lives, does not die, and is taken to Heaven has not "tasted of death"; unlike a person who lives, dies twice, and then begins an eternal life. ------------------------------------ 1 John 3:15 "Everyone who hates is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining [abiding] in him." Even to those who are mistaken about the temporary nature of Hell for most, "eternal life" is "remaining" in everyone according to ancient Judaic texts. To their errant perception, "eternal life" is either eternal life in Heaven, or eternal life in Hell. Hate and murder are not the same - except in an obscure "spiritual" sense - and were routinely mercied sins to the perspective of Jesus, Israel, and other proper Jews. The only sin that was said to be unforgivable was blasphemy against Elohim. He who not is with Me against Me is, and he who not gathers with Me scatters. Because of this I say to you, Every sin and blasphemy shall be foregiven the people, the moreover of the Spirit blasphemy not will be foregiven. And whoever if speaks a word against the Son Of Man it will be foregiven him; whoever now speaks against the Spirit the Holy, not it will be foregiven him, neither in this the age, nor in the age to come. Here, there is definitive expression from YHWH/Jesus that only few individuals will be eternally damned, and that there is forgiveness both during and AFTER life.