
**Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!** Question of the week: > **How has becoming vegan improved your life?** Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other. Looking forward to hearing what everyone’s up to! **[We abide by the Anarchist Code of Conduct](** [Vegan Home Cooks Discord]( [Vegan Theory Club Discord](


Well, here it is! A few days ago, I made a post appealing for information relating to animal product usage in the music instrument industry. Historically, musical instruments have used animal products. Typically, drumheads were made of animal skin, piano keys of ivory, and violin bows of horsehair. A lot of these processes have been phased out (most drums use Mylar for their skins now, and ivory was banned for pianos in the 80s.) Here are some patterns I've noticed while creating this sheet: 1. Drums and harmonicas are the "most vegan" instruments 2. Acoustic pianos are much more likely to use wool than electric pianos 3. The violin industry is the worst for animal products. Most violin manufacturers still use bows with horsehair. 4. Manufacturers specialising in introductory/student products, such as Sigma and Franz Hoffmann, tend to use animal-derived materials rather than synthetic ones. 5. Actual saxophones are vegan, but a lot of manufacturers use genuine leather straps. All companies that use leather for their straps have been labelled as orange. Trumpets, flugel horns, tubas, and trombones are seemingly okay regardless of manufacturer. Some flutes used to use ivory but again, this practice was banned in 1989. 6. I discovered that clarinets tend to use goat skin for their pads. Unfortunately, I could not find any information on exactly which companies use animal skin for their clarinets. Sorry. Another thing I've noticed is that information relating to this topic is EXTREMELY muddy. I would often find a source claiming that a manufacturer did not use animal products only to double check their information pages and see that they use wool. I would find sources claiming a manufacturer isn't vegan only to check their information pages and see that they seemingly use no animal products. For this reason, I cannot guarantee that the information in the spreadsheet is 100% accurate, but this is the closest to accuracy I have been able to get to. This sheet compiles the top manufacturers in each category of instrument. If anyone has any other manufacturers they'd like me to investigate, please just say so in the comments.


A couple of months ago I managed to convince a new friend to go vegan and I was 4y vegan at the time. A couple weeks in they asked me a question out of the blue "hey are pens vegan" and my first thought was well I suppose they could maybe be tested on animals, after all you don't want an ink that would hurt you if you get it on your skin, but what I found was even more disturbing, inks and dyes of many colours can come from various animal sources from crushed insects (cochineal) to bone char in black ink and from weirder sources like snails octopi and cow urine Little did I know at the time this would send me down a rabbit hole where I soon learned one by one that papers and cardboard (including toilet paper) use animal flesh as a binding agent that inks and dyes of all kinds not just pens but printers tattoos ink and hair dyes can contain animal products So at this point I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, I had this suspicion that due to the relatively niche nature of this information are the vegan certifying orgs even checking product packaging? So I contacted the vegan society by email: " A product's packaging does fall out of the scope of the Vegan Trademark’s standards as there are very few verified options that are widely available. We would however question and potentially reject a registration that goes on to use packaging which is directly sourced from animals." huh? the vegan society probably one of the most outspoken advocates of the rights of vegans is essentially misleading vegans into buying things they think are free from animal products but in reality due to the prevalence of animal based inks papers and glues many vegans may be unwittingly buying animal products that have the Vegan Society stamp of approval, so I tried the vegetarian society: "Our vegetarian and vegan trademark criteria look exclusively at a product’s consumable/usable ingredients and their suitability for vegetarians and vegans. They do not extend to a product’s packaging." then I tried v-label and their response is written out in full in the attached image, if anyone would like the full email transcripts I will post my contact at the end. Now I'm feeling sad that society has reduced animals lives to worth less than the printing on a box of packaging or literally less than toilet paper we wipe our ass with, I'm feeling angry at the psychopaths that made these manufacturing decisions to save a couple cents on some random box or spaghetti, and I feel betrayed by the vegan society who up until this point I really looked up to as a relentless advocate for animals. But wait a minute, did I just say glue? Isn't glue in basically everything? If I want to buy a new hairbrush how do I know its using vegan glue? I suppose I could email the companies, so that's what I started doing, to this date I have emailed, phoned or otherwise contacted over 100 companies trying to get to the bottom of animal product use thus far seemingly largely ignored by vegans, because that's the other thing, if you search for posts relating to ie vegan toilet paper or where to find information about vegan packaging there is shockingly little information about this online which is part of why I'm making this post to collate my findings. So I start emailing these companies one of the first companies I contact is Huel who respond positively they say yes our packaging is vegan we are a 100% vegan product. I continue to contact many companies most of whom either ghost or refuse to investigate saying boilerplate responses like "we don't have the certification/we can't confirm with our supply chain/customer service doesn't have that information" but I do get some early postive responses from Greggs, BarryM, Seagate, Warburtons, Oatly,, LUSH, Linda McCartney, and to this day that is the exhaustive list of companies that have verbally guaranteed the vegan status of their entire product line's packaging (Please note time of writing is 2024 this information may be outdated if you are reading in later years), other companies were able to provide a guarantee for specific products when they asked me to specify a product. In one case I escalated to phoning the physical head office of a grocery story company I think it was ALDI (UK) and they advised me to restate my question to customer services but give them an exact product, and I'm like *what* you expect me to give you a list of your own products when you know I'm asking about everything, 90% of ALDI's products are owned by the company but it turns out their manufacturing is actually contracted to many smaller companies to whom ALDI would have to contact individually to find out about the packaging material. OK fair enough, so I continue to phone ALDI customer service until they eventually say "if it says vegan on the product then the packaging is vegan too" that remains to date my biggest win. At some point during this process I also learned that plastics contain stearic acid as a slip agent which can be derived from vegetable fats but is instead often derived from "tallow" (flesh) or as a plasticity agent like this one used in PVC (honestly theres so many plastic additives it wouldn't surprise me if there were more derived from animals) I would soon learn from correspondence with PZ Cussons and their brand Carex - an ostensibly vegan friendly brand when you look at the sheer number of their soap products certified by the vegan society - that the process of using tallow in plastic packaging production is "common unfortunately, throughout the industry" for a diverse range of plastics PP, PE and MDO. So I continued getting red-pilled, I learned tyres can be non vegan for the same reason, wallpaper, wood veneer, ceramics (they can use bones and then I started bringing it up to online vegan friends and I was surprised to learn that few if any were aware of this, which is why I've taken to borrowing Humane Hancock's term "Vegan Blindspot" (originally in reference to the problem of wild suffering) My goal's for this post are 3 1. Raise awareness to the utterly entrenched nature of animal products in our society (how many times have vegans unwittingly commodified animal flesh by using plastics or glues or paper?) 2. Encourage vegans to follow me in contacting customer support teams to demand action so that the notion of non vegan toilet paper etc can be a thing of the past and to that end: 3. Begin a conversation about how best to share our findings (perhaps ultimately in pursuit of a community operated database split by world regions), I have contacted doublecheckvegan and plantbasednews with this information and offers to provide my email records neither have replied I don't use lemmy very often in fact I made this account just to post this but I will check in to the state of this post for a while and if I don't respond here I will create a simplex address you can contact me through (simplex is the most private secure and anonymous open source messenger that I'm aware of better than briar and cwtch and session and matrix) I will end by posting the only FAQ page I have ever seen confirming the vegan status of a product lines packaging as well as product: edit: related cool and good news: the first cardboard packaging company to be officially certified by the vegan society the first book to be certified by the vegan society ie that the paper adhesives and inks are vegan: edit 2: idea for a preliminary community vegan product status database: member submitted posts on a moderated simplex room containing a list of what they've found to be vegan so far and then an attached zip file for email proof or whatever other proof edit 3: useful list of items and materials that may not be vegan including items I didn't talk about above: Reference: plastic is not always vegan ; ; paper is not always vegan inks/dyes are not always vegan ; glues are not always vegan Ceramics/Pottery are not always vegan: Tyres are not always vegan: Various arts and crafts tools are not always vegan like pens pencils brushes paints crayons chalk Makeup brushes are not always vegan: Shaving brushes and razors are not always vegan: Household Products Art Supplies Musical Instruments Simplex Contact


This post is not an endorsement of incremental change but to serve as a visual guide on how far away certain individuals are from embracing the final conclusion of veganism. Definitions: 1. Cannibal: a human being or an animal that eats their own kind 2. Carnivore: an animal that feeds primarily or exclusively on flesh 3. Meat Eater: The standard diet that includes flesh 4. Flexitarian: One whose diet includes a low amount of flesh 5. Pollotarian: One whose diet includes fowl but no other flesh 6. Pescatarian: One whose diet includes fish but no other flesh 7. Entotarian: One whose diet includes insects but no other flesh 8. Ostretarian: One whose diet includes oyster but no other flesh 9. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian: a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts 10. Ovo-Vegetarian: a vegetarian whose diet includes eggs, vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts 11. Lacto-Vegetarian: a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products, vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts 12. Plant-Based: a strict vegetarian who consumes no food that comes from animals for health or environmental reasons 13. Vegan: a strict vegetarian who consumes no food that comes from animals for ethical reasons


**Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!** Question of the week: > **Who is your favorite visual artist?** Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other. Looking forward to hearing what everyone’s up to! **[We abide by the Anarchist Code of Conduct](** [Vegan Home Cooks Discord]( [Vegan Theory Club Discord](


It's insane how many of the shows my kid watches with friendly messages just end in casually tucking into a corpse.


2025: The management of Loblaws is massively fined and the company is broken up into multiple grocers with 55% of the stores falling under a crown corporation with the other 45% becoming local cooperatives effectively bringing down the cost of groceries greatly for everyone. 2026: In this future timeline vegans are very effective in their messaging with CBC finally caving into pressure by becoming a vegan news organization. 2027: The $2 billion in animal agriculture subsidies have been dropped in 2027. 2028: The population becomes more centre and left wing in their views. 2031: Two extensive electric train networks owned by the public have been built in collaboration with first nations peoples to reach the Arctic Ocean where the ships are loaded to provide better logistics to the communities of Nunavut. The train tracks all over the two western territories with connections to the southern lines from British Columbia and Alberta. 2032: Nunavut has much better access to produce thanks to the railway and increased funding to the smaller airlines with the crown corporation of Air Canada keeping the shipping rates lower and the people are currently in the process of veganizing all their meat-heavy traditional dishes. 2033: StatCan data shows British Columbia becoming the first vegan majority area in North America with 50.01% of the population identifying as vegan. 2035: Canada reaches the vegan penetration rate of 31%.


First, let's define being conscious as at least having a mind that is aware and has a will. Maybe there's and argument if the being wishes to be used, but the argument I'm going to make is not about that. The following is said without judgement because it's something I've done for most of my life before noticing and taking action. If we recognize that a being (organic, silicon based or whatever) with a conscience should not be exploited and used against its will, there is no reason we should not apply the same principle to the animals we exploit and kill daily when we pay for their products. They should have a right to at least not be exploited. Please take that into consideration and know that you can take action to stop this injustice. Check out the sub for more info and feel free to ask anything in the comments or DM me.


> >Humans as Agents in the Termination of the African Humid Period > > >There is great uncertainty over the timing and magnitude of the termination of the African Humid Period (AHP). Spanning from the early to middle Holocene, the AHP was a period of enhanced moisture over most of northern and eastern Africa. However, beginning 8000 years ago the moisture balance shifted due to changing orbital precession and vegetation feedbacks. Some proxy records indicate a rapid transition from wet to dry conditions, while others indicate a more gradual changeover. Heretofore, humans have been viewed as passive agents in the termination of the AHP, responding to changing climatic conditions by adopting animal husbandry and spreading an agricultural lifestyle across the African continent. This paper explores scenarios whereby humans could be viewed as active agents in landscape denudation. During the period when agriculture was adopted in northern Africa, the regions where it was occurring were at the precipice of ecological regime shifts. Pastoralism, in particular, is argued to enhance devegetation and regime shifts in unbalanced ecosystems. Threshold crossing events were documented in the historical records of New Zealand and western North America due to the introduction of livestock. In looking at temporally correlated archeological and paleoenvironmental records of northern Africa, similar landscape dynamics from the historical precedents are observed: reduction in net primary productivity, homogenization of the flora, transformation of the landscape into a shrub-dominated biozone, and increasing xerophylic vegetation overall. Although human agents are not seen as the only forces inducing regime change during the termination of the AHP, their potential role in inducing large-scale landscape change must be properly contextualized against other global occurrences of neolithization. > >


**Welcome to the Vegan Theory Club Weekly Megathread!** Question of the week: > **What is your favorite bean?** Feel free to talk about anything, whether it’s vegan-related or not. This is a chill space for connecting, sharing ideas, and supporting each other. Looking forward to hearing what everyone’s up to! **[We abide by the Anarchist Code of Conduct](** [Vegan Home Cooks Discord]( [Vegan Theory Club Discord](