
This month 11 series look to be slated for dailypass. They will move to dailypass lock on the 25th except "Lost In Translation" which will move before on the 18th. [Lost In Translation](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/lost-in-translation/list?title_no=1882) (January 18th) [Fool Me Twice](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/fool-me-twice/list?title_no=5095) (January 25th) [Mage & Demon Queen](https://www.webtoons.com/en/comedy/mage-and-demon-queen/list?title_no=1438) (January 25th) [Unraveling Rumors](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/unraveling-rumors/list?title_no=5096) (January 25th) [Romantic Graffiti](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/romantic-graffiti/list?title_no=5049) (January 25th) [Dark Moon: The Grey City](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/dark-moon-the-grey-city/list?title_no=4168) (January 25th) [Heavenly Eats](https://www.webtoons.com/en/comedy/heavenly-eats/list?title_no=4356 )(January 25th) [Survival Diary](https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/survival-diary/list?title_no=4676) (January 25th) [Harmonia](https://www.webtoons.com/en/sf/harmonia/list?title_no=3253) (January 25th) [Cat Got Your Tongue](https://www.webtoons.com/en/comedy/cat-got-your-tongue/list?title_no=3362) (January 25th) [Plum](https://www.webtoons.com/en/sports/plum/list?title_no=1605) (January 25th)


This is a list of personal webtoon recommendations that are behind dailypass lock. The list is in no specific order. [Witch Creek Road](https://www.webtoons.com/en/horror/witch-creek-road/list?title_no=1453) - Genre: Horror - Length: 99 Chapters [Her Bucket List](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/her-bucket-list/list?title_no=2564) - Genre: Romance - Length: 58 Chapters [The Horizon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/the-horizon/list?title_no=3141) - Genre: Drama - Length: 21 Chapters (Personal favorite has print edition) [This Magical Moment](https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/this-magical-moment/list?title_no=2563) - Genre: Supernatural - Length: 108 Chapters [Dear X](https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/dearx/list?title_no=2503) - Genre: Thriller - Length: 62 Chapters [My Boo](https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/my-boo/list?title_no=1185) - Genre: Supernatural - Length: 47 Chapters [The Golden Spoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/the-golden-spoon/list?title_no=2565) - Genre: Supernatural - Length: 105 Chapters (Has great story building) [Love and Leashes](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/love-and-leashes/list?title_no=3919) - Genre: Romance - Length: 145 Chapters


Cross-posted from: !animationafter30@lemmy.world Original post: https://lemmy.world/post/17403730 ------------------------------------- Title: Lore Olympus Type: Webcomic Year: 2018-2024 Country: New Zealand Genre: Drama/romance/fantasy Status: Completed Platform: Webtoon (read [here](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/list?title_no=1320)) Appropriate for 30+?: Yes My rating: 4.5/5 stars (Rating scale: 5/5 = masterpiece, 4/5 = quite good, 3/5 = mostly good, 2/5 = bleh, 1/5 = I regret ever being exposed to this series, 0/5 = affront to humanity) ------------------------------------------------------- *Lore Olympus* is one of the best-known and popular Webtoons, and it 100% deserves that distinction. There's so much that's fresh and unique about the series while also having a lot of classic elements. For the uninitiated, *Lore Olympus* is a retelling of ancient Greek myths in a hybrid 21st century/ancient Greek setting. Webtoons bills it as a romance, however I call it a drama because there is so much going on beyond the romance plot: action, political scheming, revenge, trauma recovery, familial relationships, independence and interdependence... The art style is bold, stylish, unique, and very aesthetically pleasing. The characters are fresh and interesting, drawing heavily from ancient myth mixed with more contemporary traits and personalities. The overall fusion of ancient and contemporary is fantastic; the entire series is full of little details pulled from old myths, right up to the end. The plot is engaging, and the pacing is mostly consistent. The main cast is huge, the supporting cast even bigger, and they all get fleshed-out personalities and storylines, and most undergo significant character development. Even though much of what happens in *Lore Olympus* was composed thousands of years ago, I didn't feel like the plot directed the characters, rather the characters drive the plot. For how much happens in this series, it's all surprisingly well organized and balanced. Yet a surreal, dreamy tone persists through the series, beautifully complementing the serious plot elements. This webcomic really utilizes its medium well. I think *Lore Olympus* gathered some hate during its third season that I completely chalk up to the weekly release format. Readers complained that the plot wasn't moving as quickly as they wanted, which I attribute to readers' expecting the exciting pace from the previous arc's climax to continue (which would be bad storytelling) as well as frustration from fast-pass readers that they weren't "getting our money's worth" out of each chapter. I binged the series instead of reading it weekly, and thought the pacing perhaps got a tad slower than it should have during season three, but the story was clearly progressing and at a fairly consistent pace and wrapped up well. There are plenty of Webtoons where the story pace grinds to a halt or starts flailing as the author runs out of ideas while their editors push them to artificially extend their golden goose, but *Lore Olympus* isn't one of them. I've also seen some hate around how some of the characters and/or relationships are handled, which I think a full read of the series combined with researching the original myths would generally dispel. In my opinion, *Lore Olympus* does a fantastic job maneuvering around the elements of Greek mythology we'd consider especially tasteless today (such as the incest), and given that the original myth is literally called "the rape of Persephone," I think the author's renditions of myth to better appeal to 21st century tastes is brilliant (from non-consensual encounters to giant age gaps). Mild spoiler: ::: spoiler spoiler Persephone herself grows tremendously as a character, from an example of the immature, "born sexy yesterday" trope to an empowered woman. Her early-season naivete is fully explained by her upbringing and relationship with her mother, who herself has reasonable if somewhat misguided reasons for her parenting style. Season 3 is all about girl power, and I really enjoyed the subversion of typically male-centric mythology. ::: The characters span a wide range of ages, but generally look and act like young adults and middle-aged adults. The characters express both maturity and immaturity, and overall I think this is a series that older readers will greatly enjoy, especially as the older characters are introduced and take more prominence in the plot. *Lore Olympus* is a truly unique and well-made series that I would unreservedly recommend any fan of comics at least give a try. ----------------------------------- As with all my reviews, the above is nothing more than my personal opinion. Have you read this series? What did *you* think? Post in the comments!


Cross-posted from: !animationafter30@lemmy.world Original thread: https://lemmy.world/post/17364938 ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nonesuch Type: Webcomic Year: 2022-2024 Country: United States (?) Genre: Thriller Status: Completed Platform: Webtoon (read [here](https://www.webtoons.com/en/mystery/nonesuch/list?title_no=3606)) Appropriate for 30+?: Yes My rating: 3.5/5 stars (Rating scale: 5/5 = masterpiece, 4/5 = quite good, 3/5 = mostly good, 2/5 = bleh, 1/5 = I regret ever being exposed to this series, 0/5 = affront to humanity) ------------------------------------------------------- If you're like me with decades of comic reading under your belt, you're likely on the hunt for series that have something a little different to offer, and *Nonesuch* delivers. While a bit rough in spots, *Nonesuch* is a solid series, with good pacing, an engaging plot, and quite a bit of novelty, plus it's short enough that you could complete it in one or two sittings. First, the novelty: this series is set in rural Appalachia and that''s not just an aesthetic; the characters are gun-toting, Christ-loving, red-blooded Americans. To each point: I know jack-all about guns, however my impression is that the series portrays them accurately. In the creator notes at the end, the author mentions that her intent was to create a "Christian" series, which I think is quite interesting given that I spent most of the series wondering if the Christian elements were supposed to be dismissive of the religion or not (in other words there's nothing preachy about *Nonesuch*, and the inclusion of Christianity definitely adds quite a bit of realism to a series set in the Bible Belt). Overall I really felt the setting in this series, which is a huge breath of fresh air not only in the world of comics, but American media overall (which are very California/NYC-centric). Further bits of novelty: the art style, while not my favorite, is bold and distinctive. The plot/premise share vibes with various horror/thriller/mystery series (strong zombie and *X-Files* notes), but regarding the specifics I can't think of any examples that are similar. Probably my favorite aspect of the series is that one of the main characters not only has a disability, but it's a rare (yet real) condition that most readers probably haven't heard of, *and* it's an invisible disability, *and* it's integral to both the plot and character development. I'm assuming the author has personal experience with the condition, because it's handled with significantly more understanding and gravitas than nearly all depictions of disability/non-lethal health conditions in media. The rough edges: while distinctive, the art style feels a bit clunky at times, with occasional bad anatomy and a limited range of facial expressions (I get that none of the characters are having a good time, but does "grimace" have to be everyone's default expression?). The series also does the thing where the characters often make reckless decisions that, while perhaps justified by the situation they are in, are nonetheless frustrating for the audience to witness (and indeed, often lead to completely preventable bad things happening). I think one other misstep happens when the characters discover what's causing the supernatural situation they're in (minor spoiler): ::: spoiler spoiler I found the explanation given for the clones, the mint, and the trapped space unconvincing and unsatisfying. It's a really hard line to walk in series like this, between explaining the supernatural happenings and leaving some things dangling. There's a bit of a midi-chlorian phenomenon going on, where knowing exactly how the magic works kills the suspension of disbelief, especially when you try to use hard science to explain something blatantly supernatural. In the case of *Nonesuch*, the explanation tried to be highly scientific, but came off as total bullshit (at least to me and my personal level of scientific understanding; maybe a subject matter expert would differ). ::: Of the three main characters, two are in their mid-twenties and the third is middle-aged. Everyone acts their ages, for better or worse (the younger two can be a little grating with their inexperience/immaturity in various things, including their relationship with each other). Other than this, there's nothing in the series that would turn off an older reader. ----------------------------------- As with all my reviews, the above is nothing more than my personal opinion. Have you read this series? What did *you* think? Post in the comments!


Do you buy physical copies of webtoons when they release? Any series you are waiting for? While I enjoy the convenience of reading on my tablet or phone, I really like having an actual copy sometimes. One of favorite is "[The Horizon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/the-horizon/list?title_no=3141)". I found out about the release in August (it release in June). Recently just found it released the 2nd and 3rd volume (which I believe is the last). A personal favorite that hasn't gotten a release is "[Gilgamesh](https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/gilgamesh_en)". A nice long webtoon I hope it gets a release one day. Unfortunately, I have yet to see any psychical releases for lezhin series to date.


Lemmy can unfortunately be a lonely place for niche-ish subjects (at least for now). So any Castle Swimmer readers here? Considering that we're getting more episodes starting December 23rd, anyone got anything to share about Castle Swimmer?


Edit: 2 more series were added with newest check. This month ~~8~~ 10 series look to be slated for dailypass. [The Star Seekers](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/the-star-seekers/list?title_no=3786) (November 23rd) [Dark Moon The Blood Altar](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/dark-moon-the-blood-altar/list?title_no=3785) (November 23rd) [Survive Romance](https://www.webtoons.com/en/horror/survive-romance/list?title_no=2607) (November 23rd) [Wavering Worlds](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/wavering-worlds/list?title_no=5135) (November 23rd) [Welfare Center](https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/welfare-center/list?title_no=4675) (November 23rd) [I Get Stronger the More I Eat](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/i-get-stronger-the-more-i-eat/list?title_no=3199) (November 23rd) [Chasing Tails](https://www.webtoons.com/en/mystery/chasing-tails/list?title_no=3440) (November 23rd) [Good Luck Hero](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/good-luck-hero/list?title_no=3346) (November 23rd) [Going Up](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/going-up/list?title_no=3364) (November 23rd) [Seed](https://www.webtoons.com/en/sf/seed/list?title_no=1480) (November 23rd)


This month ~~8~~ 9 series look to be slated for dailypass. [Surviving as a Fish](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/surviving-as-a-fish/list?title_no=4634) (October 26th) [Ghost King](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/ghost-king/list?title_no=4005) (October 26th) [Tacit](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/tacit/list?title_no=3178) (October 26th) [Survival Log](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/survival-log/list?title_no=4175) (October 26th) [Our Secret Alliance](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/our-secret-alliance/list?title_no=4178) (October 26th) [The Matchmaking Baby Princess](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/the-matchmaking-baby-princess/list?title_no=3066) (October 26th) [Charming You](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/charming-you/list?title_no=4156) (October 26th) [Fray](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/fray/list?title_no=4351)(October 26th) Edit: October 18 another series was added to be removed bringing total to 9 for this month [Zatanna & the Ripper](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/zatanna-and-the-ripper/list?title_no=4518) (October 26th)


Do you know of any webtoons that have been made into drama? Is there a webtoon you enjoyed that you hope gets made into one? Currently I'm watching 'See You In My 19th Life' that was made from the similar named show. Been enjoying it greatly. I've been waiting for an adaptation is 'Dear X'. Discovered it was going to be made and no news in over a year now.


This post will try to list the webtoons moving to dailypass for the month of July. List may not include all (sorry). This month 10 series look to be slated for dailypass. June had 6. [Loaf app](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/loaf-app/list?title_no=4213) [She's Hopeless](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/shes-hopeless/list?title_no=2767) [Seasons of Blossom](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/seasonsofblossom/list?title_no=2509) [Sixth Sense Kiss](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/sixth-sense-kiss/list?title_no=2921) [Long After The Ending](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/long-after-the-ending/list?title_no=4179) [The Newlywed Diary of a Witch and a Dragon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/the-newlywed-diary-of-a-witch-and-a-dragon/list?title_no=2448) [The First Hunter](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/the-first-hunter/list?title_no=3040) [Rewriting the Villainess](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/rewriting-the-villainess/list?title_no=4093) [Spring Once Again](https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/spring-once-again/list?title_no=4262) [Killer Bang: The First Kill](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/killer-bang-the-first-kill/list?title_no=4174) edit June 30: 3 more series were added. Additionally some series have been moved without warning the past few days. Webtoons might be changing how it handles moves. [True Beauty](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/truebeauty/list?title_no=1436) [Land of the Crimson Moon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/land-of-the-crimson-moon/list?title_no=4466) [So You're Raising a Warrior](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/so-youre-raising-a-warrior/list?title_no=3175)


Hello, Welcome to my community that I've made for the discussion of webtoons. This is a place to discuss webtoons as an alternative to the similar named subreddit.