
People are just way too picky when it comes to movies.

What do I mean by this? Well, what I mean is that by and large most people just don't take chances when it comes to new content. So many just play it safe and go for the same old movies again and again.

No one really watches a movie for the sake of giving something a try. There's no adventurism with the general public. They just want a familiar franchise or a safe cultivated brand. This isn't just in cinemas where ticket prices are forcing the general public to be picky. It's something that is on streaming services alot as well. People in my experience will outright refuse to watch a movie that they don't know is good or isn't a familiar IP. People want their good movies basically given to them and don't want to go out and find them.

Tbh I blame the movie companies particularly Disney for cultivating this mindset in the general public. Only with this mindset would movies like the Lion King remake or the Little Mermaid remake which are both the exact same as their originals except in live action, make any sort of money. There's people out their that can only afford to go to the cinema once every year and this is what they decide to see.


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