
Studie zeigt, dass Austernpilze am schnellsten auf schwarzen Uridbohnen, supplementiert mit einem 1%-Kalk + 1%-Gips-Verhältnis wachsen


Efficacy of six differential grain spawn i.e. wheat, sorghum, pearl millet, barley, rye and maize were assessed against mycelial growth (mm) of eighteen samples of oyster mushroom collected from hilly areas of Sub-Himalayan range. Grains of pearl millet and sorghum revealed paramount range 2.4-6.95 mm and 2-5.75mm respectively. Five doses of lime Gypsum for spawn production technology against eighteen samples of oyster mushroom exemplified best mycelial growth of 5.5-9mm in 1:1 ratio. Thus, best quality spawn of oysterr mushroom was produced on pearl millet and sorghum with 1:1 lime, gypsum ratio.

Als Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16SrMEnuXto

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