
I find it incredibly offensive that liberals insist that communists are just edgy contrarians that lust for power and take a genuine pleasure in the possibility of violent revolutions

We all know that the capitalist system is responsible for countless injustices, massacres, and endless suffering. As Communists, we do not call for a revolution based on ideological beliefs that involve excessive violence and power lust, but because our current political system is fundamentally unstable. We're not weirdos who daydream of just wishing to gain power in the way liberals often portray us to be.

A revolution that succeeds is never peaceful, rather it is a violent continuous struggle for power.

It's just like Malcolm X said: “You don't have a peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution. There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution.”

In addition to the fact that nonviolent revolutions cannot be achieved, violent ones are unavoidable. Individuals who are poor and hopeless will often engage in violent behavior out of desperation. The environment in which a person lives shapes their behavior, and capitalism's inability to end widespread poverty is the reason why revolutionary violence is an inevitable outcome of this political system.

A poor person without hope for their future becomes aggressive against others. In an area where there are many of such individuals, criminal activity is almost certain to increase, leading to numerous justified but futile retaliations against the authorities. If the rest of the working class eventually feels the same way, then they will collectively revolt against the state.

To what extent the subjugated class will employ violence to free itself will depend on how much violence the ruling class unleashes to maintain its power. Under such conditions, the subjugated class engages not in excessive violence, but revolutionary violence. This revolutionary violence is necessary to dismantle the capitalist system that holds most of the world's population in chains. It is essential that we fight relentlessly for our survival by any means necessary, as my role model Malcolm X firmly believed. Peace on earth, a world without exploitation, war and poverty, can only be attained by this approach.

Achieving peaceful coexistence is frequently advocated by liberals, or rather they pretend to be interested in it. To me, however, the idea of living in a peaceful world is an integral part of my “daydreams”. Liberals prefer to assume that we simply have a unjustified desire for power, violent and childish fantasies about revolutions, but what we really love to think about is what happens after a revolution and the peace that comes afterwards. The desire for peace is deeply ingrained in all communists, and it's our goal to bring it to reality.

Unlike liberals, we intend to succeed.

A worker-led dictatorship is unquestionably necessary, as demonstrated by the "tankies". Considering that the establishment of a socialist-state can only be done by the workers themselves, there is little reason to fear a dictatorship of the working class. The working class, who are the majority, has a vested interest in the success and stability of this state, so they should be able to represent the concerns of everyone.

That's without even mentioning the fact that we live under a dictatorship of the capitalists, who are an extremely small minority compared to the working class and are only motivated by their own selfish interests. But libs cannot even comprehend this.

Lately, I easily get frustrated at those who point to countries like Sweden as proof that capitalism works when social safety nets are in place. Those libs fail to see that poverty is currently being exported to the global south in those socdem imperialist nations. Furthermore, when they talk about their fictitious “middle class”, liberals acknowledge that poverty is one of the outcomes of capitalism. They use rhetoric such as "we need to strengthen the middle class" and also hinting at the requirement for a low-income class.

In response to what I said, they will assert that a real liberal democracy wouldn't have poor populations. There is frequent talk about universal basic income, which doesn't even make sense. Capitalists will simply make every product and service more expensive. And they don't fully comprehend imperialism, or they do, but choose not to address it. In contrast to poverty closer to home, they don't experience the horrors of imperialism, but instead reap the benefits of it and can see how it is beneficial to white people. Nevertheless, POC living within the empire can still get some of the scraps from crackkkers' looting of the global south, although only as much as is necessary to keep them quiet.

Libs' inability to improve our material conditions efficiently and quickly enough for everyone is setting the stage for a more powerful Donald Trump-like figure to emerge. No shitlibs, trump is not voldemort, he's the result of the flaws inherent in capitalism. Also, you are not a gryffindor fighting for justice, instead you are an integral component of the injustices perpetrated by the reactionaries. Trump is the manifestation of white supremacy's attempt to maintain power in their empire in decline. The liberals, who are unable to even fucking raise the minimum wage for workers, are complicit in any crimes the fascists commits now and in years to come. It is the inability of governments in liberal democracies to meet the needs of all their citizens that fuels every reactionary ideology.

Liberal ideology dominates all the others. Ideologies have no basis in reality; liberalism should remain in the realm of fantasy. So, it is unsurprising that liberals often ignore the important role of a vanguard and the revolution, instead focusing on the preferred ideological narrative: “Evil authoritarian tankies want to wipe out capitalists and commit acts of violence against innocents.”

Our revolutionary struggles are not a matter of ideology, nor is a communist vanguard evil, but rather practical necessities since our current system cannot be maintained.

I find it offensive when liberals assert that their idea of democracy is the only system where queer rights can be protected. They believe that communists would oppress lgbt people if they gained power in western countries. They ignore the fact that revolutions are shaped by the conditions in which they take place. Like humans, revolutions are shaped by their environments. Since the majority of communists in the west support or are LGBT+ themselves, any western revolution will also include our rights. It is absurd to suggest otherwise, but liberal ideology dulls even the sharpest minds.

The assertion that our queer rights can only be protected in liberal democracies baffles me since liberals are themselves unable to safeguard any rights protecting vulnerable groups. Liberal politicians are hope dealers, and liberal voters are hope addicts. Ideology is most definitely the worst kind of drug. Marginalized communities need self-determination above all else. They must have power, certainly not hope. The concept of political power should not be feared. It's the people who hold authority over us that should be feared, not the concept of authority itself.

The liberals mistakenly believe that all sides have reasonable arguments on any domestic political issue, except for tankies, of course. The same mistake is made when it comes to the struggle for authority. There are those who view the struggle as merely a conflict over ideas, while others understand it as a struggle for survival. In the minds of liberal voters, a constructive debate will convince fascists to give up their reactionary ideologies. In place of addressing the conditions that led them to fascism, this is being attempted instead.

In order to protect lgbt rights, democrats demand all leftists must vote for them; in doing so, they weaponize us. People who dislike liberals for being ineffective with everything will associate these two groups as one. The conflict is both within the country and similar as well with rainbow imperialism. Liberals, being unable to improve the living conditions of workers effectively, will also frequently preach lgbt rights. The democrats' speeches about tolerance are bound to lose their appeal for those suffering by the worsening conditions for the workers.
As a result, they will believe that liberals only care about gays and negating the fact that they do not improve or protect our living standards as well. Republicans in the US also do nothing for the working class. Nevertheless, the two-party system has the capability of blaming the previous administration for all current problems.

Due to this, our community is constantly in danger. Conservative governments and fascists restrict our rights, and liberals exacerbate the problem by preaching even louder. In the US, it is the combination of both political parties that drives the empire even deeper into its fascist decay.

This led to our community becoming a scapegoat for those who aren't part of it, struggling to survive or make any decent progress with their lives. In fact, a similar situation is seen all over the world.

This problem can be seen with rainbow imperialism, where certain countries view lgbt groups as enemies. The use of a military unit with only gay soldiers and publicizing it as a great western achievement will only make people hate gays even more. In those countries affected by imperialism, gays are already oppressed and hidden, so their rights are a western foreign idea to all of them. In Russia, Putin is no doubt aware of this weaponization and uses it to his advantage, blaming “western leftist gay movements” for its government's failures. However, many citizens probably believe this crap. They associate the imperialist western world with anything related to lgbt. It also definitely doesn't help that the CIA uses lgbt associations in foreign countries as a spying hub. A narrative of anti-lgbt hate is pushed by western media when the authorities in those countries become aware of the issue and take action against it.

Our liberal politicians only work for one group: reactionaries. However, they do support queers, by giving us what they consider to be assistance. But for them, empowering the marginalized means giving us the ability to drop bombs for the US empire. Or allowing a person the opportunity to become CEO of imperialism. Gays in Gaza, for example, will surely be grateful for gay-friendly bombs made by a queer girlboss. They also distribute some of the wealth stolen from the global south to lgbt people in the west, which is enough to keep many comfortable with the status quo, unless you are black and lgbt. When this is the case, you are only giving enough to keep quiet, at best.

Ultimately, the marginalized, especially POC, cannot make real progress unless they gain power over capitalists. Appointing them to the board of directors or in a leadership role will have no effect on that. Even making the person president won't make a difference. Changing the race of our oppressors won't improve people's lives. Obama didn't improve the lives of black people, regardless of what white people love to believe.

A peaceful transfer of power will never take place. The ruling class will not allow it. These are people who would rather sabotage and sink their ship than surrender it to others. The tragedy is that the entire planet is their ship.

The purpose of this post was simply to make the point that we are serious about communism, and we are not some edgy contrarians. It would be great if some liberals would read it and learn something, but I doubt it.

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