
[PRAW] Is there any way to search a specific sub for all your comments?

I have a loop that will search for my content everywhere, I also have another loop to search a specific sub, but I cannot find a way to do both filters in the same loop.

'''for submission in reddit.subreddit("sub").hot(limit=10000)'''

'''for comment in'''

The problem is the 1000 limit, if I try to refine the content with python while in the loop, then these 1000 results will miss the target, and 99% of those results will be comments of other people.

The result is that a lot of my comments won't be touched. I can see a lot of it in search engines.

How did you do to remove as many comments as possible? I know you can also sort by controversial but I was wondering is there is a PRAW finesse that I could use here.

Comments 3