DRS Your GME jersan • 9mo ago • 88%

"HEY OP! I see you'd like to explore topic of BOOK & PLAN."

"HEY OP! I see you'd like to explore topic of BOOK & PLAN."

TLDR: the terms "Book" and "Plan" continue to be deliberately confused, in places of significance, and this is why it's important to continuously reiterate the simple true statement that

📢 plan is not DRS.

Somebody makes a post in superstonk that makes reference to the distinction that plan is not DRS.

In response to this, superstonk mods reply and pin to the top of that post a template message over 600 words in length that would confuse somebody who didn't know better about the plain indisputable reality that Plan is not DRS.

"Plan versus Book" is a misnomer because all electronic shares are book-entry shares. This includes Plan (aka DSPP aka DirectStock) shares and DRS shares.

It only takes 4 words to reiterate the correct truth of this distinction, the distinction being that plan is not DRS, but for some reason this is something that continues to be deliberately confused to this very day in 2024 by people that have authority over the largest online community of GME investors.

The messaging by moderators of the largest GME community has consistently been deliberately confusing and misleading, and will lead to the outcome where uninformed individuals will have an incorrect view about what is DRS and what is not DRS.

Who benefits from this?

Why do the unelected, unaccountable moderators of the largest online GME community continue to perpetrate a misleading view about something that is now so plainly indisputable?

A brief history of "plan versus book":

  • November 19, 2022 - Ryan Cohen tweets: "I also want to be the book king!"

  • "Plan versus book" enters the conscious awareness of superstonk, and thousands of people start discussing this.

  • Superstonk mods, slowly but surely, from Nov 2022 to January 2023, put a damper on these conversations while at the same time injecting their own several-hundred-word-deliberately-confusing message into these threads and pinning that message to the top so that everyone has to see what they want everyone to see, above what the community is talking about. "HEY OP. IT LOOKS LIKE YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT PLAN AND BOOK. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR 600 WORDS OF PURE CONFUSION"

  • By January / February of 2023, threads about "plan versus book" disappear from superstonk. On odd occasion a post about this topic would come up, and get removed with a justification like "this post was removed because we already had to moderate this kind of content before!"

  • if the objective was to prevent further discussion of the distinction between plan shares and DRS shares, it was successful.

  • in April 2023, a post is made in a different subreddit, r/DRSyourGME, that re-ignites the discussion about this topic that was successfully silenced up to that point

  • superstonk mods tried hard to censor this topic and remove any and all mentions of what was being discussed over in r/DRSyourGME. But, their attempts at censorship failed.

  • uh oh. the truth is leaking beyond superstonk's walls. Can't have that. superstonk mods publicly denounce the folks from the r/DRSyourGME subreddit and accuse them of acting inappropriately.

  • Reddit decides to ban the subreddit.

  • June 2023 to early December 2023 - "plan versus book" once again disappears from the conscious awareness of the largest GME community.

  • December 2023 - in a live X spaces earnings call for GME Q3 earnings on December 6, an important conversation takes place that once again draws attention to the existence of the distinction between DRS and DSPP. It is once again re-iterated that DSPP is not DRS.

  • December 8: Why are DRS numbers stagnant? Exploring the possibilities ... Plan is not DRS - post by Chives

  • December 9: that post is then posted to r/GME

  • Why is this important distinction being talked about by GME investors but not in the biggest GME investor subreddit?

  • Apparently, the effort to continue censoring is waning. By whichever reasoning, perhaps out of the self-interested understanding that continuing to censor the topic leads to suspicion, superstonk mods relent and so graciously permit a post about this to exist.

  • December 22: Plan is not DRS - a post is made by jackofspades123 based on the original post by Chives.

  • December 22, 2023, to present: After over an entire year of this, the effort to confuse and silence discussions about the distinction between plan and DRS have failed. Censorship is no longer a viable method of information control on this topic. Time to switch gears back towards propagating and pinning a template comment that deliberately confuses the words plan and book, while continuing to ignore the important thing that plan is not DRS.

  • any new GME investor that is interested in DRS that gets exposed to this misleading information risks having their shares enrolled in a plan, even though what they were really seeking was DRS.

Who benefits if people are misled or misinformed about the distinction that plan is not DRS?

I don't necessarily know who benefits, but I know for certain that individuals seeking to inform themselves about DRS do not benefit when what they actually end up consuming is misinformation.

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