
Palestine must be free

The destruction of Palestine is impossibly evil. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in peace there for a long time and created great art and prosperity. I know this through Arabian nights. Zionism was pretty unpopular in Jewish culture till the holocaust, and seems to be starting to wain. In Christianity, Zionism seems to be a prayer for the end times. Zionist benefit from Jewish people moving there. You can't have a Jewish democracy if the majority of the people aren't Jewish. It was roughly equal before.

The non-Jewish Zionists want to send all the Jews to that scrap of land. They actually consider negation of the diaspora a good thing. I am not Jewish, but Jewish people have been there for me. I need to be there for them. I can not allow this movement that wants to make my Jewish friend feel like where there live or where they were born is not their home. I stand against the existence of the Zionist Entity. To that end I will do my best to make sure all Jewish people I know are okay. I will not bring this up to them, it'd be like bring up a murderous uncle.

Palestine must be free. I want to go back to normal life, but the bombs have to stop falling. Unrwa must be funded. What can I do to help that come back?

What can I do now? I want to march but I'm not seeing any marches near me. I live in the belly of the beast.

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