
MuWire resurrected - instructions how to connect

--Stolen and reposted here, sorry zab, but I hope you're fine with some extra promotion--



After about a year off MuWire is back to the land of the living and the network has ~50 active users at any given time. Here is how to set it up and connect:

  1. Go to the GitHub release page

  2. Download the connections.txt file and save it somewhere

  3. Depending on your operating system:

On Windows, download the MuWire-0.8.14-beta2.exe installer and run it. It will install everything you need to run MuWire. Skip to step 5.

On Linux, you need to install Java 17 or newer. This will be different on each distribution

On Mac, you need to install Java from [here] (https://jdk.java.net/22/) (available for both Intel and Apple Silicon).

  1. Download the [MuWire-0.8.14-beta2.zip] (http://muwire-0.8.14-beta2.zip/) file and unzip it. Run the bin/MuWire script to launch MuWire.

  2. Go through the MuWire setup wizard. When the main window appears, select Connections (top-left menu) -> Import connections and select the connections.txt file you saved in step 1.

Watch the bottom right of the main window - there is an icon like a molecule with the number of active connections to the MuWire network. As soon as MuWire connects, you can use it to search, share, download, message other users and more.



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