
Azov lobby goes to Brussels

“Jedi,” whose real name is Serhii Rotchuk, or Serhii Grushin, led the delegation. He was one of the Azovites invited to play golf at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington earlier this year. “Jedi” is one of the leaders of the NGU Azov brigade’s medical service. He emphasized that Azov trains according to NATO standards. In his oldest Instagram post, from 2019, he is wearing a “Rock Against Communism” shirt produced by a National Socialist Black Metal brand affiliated with the hardcore neo[fascist] group “Wotanjugend,” which originated in Russia. Last year, he expressed interest in a book by Léon Degrelle, the [Axis] collaborator who led the far‐right Rexist Party in Belgium.


It’s been said that “if you happen to watch Finnish television now, and are looking at any coverage of the Russian war in Ukraine, you’ll probably see Major General Toveri.” He has argued that “the only way to have lasting peace in Europe” requires the integration of Ukraine “to our economic and defence systems through membership in EU and NATO.” But even if that never happens, Ukrainian neo[fascists] are still on track to be integrated in the U.S.‐led military‐industrial complex and western intelligence services.

The day before the Azov delegation received a warm welcome at the NATO headquarters, the commander of the Azov Brigade paid tribute to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), as far‐right nationalists do every year on October 14. The UPA, the 1940s paramilitary arm of the OUN‐B, or “Banderite” wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, hunted Jews in the forests of western Ukraine and waged a massive ethnic cleansing campaign against the region’s Polish population.

By the early 1950s, the CIA tried and failed to utilize the UPA as a “stay‐behind army,” but it whitewashed Ukrainian [Axis] collaborators throughout the Cold War. “I am sure that the UPA fighters, looking at your daily service, are proud of you and smiling because the defense of Ukraine is in good hands,” Azov commander Denys Prokopenko said in an online post that he wrote in English. “They couldn’t have dreamt of better descendants.”

:::spoiler Click here for events that happened today (October 19). 1935: The League of Nations placed some ineffectual economic sanctions on Fascist Italy for its invasion of Ethiopia.
1937: Fascist Italy raised taxes significantly in an effort to meet the cost of increased arms production and maintaining its colonies.
1939: Hermann Göring created the Haupttreuhandstelle Ost to co‐ordinate the confiscation of Jewish and Polish assets in Fascist‐occupied Poland.
1940: Axis submarines U‐38, U‐46, U‐47, and two others attacked Allied convoy HX‐79 two hundred miles west of Ireland, sinking five ships and damaging tanker Shirak. Additionally, Axis submarines U‐99, U‐100, U‐101, and U‐123 continued to attack Allied convoy SC‐7 one hundred miles northwest of Ireland. U‐123 sank Allied ship Shekatika as Shekatika received her fifth torpedo hit. U‐99 sank Norwegian ship Snefjeld (but the entire crew survived).
1941: The Axis defeated the Soviet forces within the Vyazma pocket in Russia and captured 670,000 men, 1,000 tanks, and 4,000 artillery pieces. The Axis also began rounding up men over the age of 16 in the Serbian town of Kragujevac in Yugoslavia. (Of the 2,324 gathered, about 300 of them were students from the First Boys High School.) Axis submarine U‐204 sank Allied tanker Inverlee southwest of Tangier at 0300 hours; 22 were died, 21 lived. In the same region, Axis submarine U‐206 sank Allied ship Baron Kelvin at 0614 hours; 26 were died, 16 lived.
1942: The Axis transferred the last twelve surviving Jewish prisoners of Flossenbürg to Auschwitz. Coincidentally, the Axis and its collaborators exterminated one hundred eighty Jews in Manzhinsk.
1943: Allied aircraft assaulted and sunk cargo vessel Sinfra at Crete, and two thousand and ninety‐eight Italian prisoners of war drowned with it.
1944: The Fascist bourgeoisie ordered the complete and total destruction of Warsaw, but the Wehrmacht evacuated Belgrade as Walter Stettner von Grabenhofen lost his life Yugoslavian partisans in Montenegro. The Axis’s 4.Armee withdrew from around Tilsit, East Prussia, and Feldmarschal Model called off the attempts to relieve Aachen. Lastly, Takijiro Onishi met with the senior staff officers of the 201st Kokutai at Mabalacat airfield north of Manila, Philippine Islands, and asked for volunteers to form a special attack unit. :::

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