Steam Input Crono 1y ago 100%

Welcome to /c/steaminput!

Relevant information and links will be on the sidebar.

While you ought not to self-censor, here are some guidelines that I'll try to enforce as consistently - disregarding of my own whims and attachments - as possible, in order to maintain the usefulness of this sub:

  • Topics outside of Steam Input and surrounding subjects are fair game, so long as they sprout in some way from the former; i.e. you're not immediately and markedly off-topic. Tangents are fine and encouraged.

  • I'll always err on the side of keeping content up. In dubio pro reo.

If this sub ever gets more moderators, these will be maintained. In fact, if you disagree with one of my actions, you're encouraged to berate me here. The point of this is discussion after all, not my intact ego. Have fun!

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