
Nursing home shenanigans

This article concerns one of the part-owners (19% share) of the skilled nursing facility my partner with Alzheimer's is in. His name is Ephram Lahasky. The place is Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Nursing Center at Williamsville, NY. (I call it the Roach Motel.)

The article notes that he owns a similarly-named nursing home conglomerate in western Pennsylvania. That conglomerate is trying to sell off properties.

In a nutshell, the conglomerate has cheated workers, patients and Medicare/Medicaid. It's trying to sell off properties before a judgment is rendered in the lawsuits, so it won't be liable. These are allegations only, not established fact—but yeah, where there's smoke…

Beware placing anyone in a nursing home where this guy is among the owners. Many nursing homes are a shady exercises in profiteering.

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