How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    dealt a bad hand

    I need to read Man's search for meaning. Ughh... sorry, that came out of nowhere, what I meant was, I need to know how to deal with things when I have been clearly dealt a bad hand by reading the work of a man who had the least reasons to see hope!

    These are my completely useless two cents.

    Trust me, just the acknowledgement of adversity of another helps (as long as the victim tries to acknowledge/accept the reality and work hard on improving it rather than drowning in their own miseries and the pleasures of being a victim)

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    . If you can handle the learning for controls engineering, a 2 year degree will get you a good paying job in a lot of the western world helping companies with their automation of production lines.

    That's very interesting, thanks for suggestion, I will look it up!

    Unfortunately the nationalist have a lot of thugs to do their work and wrack havoc on people trying to bring about change

    Haha... I have got personal experience with the goons. The ones who clam to religion the hardest (at least at the local level) seem to be the most morally corrupt. I have had this experience since I was a little kid, the people who wear the most saffron seem to be the least intelligent and empathetic. I had once seen a guy no older than myself at the time hurl rape abuses at a woman under her facebook post and the man was bloody covered in saffron! These fuckers made me lose my love for the color! Ughh...

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    Anyway I think you sound like a great person and the best of luck

    Thank you very much! :)

    I emigrated myself too, to England ironically…

    I kinda like England, the literature, culture, journalists and much more! Apparently things are not as rosy right now, but it's a wonderful place to be nonetheless, so, you are basically living my dream :')

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    Cheers, I have many friends over there (as laborers mostly), but I will try, upskill and try to get there.

    Nothing good will come to me unless I leave India, the pain of living in India is a meaningless pain, almost nothing good comes out of this pain! Thank you very much!

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    If you want to “escape India” for better chances, just get to Dubai

    I am anti-theist but have a hindu name, do you think that would hurt my chances? Also, what do you think about the government there, free-speech and all those nice things? (I am ok with not having these as long as the system is fair and I won't be persecuted. Also, I have a said a lot of anti-religious stuff in the past, I don't believe that anymore, would this cause any problem?)

    Don't get me wrong, I would break a leg to get there, but I am just wondering what I should do before I reach there. I kinda admire the rulers of Dubai, you have absolute power and you have created a wonderful place for everyone of your citizen instead of creating a dictatorship, that's admirable.

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    I live in a ok place right now, but no matter where I go, I can't deny that I am working my ass off just to afford the basic stuff and paying 4 months or more of taxes for nothing much!

    For things to change all at once, Indians need to stop deluding themselves into thinking that they are this great country and every problem India faces is due to the outside influence or due to minorities. I don't see that happening anytime soon. If India knew what the problem was like the Japanese did after the West forced it to open it's waters for trade long ago, Indians would have stood a chance, but we don't, we are in a really bad shape and many don't know that we are in a bad shape and those who know are not focusing on the problem, rather they are focusing on Mughals, Muslims and serveral other external factors, they are not looking inwards.

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 60%

    Go back in time a prevent the British Empire

    I have changed my mind on that really. I mean, yes they bled us dry in terms of money and we could have used that right about now, they destroyed domestic manufacturing, they used as their bank and much more, but it's a little reductive to think had the British not invaded things would have been great. It might have been better in someways and worse in others. Google the Sati Practice, India was no golden bird before the British invaded and post-British Empire we are responsible for all the failures of our state, Indians love to blame the British, while they were responsible, it's not very productive to be stuck in the past, Indians blame muslim invaders, Britishers, secularism and many more things for their failure, except of course, themselves and the culture they created!

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    You seemed to understand my point, though

    Very well, you considered a lot of things before you wrote that comment :).

    Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t be in a rut. You’ll never live otherwise.

    Yes sir! I need to deal with that.

    Again, thanks for the well-intentioned comments! :)

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    have you considered less visited but developed countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Hungary, Latvia, whatever? These are likely a lot easier to immigrate to.

    Yep, considering countries like that, especially like Hungary or Argentina. I need to set one country on mind and start learning their language right about now!

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    Thank you very very much for those well wishes! :)

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    You say you can write a book, maybe you should

    Ohh... I have thought about that, but India is not a country which takes criticism lightly. They will immediately say I am funded by Pakistan, Soros or by the enemies of the state and if the book is even published, it will gain me infamy making me immediately unemployable for anything else. It's no joke being an author in India.

    They have jailed people for reporting on UP schools serving bread with salt and this is not an outlier, journalists are in constant danger here.

    edit: Read up the Broadcasters bill, I just read about this and this is 1984 level shit.

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    I had an amazing date with an Indian woman here in Germany

    Yay you!

    the guys just seem to not understand the concept of keeping their dicks in their pants.

    screams semi-joyfully It's the curse

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    Saying that, also understand that STEM-related expertise areas are much more sought after. So it might not be a bad idea to focus on that side and/or diversify.

    I tried this, failed once, trying again! :)

    You’re young, you have plenty of time. So don’t feel burdened not finding a spark at this era in your life. My Mom immigrated here only after marriage, when she was 28

    Thank you very much! I will turn 23 soon, I will try my best to get out and make something of myself and even if I can't get out, I will try and live meaningfully here (PS: I posted here, because I thought that was very fucking difficult)

    Also, thank you very much! I wish you well as you do to me! :)

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    You are a gift that keeps on giving, thank you! I will check em out!

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    That’s the biggest problem and why they left. You’re clearly a part of that.

    Sorry, I am not racist. I know all this way too well. i.e., The corrupt bureaucrat and the politician who created this system knew all too well what he was doing and he had good personal motivations for it. I myself have put myself in their shoes and their world, and have tried to see what's working in their mind. I won't say I am racist, if I am racist I am towards the culture which created this shitshow. But you have good reasons to think that given my post. I am not blaming any ethnically or linguistically different group for where we are, I am blaming the culture. Babies are not born creepy, the culture makes them what they become. The creepy guys I talk about, I am pretty sure they won't have been creepy in a better culture.

    not your fault, but you shouldn’t participate in that bullshit by saying such things and having such a defeated mindset.

    Trust me, I once had hope, but this system beats it out of you! This system has failed me multiple times in dire ways. That being said, you are 100% correct, defeatism and resentment, nothing good comes out of them. I am no longer resentful as much as I used to be, I will try to keep that defeatism at bay!

    But as a white guy with 13 friends from Nepal, India, and Bangladesh, I’d like to think my advice isn’t entirely disregardable, as it’s indirectly from them.

    Trust me, I read it very intently. I will try to follow what you have suggested, I have a few friends abroad (White Native borns), they know and understand me, they will help me get out! :)

    , if you talk about India and Indians the way you did In your post, you’ll fit right in with them lol

    I don't blame them tbch, but yeah, I plan on mixing with the non-racist bunch and spending my spare hours in the library if I ever get there! Kudos!

    I appreciate the effort and the intention behind your reply, thank you very much for trying to help me!

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%
    1. It is the only option, but I am not sure how, as in, I don't have great grades and there are millions of Indians waiting to immigrate! It's a shitshow tbh, a friend went to London for a business degree, still unemployed and stuck in debt! The desperation to get out among people is extremely depressing.

    edit: How can one try to get out? Get good really good in their field?

    Also, when Indians try to find happiness in mediocrity, we use a phrase, "India is a not for beginners", Schooby-Doo-typa curse is easy, this shit has expert level difficulty.

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    Oh yes, it most certainly is, but it is not redeemable in my life time/youth is what I know for sure.

  • How to get rid of the Indian curse?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 3mo ago 100%

    Hey! Thank you! that's gonna come in handy!

  • tl:dr; India is a terrible place to live in, Indians lead miserable lives and are not even aware of it, they are facing many other problems and they are not aware of that too, they are delusional and still stuck in the past. Being born poor in India signs you up for difficult to conquer problems because of the culture you grow up in, Human development happens at the pace of a tortoise here, India is a curse, now how can I get rid of the curse and lead a fulfilling and happy life? I see the middle class Indians and while their life is better than mine, it's nothing to write home about. They are doing ok, they are not great and I am lower middle class, even if I try my best, I don't think I will be rewarded well for that. Indians start life at 0 while other developed countries are at an average of 4, Indians just dream of the 4, they just want that 4! That's their life, they pursue their life, whole lives, just to get a decent life! I don't want to do this, this doesn't excite me! Help! What can I do? P.S: I am a 22yo who is worthless and who has a worthless (0 value) degree from a useless Indian university, how can I improve my life! --------------------- If you want to read why I think being born in India is a multi-generational curse, carry on reading, otherwise, this was enough! 1. Indian educational system is garbage and it doesn't create high-value labor, it produces unremarkable individuals. 2. Indian infrastructure is a joke with everything built by the government being of the lowest quality. 3. Indian is one of most corrupt countries in the world (top 10-20 maybe). 4. People are extremely tribal and in the absence of resources for development, Indians will try to barter what little resources there are along community lines (reservations) than force the government to try and create more economic opportunities. 5. Private Industry from foreign companies are a sigh of relief but due to above mentioned reasons (low-skilled labor, bad economy, bad infrastructure, stupid policies and Kafkaesque bureaucracy) most companies justifiably don't want to set up shop in India and this exacerbates the economy problem. 6. Indians clamor for Western attention and approval, most of them do realize India is nothing to write home about but they don't understand the extent of the problem. They are way too proud of minuscule achievements. They are even less aware of how the culture that prevails now will produce nothing but failure. They lose it when anyone of Indian decent does anything noteworthy and they are way too proud to accept the problem. This is the reason why youtubers love to praise India, they know what works in India. The government takes advantage of this and calls everyone who dares to criticize the country or their government as anti-national. Many journalists have been jailed for reporting facts. We never learn and we are committed to never learning! Even when Indians leave India, they try to create a mini-India abroad and not go out of their cultural comfort zone. 7. We are creepy! I was creepy, I am a little creepy still, I had to work A LOT to be able to be normal around women, that trope, it's real and it's just saddening in the highest degree. Indians don't socialize with opposite sex a lot and it's discouraged and sometimes forbidden in this culture to do so, so you create adults who can't really talk comfortably towards women. Took me a long time to realize the problem and solve it, the past me disgusts the present me! Edit: 8. Indians lack any kind of civic responsibility. They throw garbage everywhere, they spit pan (tobacco stuff) anywhere and everywhere, open defecation isn't as big of a problem as people pissing in the streets but it still remains a problem, I have done this too (When I was little). I can't get my parents to not throw off plastic off the train no matter how much I explain then why it's wrong in multiple ways! Most Indian cities look like a garbage dumb than a place to live. If people at least had kept our streets clean and acknowledge the problems facing this country instead of being proud of mediocrity, I would have been been more than willing to try to turn things for the better here, but they don't!! I can write a book about this, but for the sake of your time and mine, I will stop. **I have realized one thing after being born here, it's irredeemable! It won't get drastically better. I just don't know what to do about it and that is why I am asking you for advice!**

    Linux 7mo ago
    Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?
  • Anonymous_TorPerson Anonymous_TorPerson 7mo ago 100%

    Excel online is pretty bad if you compare it in terms of features.

  • My friend works for a company which requires her to use Microsoft specific application, she didn't really want to switch to Win 11 and choose to just use `Wine` Linux package and install a 2016 version of MS office on her Linux laptop. That's all well and good, but this company she is working for servers other clients at pretty high up places and she is terrified that she using the pirated version of MS would create a liability for her company as if Microsoft wants to target pirated software, they hunt for organisations rather than individuals. So, what should she do? Is there a way you can hide the fact that the excel sheet was created on pirated software, is it even possible to tell excel sheets apart which are using pirated software? PS: If there is a way to destroy all metadata related to the excel sheets, it would be very helpful. edit: Thanks to everyone who chipped in for an answer, gonna suggest her to either ask her employer to give her the necessary software + hardware and if denied quit. I now realize this is not the norm in any company but hers. Anyways, thanks everyone.


    I am currently studying Mathematics and Physics and there are a lot of questions which aren't available on Chegg, so I was wondering if there was an way to get these answers without actually paying up for the subscription. helps! but it's rather lengthy. I mean, I have to give it my email and prove that I am a human, open email and then click on the link to get a solution. Is there an easier way?


    edit: Libation apps needs you to give it your amazon password and ID, it's foss and I trust it. (editing because seemed important) Amazon allows you to download the book from Audible, but you need a code/password or something like that to read it. Libation can basically convert these encrypted files into decrypted mp3 files by getting this code from the website, I am pretty sure you can get it too. So, my question is, why aren't there more pirates pirating audiobooks? Why isn't every audiobook on audible available online for free? I mean, many are, but why is it not more prevalent?


    I want to give something back to the community and I was wondering if there was any way to share a file (to pirates) so that it won't be traced back to me? What precautions should I take? Is there metadata attached to the file? How does your computer remember a modification date and date create, is it embedded into it? I am talking about audiobooks btw, I have downloaded a ton of audiobooks and I want to send it somewhere where others can download it for free after an internet search. So yeah, I do want to make it untraceable. But for this scenario, you are free to assume that I have the nuclear codes or a new virus genome (I wonder which one is deadlier)


    I was just browsing some torrents lately and anything that isn't on a torrent is on a website like rapidgator. Rapidgator is ok if you downloading audiobooks, but why aren't more people using OnionShare to send and receive files? I haven't used it and I don't know it's limitations, but if I ever wanted a file which was shared over it, I would spring into action and install it. So yeah, why?


    I am talking about downloading to my disk not to Spotify App. Now, is there a way to download songs you like in their highest quality? Zorify and Spot-Dl requires spotify premium and YT-music premium respectively if I am not wrong. What are my options now? I am downloading rather long podcasts (1-2 hours) so It would be worth it if there is a website or a package which lists popular podcasts.


    I realize there is our lord and savior but I could not find some academic articles and books over there. I am assuming it's mostly academic papers about STEM subjects? I am looking towards pirating literature papers from Any clue how I can do this? I am feeling not so great about torrents anymore. I mean, I love em still, but for topics with low numbers of seeders like literature and books, it's hard to procure them through piratebay. So yeah! I want academic articles, books, pdf everything that is published and is hidden behind a paywall, how can I get this? Also, I am using Tor to ask these questions, how well does it hide my identity? I haven't given my email either. So, my existence here is truly virtual tbh!


    I realize libgen also has audiobooks, but they are not that many over there. (Trust me bro! I searched) So I was wondering if there were websites like those to download pirated audiobooks (and perhaps request audiobooks). Do we have any such communities here? I remember audiobay community on reddit had a feature to request books.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Can you Spot the Difference between these three torrents?

    of c you can, I just want you to explain what's the best one I can download. My laptop max resolution is 1080, but I am pretty sure it can play 2160p, should I download 2160p (3) or 1080p (1) or is 1080p (2) the best? ![](


    [SOLVED] Solution: ----------------------------- I am doing all of this using ChatGPT, I know enough bash to understand the script partially, but not enough to write the script myself. I recently posted [bash script(click)]( to download songs on `spotify` using `Spotdl` [Updated Post]( This is all good, but I am not trying to download whole playlists and I want to make sure to 1. Not download any songs multiple times by comparing the files you are trying to download with the songs you have downloaded already. 2. Add the songs' `URL` to the `Archieve_file` so it doesn't download it again. i.e., compare and if present, exit loop, if not present in file, download and add link to the file. This was easier when I was dealing with only `song` links and not `playlist` links. But now, playlists complicates the equation, but if I can achieve this, I can basically add this script to `crontab` and make sure I always have a local copy of the songs in my playlist and these playlists would be checked regularly for new downloads and new songs would be downloaded. This is really cool! Now, the complications I am facing, I don't know how to get the URLs of the `spotify songs` out of `spotify playlists` using `spotdl` or any cli package. If I can do this then, I can make the script go through each link `clean` the link of unncessary attributes and then download it or if it's downloaded already, move on to the next song. Now, I don't know how to do it. It would be very helpful if you guys could share any scripts that you have which will achieve this effect or help me get the song URL's from a playlist using a cli package. PS: I might need some time to reply, I might sleep rn Thank you for your help!


    [SOLVED] Solution: ----------------------------- edit: Why are you booing me? This is c/piracy I am doing all of this using ChatGPT, I know enough bash to understand the script partially, but not enough to write the script myself. I recently posted [bash script(click)]( to download songs on `spotify` using `Spotdl` [Updated Post]( This is all good, but I am not trying to download whole playlists and I want to make sure to 1. Not download any songs multiple times by comparing the files you are trying to download with the songs you have downloaded already. 2. Add the songs' `URL` to the `Archieve_file` so it doesn't download it again. i.e., compare and if present, exit loop, if not present in file, download and add link to the file. This was easier when I was dealing with only `song` links and not `playlist` links. But now, playlists complicates the equation, but if I can achieve this, I can basically add this script to `crontab` and make sure I always have a local copy of the songs in my playlist and these playlists would be checked regularly for new downloads and new songs would be downloaded. This is really cool! Now, the complications I am facing, I don't know how to get the URLs of the `spotify songs` out of `spotify playlists` using `spotdl` or any cli package. If I can do this then, I can make the script go through each link `clean` the link of unncessary attributes and then download it or if it's downloaded already, move on to the next song. Now, I don't know how to do it. It would be very helpful if you guys could share any scripts that you have which will achieve this effect or help me get the song URL's from a playlist using a cli package. PS: I might need some time to reply, I might sleep rn Thank you for your help!


    [SOLVED] Solution: ----------------------------- I am doing all of this using ChatGPT, I know enough bash to understand the script partially, but not enough to write the script myself. I recently posted [bash script(click)]( to download songs on `spotify` using `Spotdl` [Updated Post]( This is all good, but I am not trying to download whole playlists and I want to make sure to 1. Not download any songs multiple times by comparing the files you are trying to download with the songs you have downloaded already. 2. Add the songs' `URL` to the `Archieve_file` so it doesn't download it again. i.e., compare and if present, exit loop, if not present in file, download and add link to the file. This was easier when I was dealing with only `song` links and not `playlist` links. But now, playlists complicates the equation, but if I can achieve this, I can basically add this script to `crontab` and make sure I always have a local copy of the songs in my playlist and these playlists would be checked regularly for new downloads and new songs would be downloaded. This is really cool! Now, the complications I am facing, I don't know how to get the URLs of the `spotify songs` out of `spotify playlists` using `spotdl` or any cli package. If I can do this then, I can make the script go through each link `clean` the link of unncessary attributes and then download it or if it's downloaded already, move on to the next song. Now, I don't know how to do it. It would be very helpful if you guys could share any scripts that you have which will achieve this effect or help me get the song URL's from a playlist using a cli package. PS: I might need some time to reply, I might sleep rn Thank you for your help!


    [SOLVED] Solution: ----------------------------- I am doing all of this using ChatGPT, I know enough bash to understand the script partially, but not enough to write the script myself. I recently posted [bash script(click)]( to download songs on `spotify` using `Spotdl` [Updated Post]( This is all good, but I am not trying to download whole playlists and I want to make sure to 1. Not download any songs multiple times by comparing the files you are trying to download with the songs you have downloaded already. 2. Add the songs' `URL` to the `Archieve_file` so it doesn't download it again. i.e., compare and if present, exit loop, if not present in file, download and add link to the file. This was easier when I was dealing with only `song` links and not `playlist` links. But now, playlists complicates the equation, but if I can achieve this, I can basically add this script to `crontab` and make sure I always have a local copy of the songs in my playlist and these playlists would be checked regularly for new downloads and new songs would be downloaded. This is really cool! Now, the complications I am facing, I don't know how to get the URLs of the `spotify songs` out of `spotify playlists` using `spotdl` or any cli package. If I can do this then, I can make the script go through each link `clean` the link of unncessary attributes and then download it or if it's downloaded already, move on to the next song. Now, I don't know how to do it. It would be very helpful if you guys could share any scripts that you have which will achieve this effect or help me get the song URL's from a playlist using a cli package. PS: I might need some time to reply, I might sleep rn Thank you for your help! *___*


    I would rather prefer that you would buy `spotify premium` if you can. But, till you can, there's always `spotdl` which can allow you to download your songs Installation of [spotdl (github page click here)]( a very simple script, you don't actually need the script, but it makes it easier to download songs. btw, I am using file manager nemo here, if you want something else, change it to your default file manager, if you don't want to open folder, well remove last but one line. execute this command first and when nano text edit appears, paste the debian pastebin in there. ::: spoiler spoiler ___ :::


    It looks like I have nothing more to add to the conversation than the fact that almost every vpn which has a free plan doesn't allow torrenting. That's it folks. Ignore the post. Gonna not delete it because, well for the archieve ig Here’s what I learnt, almost every vpn which has a free version doesn’t allow torrenting. Not even protonvpn, however if apparently atlasvpn allows it, but atlasvpn didn’t work for me, so I am gonna go take a nap. ---------------- I was wondering how you torrent using `qbittorrent` and manage to stay anonymous. I realize I can use a VPN, but VPN networks can fail. Apparently, there is a kill switch which can be applied so that `qbittorent` would kill all processes when the VPN is disconnected, I was wondering how one could do this. I live in a country where torrenting might be cracked down, so I just want to be secure and not take any chances. Also, I realize I [should not torrent over the tor network]( but what about VPN are they built to handle such a load? PS: I won't download more than 300mbs per day.


    It looks like I have nothing more to add to the conversation than the fact that almost every vpn which has a free plan doesn't allow torrenting. That's it folks. Ignore the post. Gonna not delete it because, well for the archieve ig Here’s what I learnt, almost every vpn which has a free version doesn’t allow torrenting. Not even protonvpn, however if apparently atlasvpn allows it, but atlasvpn didn’t work for me, so I am gonna go take a nap AND abandon this thread. ------------- I was wondering how you torrent using `qbittorrent` and manage to stay anonymous. I realize I can use a VPN, but VPN networks can fail. Apparently, there is a kill switch which can be applied so that `qbittorent` would kill all processes when the VPN is disconnected, I was wondering how one could do this. I live in a country where torrenting might be cracked down, so I just want to be secure and not take any chances. Also, I realize I [should not torrent over the tor network]( but what about VPN are they built to handle such a load? PS: I won't download more than 300mbs per day.


    There are services that are actually free, those who don't sell your data and still manage to stay afloat. I use a lot of these. I like the Freemium model, I like the fact that the community is paying for my use of a great service till I can stand on my own two feet. So, I was wondering if there were any services you used for free once but once you got money, you started supporting it. It makes more financial sense to go with folks who offer only paid services, because you essentially are not bearing the cost of those who are not yet able to pay (or will never pay), but are there instances where you went with the company who was providing you free service for all those years out of gratitude? I use ProtonVPN and I trust the folks at ProtonVPN and hopefully someday be buying a paid plan although some say it's overpriced! What about you. What is the service you plan on paying for one day or one you are paying for now out of gratitude and a sense of community? Also, it doesn't have to paid, let's say you became a tor node because you wanted to help the service you believe in. Or something like this, you get the idea! Also, thanks to admins and devs of as I was able to get in without any fuss even after using Tor Browser. And screw reddit for blocking me : ) Edit: It will take me sometime to reply (perhaps a day) but I want to hear you!


    This will remove all sponsors, download subtitles and view it when you are watching a video. Modify and Share this all over if you like! `Edit: Give credits to this community or Lemmy in general if you are posting this or a modified form (please do share) of this elsewhere. Some popularity would do Lemmy good.` Few requirements: 1. You should be using Linux to run it. 2. Create a folder named `yt-dlp` in Videos folder or else change the location in the script below. 3. You should have `yt-dlp` not `youtube-dl` on your system. You can do this by `sudo apt install yt-dlp` or use your distro's package installer. 4. Save this file with any `name` in your home folder (or whichever folder you are you most comfortable with and give it execution permissions by `chmod +x name` [Debian Pastebin]( Thanks to folds at debian for making a tor network friendly pastebin. I have noticed that sometimes scripts get corrupted here, so best copy this from pastebin: edit: deleted the codeblock as it was not rendering properly You can get the updated code here Just paste it on to your notepad and give it execution permissions. #edit 1: The program can be improved, if you guys feel like an improvement is needed, copy the entire program modify the parts you think can be made better **and paste it in the comments** or paste the pastebin link in the comments. I realize there are applications which are gui for yt-dlp but I felt they lacked many options. You can go on the man page, and learn and add attributes to make this script better so that it better suits your needs. #man page aka github page: [yt-dlp](
