news 2mo ago
Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 1mo ago 100%

    Not really news but still pretty funny and I just heard about it for the first time.
    A different kind of blowback:

    Dust from the Sahara is being blown over to France, bringing with it radiation left over from French nuclear weapons tests from the 1960s.


  • news
    news 4mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 4mo ago 100%

    Afghanistan: Taliban negotiate with USA

    The Taliban, who rule Afghanistan, have negotiated with the USA about a prisoner exchange, as Taliban spokesman Sabihullah Mujahid told journalists in Kabul on Wednesday. Two US citizens are in custody in the country. They are to be exchanged for Afghans who are interned in the US prison camp at Guantanamo in Cuba. The talks took place on the sidelines of a recent summit with UN representatives and Afghanistan envoys from various countries in Qatar. Nothing is known about the results so far.

  • news
    news 4mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 4mo ago 100%

    Balloons from North Korea disrupt air traffic

    The balloons full of garbage that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been sending to South Korea for weeks are having an impact on air traffic. More than 110 flights have been disrupted by the balloon launches that have been going on since the end of March, said South Korean MP Jeong Jun Ho on Wednesday, citing the Ministry of Transport. More than 10,000 passengers were affected. The DPRK is using the balloons to respond to previous actions from South Korea in which propaganda material was also sent north in balloons.


  • Continuing on from yesterdays revolution in 1894, the French, with a bit of help of the Soviet Union, were able to establish the Paris commune. Which at some point just flipped the whole of France communist. Now I was looking at my relations and it's not looking good smh In other news, in 1903 Teddy Roosevelts US declared war on us to force us to go capitalist. In return I now could also define some wargoals and I chose to do the opposite to them. If they lose, which looks like a likely outcome at this point(we got a bigger army and they already tried doing naval invasions when it was still Russia), they will have to become a council republic, ban slavery and liberate California. ![]( We'll see how it goes....


    Just finished the revolution, which I kind of stumbled myself into, and was able to form the Soviet Union in 1894. I thought this was pretty early, what year where you all able to get communism to kick off in your saves? ![cat-com]( "emoji cat-com")

    games 9mo ago
    Gary the Cryptofascist
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 9mo ago 100%

    I'd rather just shave it all off instead of having to know I look like this

  • news
    news 9mo ago
    AfD: Germans float ban on elected far-right party after scandal
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 9mo ago 100%

    But that won't do anything to the size of their voter base, it will only legitimise their ideas even more and will draw in more people dissatisfied with the old established parties who will vote for new or other parties that share those same ideas.
    For example the former chief of the Verfassungschutz, Maaßen, is currently in the process of starting up his own right wing party.

    So, imo this can only backfire at this point, this should've been done a long time ago.

    Unfortunately I don't have any good ideas how to stop Germany going full fash, maybe Sahra Wagenknecht is successful with her culturally "conservative", yet somewhat leftist and anti-imperialist politics in making people vote for her instead of the AfD or whoever takes their place.

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from January 8th to January 14th, 2024 - The Regional War Begins; US and UK Airstrike Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 9mo ago 100%

    To add onto this, because I've been looking at Israeli opinion polls today, the Israeli public widely supports this stance:

    source 1 - warning PDF

    source 2 - warning PDF

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from January 8th to January 14th, 2024 - The Regional War Begins; US and UK Airstrike Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 9mo ago 100%

    The first day of strikes Friday hit 28 locations and struck more than 60 targets.

    early Saturday struck another Houthi-controlled site in Yemen that it had determined was putting commercial vessels in the Red Sea at risk

    Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Friday’s U.S. strikes were largely in low-populated areas, and the number of those killed would not be high. He said the strikes hit weapons, radar and targeting sites, including in remote mountain areas.

    The strikes involved more than 150 precision-guided munitions and Tomahawk missiles.

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from January 8th to January 14th, 2024 - The Regional War Begins; US and UK Airstrike Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 9mo ago 100%

    As an aside, there's also a recently released Chinese TV show adaptation of the books, which IMO is actually pretty good.

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from January 1st to January 7th, 2024 - The Year of the Dragon - COTW: Haiti
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    The ghost of Wolfgang Schäuble still haunting Europe.

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from December 18th to December 24th, 2023 - Chad el-Mandeb - COTW: Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    Israel investigates death of detainee

    Israeli police have questioned 19 prison guards over the death of a Palestinian prisoner and released them "under strict conditions." According to reports from the WAFA press agency, the detainee from the West Bank died in November after being beaten by guards. According to the Palestinian Prisoners' Association, around 7,800 Palestinian prisoners were in Israeli custody as of early December.

    We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from December 18th to December 24th, 2023 - Chad el-Mandeb - COTW: Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    Annual review 2023. Today: Cuba. Slight recovery from previous crises despite tightened blockade

    Despite further tightened US sanctions, the country was able to recover somewhat from the consequences of the pandemic and the effects of the global crises. The gross domestic product, which after a decline of almost eleven percent in 2020, grew again by 1.3 percent in 2021 and by a further 1.8 percent in 2022, is expected to increase in the current year, according to an estimate by the London economic institute Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). of 2.5 percent and increase to around four percent annually in 2024. Gross fixed capital formation and private consumption also came out of negative territory again this year.

    “The economy is still in a difficult situation,” admitted Economy Minister Alejandro Gil at a plenary session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (PCC) in mid-December. The government and citizens are rightly dissatisfied with the development, said President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who was confirmed in office in April by the newly elected parliament the previous month, at the meeting. A year ago, economists had forecast growth of three percent for 2023 at constant prices. Gil has now confirmed that the expected values will not be achieved. Among the main factors that had a negative impact were the tightening of the blockade, the multidimensional economic crisis, the increase in international prices, the insufficient generation of foreign exchange and the macroeconomic imbalances of the Cuban economy, he said.

    ::: spoiler rest of article:

    Throughout the year, national production for both domestic consumption and export was affected due to the fuel deficit and lack of productive inputs. Gil cited other causes as rural labor shortages, low agricultural yields, budget deficits, a decline in supply in the state sector and speculation, as well as the ineffectiveness of measures to curb them.

    After there were restrictions on state-subsidized food rations via the ration book called "Libretta" in the fall, the standard food basket for families, which "costs us $1.6 billion," will be one of the country's basic priorities next year, Gil assured . Other priorities include improving electricity generation and fuel availability. In 2023, it was already possible to reduce power outages by 32 percent compared to 2022. Price increases also eased. The number of state-owned companies with losses has also declined, Gil said. However, some of the total of almost 1,950 state-owned companies apparently still often operate inefficiently and at a loss.

    Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz added to Gil's statements that the "war economy scenario" must be expected to continue in 2024 due to the US blockade and the international crisis. And further: "We must understand that the resources we can count on in 2024 are those that we produce ourselves." The head of government explained that "in addition to objective difficulties, there are also our own shortcomings" that need to be overcome. Among other things, he pointed out that the decline in foreign exchange income is currently not being offset by a sufficient reduction in expenditure and criticized the failure to effectively integrate non-state activities into the economy. The priority measures for the coming year, according to Marrero Cruz, are aimed at increasing foreign exchange earnings and increasing national production and foreign investment - with a particular focus on food production - in order to achieve a stable supply of goods.

    Helpers all over the world

    The increase in the number of tourists after the pandemic contributed primarily to the slight recovery in the economy. According to the National Statistics and Information Office (ONEI), 1.81 million visitors came to the country between January and September in 2023, 68.8 percent more than in the same period last year. However, the number in 2019 was almost twice as high. The largest groups came from Canada and the USA (Cubans visiting family), followed by guests from the Russian Federation. After tens of thousands of Russian citizens were forced to cancel trips to Cuba that had already been booked in 2022 as a result of the sanctions imposed against Russia, 120,000 Russian vacationers were able to visit the island again by September of this year, an increase of 77 percent.

    In addition to expanding the tourist infrastructure and economic relations with Brazil, Russia, China and Vietnam, Cuba strengthened its contacts with other countries. In June, Díaz-Canel was able to agree new trade agreements with Serbia and Italy during a trip to Europe. He then took part in discussions in Paris on a new global financial pact for the “Group of 77 plus,” which Cuba had been given the chairmanship of in January. In this role, Díaz-Canel also represented the countries of the Global South at a three-day summit of BRICS countries in Johannesburg in August. He had previously signed bilateral cooperation agreements in Angola, Namibia and Mozambique. But the socialist island republic not only looked for trading partners in the world, but also provided internationalist help to other countries - despite its own problems caused by the US blockade. After the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, for example, helpers from the Cuban medical brigade “Henry Reeve” traveled to the affected areas in February.

    While Cuba's positive role in the world was highlighted by nearly all speakers at the annual UN debate on the US blockade in November, Washington continues to ignore the global community's almost unanimous call for an end to all sanctions. In doing so, the USA is violating international law, according to an international tribunal that met on November 16 and 17, 2023 at the headquarters of the EU Parliament in Brussels. But despite the worldwide condemnation of their blockade, Washington is trying to achieve its stated goal of overthrowing the Cuban government by force. Unhindered by the US police, an assassin used Molotov cocktails to attack the Cuban embassy in the US capital at the end of September, just a few hours after President Díaz-Canel spoke in the UN General Assembly as a representative of the "G77 plus". In December, Cuban Interior Ministry units arrested several suspects who, in conjunction with terrorist groups in Florida, had planned attacks and other "destabilizing actions" in Cuba at the turn of the year. Foreign Minister Rodríguez accused the US government of “protection and tolerance for those sponsoring acts of terrorism against Cuba in the USA” as “tantamount to complicity”.



  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from December 18th to December 24th, 2023 - Chad el-Mandeb - COTW: Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    Bundeswehr: Suspected fascist cases reported
    Last year, 216 suspected fascist, racist and anti-Semitic cases were reported to the Bundeswehr. This was reported by Die Welt (Thursday), citing a response from the federal government to a request from the left-wing faction that still existed at the time. 46 soldiers were dismissed from service in 2022 due to “right-wing extremist” efforts. 97 applicants were rejected because of doubts about their “constitutional loyalty”. According to the report, 47 percent of suspected cases were confirmed, 28 percent are still open, 25 percent were not confirmed.


  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from December 18th to December 24th, 2023 - Chad el-Mandeb - COTW: Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    Angola announces withdrawal from OPEC
    Angola has announced its withdrawal from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Membership is not in the national interest, said Oil Minister Diamantino Azevedo in a televised speech on Thursday. You don't play a relevant role in the energy cartel, but sooner or later you could be forced to cut production. This would contradict the country's goals. Angola joined OPEC in 2007. When the organization set Angola's output target in November at current levels, about 1.11 million barrels per day (bpd), Azevedo sent a note of protest. OPEC members produce about 28 million bpd.

  • news
    news 10mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from December 18th to December 24th, 2023 - Chad el-Mandeb - COTW: Yemen
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    Crazy, yeah let's not talk to people from the region, but let's ask some dumbass geriatric us senator, he sure will have the answers.

  • news
    news 11mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion for December 11th to December 17th, 2023 - What's Yours is Mine - COTW: Canada
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    Al Jazeera has even more

    Here are the main finding from its preliminary investigation:

    Three topless figures were spotted holding a long stick with a white cloth attached by a soldier
    The soldier felt threatened and opened fire
    Two were hit and fell. The third managed to escape to a nearby building

    The soldier reported this to his commanding officer
    The commander arrived at the scene, while an army squad followed the third captive in the building
    As the soldiers approached the building, they heard a plea for help in Hebrew
    The Israeli captive hiding inside the building came out before running inside again
    The soldiers said they believed that it was a Hamas member trying to pull them into a trap. They entered the building and killed the captive.

    Holy crap what a bunch of cowards

  • news
    news 11mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion for December 11th to December 17th, 2023 - What's Yours is Mine - COTW: Canada
  • CoralMarks CoralMarks 10mo ago 100%

    Hostages killed by mistake were waving white flags
    An initial investigation into the incident in which three hostages were mistakenly killed by the Israeli army in Gaza were holding up a white flag, a military official said on Saturday. The incident occurred in an area of intense fighting where Hamas militants operated in civilian clothing and used deception tactics, the official said. The hostages were shot at in violation of Israeli rules of engagement, the official added.


  • >Dear readers, >One wall, two posters: In Hamburg, unknown people at Rote Flora changed the clear statement against Hamas into a statement of solidarity with Palestinians. It should no longer be written on the wall that the killing of Jewish people in Israel and around the world is not a liberation struggle. Anti-imperialist movements have been criticized for years for uncritical solidarity. The occupied cultural center in the Schanzenviertel has not changed its position. “Free the world from Hamas” is now hanging there. This demand reflects that Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organization. On October 7th of this year, the Islamists, who have controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, confirmed that they were, above all, carrying out terrorism by targeting civilians, murdering the defenseless, executing babies and children, raping women and displaying the dead. That day, Hamas hoped to murder as many Jewish people as possible. They killed people true to their fundamentalist Islamism. On that one On that day, Hamas didn't just take over 250 people hostage by kidnapping them from Israel. They also took hostage the approximately two million people in Gaza, who serve as human shields alive and as propaganda material when dead. Propaganda and contempt also seems to come from parts of the Israeli government post October 7th that articulated scenarios, such as the relocation of all Gazans to the Sinai or the use of nuclear weapons. > >With all justified compassion for the civilians in Gaza: If you are a leftist, you do not demonstrate with reactionaries, if you are a feminist, you do not show solidarity with the rapists and murderers of Hamas who are close to the Iranian regime. If you are an anti-fascist, you stand with the Jews and against anti-Semitism, especially in Germany. Any secret joy for the organization driven by religious fanaticism is no less an anti-Semitic reaction. The criticism of parts of the migrant communities and the left-wing solidarity spectrum because of anti-Israel positions and/or anti-Semitic sentiments is not new. It has been expressed for years and often comes from the respective milieu. In the current discourse, some politicians and journalists are now taking a harsh tone against migrants and “the” left. And they suggest that the entire migrant left and all migrants living here stand in unison against Israel. A generalization that also applies to other leftists. The fact that the German section of Fridays for Future is quickly drowned out when it spoke out clearly against one-sided “Free Gaza” solidarity. It is even more quickly drowned out that anti-Semitism is not just virulent in majority society, but omnipresent. But let's not talk about the Aiwangers and Walsers of this society. Let us also not remind you that the German fraternity decided to exclude Jews at the Würzburg Burschentag in 1822. Let's better forget that "Death (...) is a master from Germany". Anti-Semites are always the others - especially the strangers, the immigrants. > >Your editorial team >MAGAZINE #derrechterand 205/2023 3 Just got this in the mail and immediately cancelled my subscription. Like literally reproducing every Israeli propaganda talking point that has been debunked already and calling yourself leftists, all the while scolding every actual leftist that is not a Israeli lapdog. Infuriating. [German original]( The cover translates to "Against all antisemitism - without question!" ![germany-cool]( "emoji germany-cool")


    As the Soviet army approached and the end of the war came closer the vast majority of Auschwitz prisoners were marched west by the Nazis, into Germany. Those few thousand remaining were thought too ill to travel, and were left behind to be shot by the SS. In the confusion that followed the abandonment of the camp, the SS left them alive. The prisoners were found by Soviet forces when they liberated Auschwitz on January 27, 1945. Vasily Gromadsky, a Russian officer with the 60th Army liberating Auschwitz recalls what happened. "They [the prisoners] began rushing towards us, in a big crowd. They were weeping, embracing us and kissing us. I felt a grievance on behalf of mankind that these fascists had made such a mockery of us. It roused me and all the soldiers to go and quickly destroy them and send them to hell." “We ran up to them and they gave us hugs, cookies, and chocolate. Being so alone a hug meant more than anybody could imagine because that replaced the human worth that we were starving for. We were not only starved for food but we were starved for human kindness. And the Soviet Army did provide some of that.” – Eva Mozes Kor, age 10, child survivor of Auschwitz Eva Mozes Kor, age 10, was one of several hundred children, many of them twins, who were left behind. She and her twin sister Miriam had been subjects in Dr. Josef Mengele’s medical experiments. She describes what it was like to see the liberating Russians. [source](


    [Part of the article]( Explaining her surprising victory in a blog post, DiMezzo wrote: “I went into it expecting that I would lose the primary to a write-in candidate, because I didn’t think that so many voters were just… completely and totally oblivious about who they are voting for. “Because the fact is that you didn’t bother. You trusted the system. You trusted the establishment. You trusted the party. You felt safe. “You were sure that there must be some mechanisms in place to prevent from occurring exactly what just occurred. “Your anger is misplaced if you direct it at me. Please listen. Your anger is with the system that has lied to you. Your anger is with the system that convinced you to believe in it, trust in it, and have faith in it, when it is completely and utterly broken. “More than 4,000 people went into the voting booth on September 8 this week, and they all filled in the circle by my name despite knowing absolutely nothing about the person they were nominating to the most powerful law enforcement position in the county. “That’s a level of recklessness of which any decent human being should be ashamed.”




    [source for the second part](
