Organic Maps got removed from Google Play Store.
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 2mo ago 100%

    Capitalism breeds innovation

  • Gaza ceasefire deal 'closer than we've ever been', says Joe Biden
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 2mo ago 100%

    JUST IN: Member of Hamas Political Bureau, Ghazi Hamad:

    We already expected this result at the Doha negotiations.

    Netanyahu was practicing deception and did not provide answers to all the questions to reach an agreement. Netanyahu sets new conditions, undermines what was previously agreed upon, and his goal is to continue the war.

    We will not allow the occupation in any way in any part of the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu wants to propose a new formula for negotiation from the beginning to gain more time.

    What was reported in the Wall Street Journal about Israel’s readiness to withdraw from the corridor is not true.

    Israel wants to leave a loophole in the agreement so that it can return to war later.

    No agreement can pass without a complete ceasefire, the withdrawal of the occupation, the return of the displaced, and the exchange of prisoners.

    Our position is strong and firm and all factions agree on it, and we will no longer enter into any futile negotiations.

    ‼️ The Iranian response & Hezbollah’s response are their right and have a different path than the negotiations.

    Hezbollah has been fighting for more than 10 months and offering martyrs, and it is thanked for what it is doing, and the occupation only understands the language of force.

  • Gaza ceasefire deal 'closer than we've ever been', says Joe Biden
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 2mo ago 100%

    Israel has always planned on escalating the war as much as possible as it advances their geopolitical interests and so they have always sought to undermine all ceasefire negotiations. They know that the US will be forced to defend their Zionist outpost in the Middle East from an attack led by any party. The US is straight-up lying about there being a possibility that Israel will agree to a ceasefire in the hopes that Iran will delay or consider abandoning a large retaliation.

    Hamas weren't even at the talks Biden is talking about here! Hamas withdrew from the negotiations because they were/are a sham. They demand Israel accept another deal agreed upon months ago.

    From Praxis Redacted telegram:

    Hamas leadership source to AJ:

    What we were informed about the results of the Doha meetings ( does not include a commitment to what was agreed upon ( on July 2.

    Hamas sources to Al-Aqsa TV:

    The Hamas movement is committed to the July 2 proposal. ( What reaches us through indirect channels falls short of the presented ceiling, and Hamas will not accept it.

    Ibn Riad: May God curse those who are complicit with laundering these sham "ceasefire talks", knowing full well that they are doing nothing other than buying the occupation more time to murder more and more and more. May they find no forgiveness in this world nor the next.

    @BIG_Brother7 on X: ( Qatar and Egypt, as mediators, lack even a shred of honor; if they had any, they wouldn't have taken part in this farce called ceasefire talks.

    A mediator is supposed to be neutral, but these two shitstains aren't even that; they are just marionettes of the empire.

    Ahmed Hassan in Yemen: Every time America and “Israel” deceive the people [to instill] a false hope, they talk about a ceasefire and the release of hostages.

    This is a policy so that people lose interest and do not monitor the current events, so that America and “Israel” can manipulate and deceive the people.

    We should not talk about an illusion and care about empty talk.

    The ceasefire should not be conditional on the outcome of negotiations, the ceasefire and stopping the massacres is a non-negotiable issue.

    Hamas leader Mahmoud Mardawi to Al-Arabi:

    We will not accept any solution that does not align with the July 2 ( proposal.

    The Palestinian people will not pay the price for the U.S. position that covers for "israel" and its crimes.

    Zionist officials to Hebrew Channel 12: We do not agree with the estimates of reducing the state of alert. We presume that an attack from Iran or Hezbollah could happen at any moment.


    As we gather here for the 10th month in a row to advance a ceasefire to save human lives, Israel continues taking human lives and every action possible to spread a wildfire across the Middle East. As we sit here on the 75th anniversary of the Geneva conventions that were birthed in the ruins of entire cities, in the mass and indiscriminate killing of civilians in the death chambers, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a pledge that the light will emerge out of the darkest night and protect the dignity and humanity of all persons in armed conflict. Israel is tearing the conventions apart in Gaza along with every rule humanity has ever elaborated. As we meet here in New York there are Israeli government and military officials, pundits and analysts explaining seriously, that they are entitled to carry out indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks against the Palestinian civilian population - to wage war against civilians. They explain that starvation is a legitimate weapon of war. They justify gang rape and torture against defenceless prisoners as a required deterrent - and this is not a theoretical exercise, this is what Israel is imposing against millions of Palestinians. No man woman or child spared. You demand Israel to stop killing civilians as a security Council, but it targets them in their shelters and tents. You demand Israel to allow food and medicine in, but it ensures that famine and diseases spread. You demand Israel to treat Palestinian prisoners humanely, but it tortures them and allows the Israeli jailers to rape and abuse their Palestinian hostages. You call on it to stop its settlements, but it rapidly accelerates its colonization of Palestinian land. You urge Israel to uphold the historic status quo at the holy sites, but its ministers and settlers desecrate Al Aqsa each time more openly and provocatively. So let me state the obvious: Israel does not care about your condemnations. Let me repeat. Israel does not care about your condemnations. It dismisses your resolutions. It does not even listen to your debates - their representative will be playing with his iPhone while you are talking. As countries, as a Security Council, you had a responsibility to act months ago to stop this impunity, as the genocide continues you have a responsibility to react to save human lives and preserve the foundations for peace and security for all, not just for some. Israel is a rogue state with a rotten government, due to the unbridled impunity it has enjoyed so far. I have no doubt that the tides will turn and we will not be deterred in making sure no one can act as if Palestinians lives are worthless. But Palestinians in Gaza cannot wait for the tide to turn. Their agony must stop now, must stop right now! They wonder if you see them. Do you ever think; what if you were born in Gaza? What if the prisoner raped was your son? What if the children starving to death were your own? What if that woman killed was your daughter or your wife? What if the disease that was riddling the body of your mother/your grandmother? What if that family that was blown into pieces or burned to death was yours, killed in cold blood after running in desperation and hunger for months to survive? Just consider for one moment the sheer agony and despair that our people have suffered. All these long months of deprivation and devastation lashed upon them while the world watched and left them to suffer, starve, and die. Mr President, while we acknowledge and welcome the international consensus that has long called for an immediate ceasefire, clearly Israel has rained a veto right over that prospect. This must be brought to an end. Israel cannot continue to defy the world and every rule of humankind. It is not a coincidence. Every time the world pushes for a ceasefire, Israel responds with a massacre like the one in the school. It sends a message each more gruesome than the one before that. It will not stop but there is no right to commit genocide. Obviously no. And we warn all those contributing directly or indirectly to the emergence of such a right - there is nothing that can justify Israeli actions! Nothing! And don't anyone dare say this is about the hostages - it's not about the hostages! it became apparent long ago that this Israeli government could care less about them. The hostages know it. Their families know it. You know it in the Security Council. Israel is killing them, abandoning them, playing with their lives. Netanyahu has other priorities - self-serving ones, maniacal ones - he's a maniac! Something terrible is happening in Israel, something that has made justifying genocide, famine, and gang rape mainstream ideology. Something horrific - horrific is happening. The memory of the Holocaust, instead of serving as an unbreachable barrier against the commission of atrocities, has been instrumentalized to justify their commission. How is this possible 10 months later, with the whole world opposed to it? Because that opposition has yet to lead to serious consequences for Israel. This is a hard fact you have to face, there are no consequences! They're not going to listen to you; to those who continue to arm Israel, to those who still have the audacity to “call on Israel” to investigate its own crimes, as if the actions of its soldiers do not reflect the actual policies of its military and political leaders, to those who dare to try and deter International courts from ensuring accountability, instead of deterring the perpetrators of atrocities. Wake up! Wake up! How long do you have to remain in denial? Wake up! Stop finding excuses. Stop imagining that you can reason with the Israeli government so it stops killing civilians by the thousands, imposing famine, torturing prisoners, colonizing and annexing our land - all while you appeal to them, calling them. Demand them to stop. You have to tell them to stop! And you have the tools to make them stop as a Security Council and as nations in your national capacity. You have to decide: what do you stand for, and what do you stand against. This is not a time for justifications and equivocations, this is a time for clarity and resolve. This is time to shore up principles and morals. Do not abandon your duties, do not abandon your duties as a Security Council. You have the tools to make what you decide a reality, and no one should be above the law. If you choose to do that, if you have the political will to implement what you decide, Mr President, when will the Israeli government be held accountable for its actions? When will the war criminals be sanctioned? And as my brother from Algeria it is time to sanction. We reject a position whereby you would be against hostage taking except when the hostages are Palestinians, and whereby you would sanction war criminals except when they are Israelis. We cannot come back here over and over again and pretend that everyone does not all know that Israel will not listen until it has no choice but to listen. You have to make them have no choice but to listen to you. Until there are consequences for its crimes. You cannot commit a crime and get away with it, there has to be consequences for those committing crimes. For those who want to defend the Geneva conventions and all the conventions’ elements, when in article one it says that you have to ensure, in all times, compliance with the provisions of the conventions. And you see them getting away with murder and you keep repeating the same thing. When are you going to enforce your decisions and international law? You need to impose sanctions on those criminals - you do that, they will stop continuing to commit these crimes and atrocities and genocide against the Palestinian people. We reject a position whereby you would be against hostage taking as I said except when the hostages are Palestinians and whereby you would sanction war criminals except when they are Israelis. We cannot come back here over and over again and pretend that everyone does not know that Israel will not listen until it has no choice but to listen - until there are consequences for its crimes. Palestinians are exhausted, surrounded by death and endless horrors and they know that your words are no match for the bombs and bullets taking away their lives and limbs. But words are not all this council has, words are not the only tool your countries have - some have gone beyond words. They are too rare, this is a time to act as a number of you have stated, and you will be judged not only for the eloquence of your speeches, but also and more importantly for the courage of your actions. Show some courage! Show some bravery! Take actions! Stop the criminals in getting away with murder! Mr President, we don't want Israel to torture our prisoners a bit less as some say that, torture them a bit less. We want to see them free! We don't want Israel to make its occupation a bit less brutal, we want to see it end! Our people deserve freedom! The International Court of Justice has been unequivocal in its determination that “the sustained abuse by Israel of its positions as an occupying power through annexation and an assertion of permanent control over the occupied Palestinian territory and continued frustration of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination violates fundamental principles of international law and renders Israelis presence in the occupied Palestinian territory unlawful.” Their presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is unlawful, therefore the court said it has to end as quickly as possible. This illegal occupation and all the illegal, inhumane, racist and destructive policies that flow from it must end. The Palestinian people will not disappear and they will not surrender. They will not relinquish their legitimate aspiration to live in freedom and dignity in their ancestral land. I urge the Security Council to act - I urge you to act. And in the coming days we will go to the General Assembly to make sure that it upholds its charter responsibilities - to make sure that the determinations of the highest court in the world, the ICJ, is translated into political will, and momentum into concrete actions to be pursued by the UN and its member states, to end this illegal action as soon as possible, to protect civilians life, to preserve and pursue peace and security. Dag Hammarskjold once stated “The United Nations was not created in order to bring us to heaven, but in order to save us from Hell.” History will remember that the Palestinians were left to endure Hell, now the fire they have painfully endured for almost a year is spreading to devour everything around in our region there is only one way to stop a man-made fire. It is not enough to tend to the flames, you need to stop the arsonist. Let me repeat what our people in Gaza is saying and they have been saying that and they cannot take it any longer. Enough is enough. You have to act to put an end to this cruel criminality and genocide against our people in Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip. Will you do that? All of you, you gave beautiful statements, you showed unanimity in rejecting their criminal action, but that is good, not sufficient. Show the will and the resolve to act on that basis with the tools that you have, with the Mandate given to you by the charter, to come to the Palestinian people and serve them Justice, to stop the criminals from continuing in what they are doing. Can we count on you? Thank you Mr President.

    (CW: Pics of dead babies; replies by antisemites) Surprising literally no one, an Israeli telegram channel with 132k users is celebrating the murder of a man's wife and newly born twins
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 2mo ago 100%

    I’ve no idea who the original poster of either of these accounts are or what their politics are, and I say this because there’s an unfortunate number of antisemitic responses.

    They're a Nazi

  • Why is Lemmy, with a tiny fraction of Mastodon's MAU, more fun than Mastodon?
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 7mo ago 100%

    I think it's much easier to discover new content on Lemmy.

  • memes
    Memes 9mo ago
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 9mo ago 85%

    Pretty sure that anti-anti-fascism is just straight-up a Nazi trope.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 3
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 9mo ago 100%

    Perhaps this site is a good source of training data?

  • I got 10/20. They're the fucking same.

    Palestine Hagels_Bagels 9mo ago 96%
    Memes 9mo ago
    Good Luck Guys!
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 9mo ago 33%

    How is it remotely sane to give support to any candidate who backs an ongoing genocide? It's only sane to do so if you're apathetic to the said victims of genocide and know that their ghosts won't affect you after they've been murdered by the politicians you've elected.

  • memes
    Memes 9mo ago
    Good Luck Guys!
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 9mo ago 50%

    If there are 2 buttons, and both will result in the commission of Genocide, you don't press either button. This is why this meme wouldn't work in its usual context if the buttons said that.

    Any voter or potential voter who has moral principles and values should withhold support for any candidate who supports or enables the most serious crime known to humanity.

    If a political opponent of Adolf Hitler was vying for election in Germany in 1932 or 1933, and that political opponent also had the same views towards Jews and/or other ethnic, racial, religious and national groups as Adolf Hitler, with the same intention to commit and use the power of their office to facilitate genocide against those groups as the NSDAP has, you don't vote for that other candidate, even if they maintain free elections within a fascist Germany. On principle, every person has a moral responsibility not to support, nor facilitate the crime of Genocide. A true democracy allows for true political expression of the population and doesn't force its electorate to back a Genocide.

    I hope I'm not being OTT or patronizing. When talking about an ongoing Genocide against a group it's off to reduce the (unfortunately) political issue of Genocide prevention to the less serious language used in US domestic politics. And there ought not to be a reason why Palestine is less important than Ukraine or Russian influence in Europe. I mean Palestine is fucked right now and has been since 1948. Why would European people let Palestine be fucked for decades since it doesn't affect Europe but care about Ukraine since it does? I dunno such a shit situation.

  • South Africa Genocide Case Against Israel ICJ Livestream
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 9mo ago 100%

    I think the South African team presented their arguments extremely well. I wonder what extreme Oct. 7 atrocity propaganda Israel has prepared to show the UN's highest court tomorrow. Surely that's all they can do since they haven't been able to refute any single argument presented by South Africa. Initially, each side was given 2 hours to make statements, Israel requested an extension to 3 hours.

    All they had to do was play back the Zionist's own statements to prove they were genocidal. So far they've claimed that Hamas is the party committing genocide (ridiculous), but as was explained by South Africa, they are not a state party and so aren't subject to the Genocide Convention.

    Vaughan Lowe argued strongly that nothing can possibly merit a response of Genocide in any context. This simple fact must expose whatever attempt to reframe themselves as victims that Israel will try to pull tomorrow.

  • South Africa Genocide Case Against Israel ICJ Livestream
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 9mo ago 100%

    What I think will happen is that the court will find they are committing genocide, and then all Western leaders will say that they disagree with the conclusion the ICJ/ICC found.

    So much nonsense has been flung around by Israel and its supporters in the last few months, I don't see why they'd suddenly want to return to some semblance of logic and reason just because their obvious crimes have been formally recognised.

  • Elon Musk just carried out a major ban wave of pro-Palestine voices on Twitter/X, just for Bill Ackman.
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 10mo ago 100%

    OK so now they've all been reinstated and Elon Musk started talking about how he's a bastion of free speech again! Tulsi Gabbard approves!

  • Elon Musk just carried out a major ban wave of pro-Palestine voices on Twitter/X, just for Bill Ackman.
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 10mo ago 100%

    I looked up the squirrel's other social media after they got banned because I liked his posts. He has Instagram as well. I hope the Fediverse will continue becoming less and less of a fringe thing. I noticed some of the other people on the list have a Bluesky account but I've not really heard much about it.


    AlanRMacleod and TrueAnon also got banned. It was a clear and deliberate silencing of opposing voices to the Zionist genocide. List of banned accounts:

    Palestine 10mo ago
    [CW] Alan Dershowitz is a rapist.
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 10mo ago 100%

    I'm a bit late but done

  • memes
    Memes 10mo ago
    Marx vs Che
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 10mo ago 100%

    I think it is both. People are naturally the most revolutionary in times of crisis and struggle. It is the conditions which are created by the capitalist system that make the people feel that the system they live under is untenable, especially with rapid changes in conditions as experienced during financial crises. Many within the bourgeoise study the instability of capitalism in order to protect their capital or to profit from it.

  • "Get out and VOTE for Genocide Joe because he's less genocidy than TRUMP!" ShitRedditSays
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 10mo ago 98%

    From OP:

    The Biden administration has been doing everything in their power to reign in Israel, push for ceasefire, and negotiate deals to save hostages. But sure, he's totally "pro-warcrimes."

    He's done so much to obtain a ceasefire that his leadership was the only one to veto a ceasefire at the UN Security Council!

  • People from dystopian western regimes enjoying Chinese freedom and humanity. This is why western regimes are so scared of western people visiting China.
  • Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels 10mo ago 100%

    If capitalism is so bad then how come living conditions are worse in the exploited global south whose nations are targeted, exploited and destabilised by the imperialist core?

    Same dumbass line of questioning.


    “I’m not sure, but I don’t think they have anything to do with what America did in the Philippines between 1899 and 1906; in Haiti between 1915 and 1934; in Japan during World War II; in Korea between 1950 and 1953; in Guatemala in 1954; in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia between 1960 and 1972; in Cuba in 1961; in Indonesia in the 1960s; in Chile in 1973; in East Timor in 1975; in El Salvador and Nicaragua in the 1980s; in the Persian Gulf in the early 1990s; in Serbia in 1999; in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021; in Iraq between 2003 and 2007; in Somalia, Libya, and Yemen in the 2010s; and what’s happening in Guantánamo Bay right now.”




    Amazon allowed bottles of it's own delivery drivers' piss to be sold as an energy drink on its platform, and the algorithm permitted the 'beverage' to reach the spot of #1 best-seller. ![]( ![]( Oobah Butler did this to bring attention to Amazon's shitty practices such as their union-busting tactics, surveillance and poor treatment of their workers, failure to investigate the safety of products listed on their platform, tax avoidance, and for failing to check at the point of delivery, the age of recipients for age-restricted items such as knives, saws, and rat poison. The 'documentary' is available on channel4 (although you need an account):

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Drugs Hagels_Bagels 1y ago 77%
    Met Police chief accused of cannabis habit refused drug test

    Commander Julian Bennett, who wrote the force’s drug strategy, offered his resignation when he was accused of using the substance


    We are at 1.3°C above pre-industrial average temperature. Scientists think we will pass 2.5°C. ![]( An NDC is an abbreviation for 'nationally determined contribution' i.e. what the world says they will do to mitigate climate change. "The best estimate of peak temperature in the twenty-first century (projected mostly for 2100 when temperature continues to rise) is in the range of 2.1–2.9 °C depending on the underlying assumptions.52 Without implementation of any conditional elements of NDCs, the best estimate of temperature change is 2.5–2.9 °C warming. Assuming full implementation of NDCs, including all conditional elements, the best estimate for peak global mean temperature is 2.1–2.4 °C."

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Britain's descent into fascism.

    ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Not a bad idea tbh
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Drugs Hagels_Bagels 4y ago 100%
    David Nutt: Decision making about illegal drugs: time for science to take the lead