20% Lobi Store Sale
  • Indy Indy 4d ago 100%

    I wonder if the "14th" is a typo and/or if the "21st" will be kept as the end date, considering this was posted today (2024 Oct 17).

  • www.playstartrekonline.com

    Save 20% on everything in the Lobi Store on all platforms! **From October 14th at 8am PT to October 21st at 12pm PT**


    **Known Issues:** - The Beowulf's Blade cannot be upgraded once you reach level 60 (PC Only) - The Bewolf Blade may be missing sound effects (Console Only) - T6 Lamarr UI - the icon of the ship in the Change Active Ship menu is missing (all platforms) - The Infinity Courier spawned by the Lamarr's Infinity Courier ability is invisible (console only) - Lamarr's Electromagnetic Echo Pulse Generator: The console cannot be reclaimed in the Dilithium Store. (Event additions also mentioned in OP)

    Was the planet where "The 37's" were found ever given a name or revisited in STO or in Novels?
  • Indy Indy 6d ago 100%

    Agreed. I would have loved to have that kind of callback to the story.

  • Tawny Newsome, Eugene Cordero and Jerry O'Connell were contestants on After Midnight (+ cameo by Rebecca Romijn)
  • Indy Indy 6d ago 100%

    That was a lot of fun to watch. Thanks for providing the links to the various segments!

  • [All Platforms] It's the Witching Hour!
  • Indy Indy 6d ago 100%

    October 17th, 2024 (8am PT) to November 7th, 2024 (12pm PT)

    • Grand Prize: Beowulf's Blade (account-wide), 3x Featured TFO Reward Boxes, 25,000 Dilithium Ore
    • Earn Progress with Cat's Tale TFO, Delving the Castle Patrols
  • www.playstartrekonline.com

    >From **October 17th at 8am PT to November 7th at 12pm PT** on all platforms .... >Between **October 17th at 8am PT an October 21st at 12pm PT**, we're also helping you save on the tools you need for your new Dominion Captains as **anything Jem'Hadar related in the Zen Store will be 25% off**. It's the best time to start or upgrade a Jem'Hadar character!

    Embracer-owned Cryptic Studios will suffer devastating layoffs at the end of October | Massively Overpowered
  • Indy Indy 1w ago 100%

    Fair point! I think you're spot on with the quality of the episodes (as game pieces) themselves. Story, meh, but game design/graphics, wow!

    We'll see what happens. As the famous trombone player said, "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise."

  • Embracer-owned Cryptic Studios will suffer devastating layoffs at the end of October | Massively Overpowered
  • Indy Indy 1w ago 100%

    Well said. And it's been an enjoyable journey throughout.

    Some of the stories have been lackluster here and there, but that in itself is Star Trek. Not every show/game/story is going to be for everyone, yet beautifully all are welcome as trekkers/trekkies.

  • Embracer-owned Cryptic Studios will suffer devastating layoffs at the end of October | Massively Overpowered
  • Indy Indy 1w ago 100%

    The game will probably soldier on for a significant period of time.

    Agreed, but I would adjust that wording (whether "solidering", "limping", or "on life support") based on how the first DECA content feels.

    It will probably be in a “zombie” state, not unlike that of Champions Online (as I understand it, I don’t really play that game).

    Feels like it has been since 2020, if not a little before, IMO.

    We’re closer to STO’s end than its beginning.

    STO 2 when? 😛 Joking aside, we really are near its end. I wish that 3D model company hadn't turned and run after taking orders (yes, they refunded eventually); I'd have liked to have some of my ships as models to remember STO.

  • www.playstartrekonline.com

    > from 12pm PT 10/10 - 12pm PT 10/12, on all platforms Save 25% on Keys! Keyring Bundle! Get your hands on this special bundle of twenty master keys, and an Ultimate Tech Upgrade!

    The Aetherians: What's the deal?
  • Indy Indy 3w ago 100%

    Personally, I think they were just someone's way to get lines spoken as if from those alien comics (by Nathan Pyle) that are popular online right now. Lines like, "Evasion is beneficial to us" instead of "Watch out". Or "Observe" instead of "Look".

    I don't think there's any real story to it or, at least, no story that anyone at Cryptic cared to create before leaving/sleeping on the project.

  • PC Patch Note for 10/3/24
  • Indy Indy 3w ago 100%

    At this point, with as many years as STO has had, I'm guessing "shard maintenance" is just a chance to clean out the hamster cages for the next week.

  • PC Patch Note for 10/3/24
  • Indy Indy 3w ago 100%

    I didn't even notice this posting. In fact, I was surprised when I saw the shard message in-game today; I figured they were skipping this week.

  • PC Patch Note for 10/3/24
  • Indy Indy 3w ago 100%


    • Resolved an issue that was allowing the power from the Polarity Coil Generator to appear on captains' hotbars even when the Console was not equipped.
  • [All platforms] Bundles Sale
  • Indy Indy 4w ago 100%

    From September 26th at 8am PT to September 30th at 12pm PT on all platforms, save 35% on Ship Bundles and Expansion Bundles in the Zen Store

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1mo ago 100%

    This one was a variation on "Ninth Rule". Same system too. Like the other patrol, this one took about 3 minutes in a DPS ship while learning the mechanics of the patrol. It feels "slower" than the other patrol, probably because there's more hopping around the map (just like Ninth Rule). The waves at the end are super easy compared to even a Normal Ninth Rule.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1mo ago 100%

    This one took about 3 minutes in a DPS ship while taking a tiny bit of time to learn the mechanics. Pretty easy and quick. This will likely be what I do to run the daily and just do it twice. I can probably shave it down to about 2 minutes once I know the map better.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1mo ago 100%

    I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.

    I wouldn't consider myself a DPS chaser either, since I haven't even parsed my ship builds in at least a year or two. However, I definitely follow the meta and know I have (or at least) had some high DPS when I did parse.

    TLDR: Maybe not a DPSer, more like a fast-damage hobbyist.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1mo ago 100%

    How does this one feel, compared to other patrols? Sounds similar to the "Rescue and Search" patrol.

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1mo ago 100%

    Hmmm... Good for speed-running like "Wanted"?

  • [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1mo ago 100%

    I'm getting used to it too. Trying to figure out the best "route" to take when I'm speeding from Cube/Octa and Emitter to next Cube/Octa and Emitter.

  • [PC] Upgrade Weekend
  • Indy Indy 1mo ago 100%

    From September 19th at 8am PT to September 23rd at 12pm PT on PC, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade

  • www.playstartrekonline.com

    > Starting with the launch of the Dimensional Typhoon Event on PC, a new ship will be available in the Infinity Lock Box - the Nova One from Lower Decks! **Nova One Pilot Raider** Ship Stats (curated) - Hull Modifier: 1.07 - Shield Modifier: 1.14 - Fore Weapons: 5 - Aft Weapons: 1 - Bridge Officer Stations: - Commander Universal/Pilot - Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Miracle Worker - Lieutenant Commander Universal - Lieutenant Tactical - Ensign Universal - Consoles: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 2 Science - Base Turn Rate: 20.3 - Impulse Modifier: 0.21 - Inertia: 80 * +10 Weapons Power * +10 Engine Power - Console - Universal: Nova Fleet Recruitment Drive - Starship Trait: Bold Piloting **Console – Universal – Nova Fleet Recruitment Drive** > ... This device emits a beam which was initially thought to be capable of destroying ships. In truth, it broadcasts a message manipulating low-ranking members of a ship's crew and forces them to mutiny. The chaos and destruction that ensues can range from Bridge Officers seeing their abilities delayed to ships temporarily defecting. **Experimental Weapon – Nova Starburst** > This weapon uses a plasma canister as a projectile, this weapons creates a dangerous cloud that deals damage over time to anyone inside it. After a few seconds the plasma is ignited creating an explosion on an area several times bigger than the initial plasma cloud. **Starship Trait – Bold Piloting** > ... One such case involved tampering with standard engine boosting protocols to achieve greater maximum speed. This let him deal damage to other ships and partially bypass shields by grazing during hot pursuits. Due to stress applied to engine subsystems, Locarno's special move could only be used sparingly....


    **Dimensional Typhoon Event** * **Task Force Operation: Royal Flush** * Battle alongside unusual allies, the Undine, to defend the Planet Killers from a massive Borg invasion. * Use the Planet Killers against the Borg. * Survive the onslaught from a Borg Fusion Cube. * **Patrol: Out of Control** * Defend an Iconian vessel stranded in an unstable gateway. * Avoid annihilation from a devastating Borg Cube weapon. * **Patrol: Unwanted Guests** * Work with Thaseen-Fei to defeat the Borg and close reality vortices in the Kinjer system.


    September 5th, 2024 (8am PT) to September 9th, 2024 (12pm PT) on PC * Vanity Shields will be available in the Dilithium Store for 280,000 Dilithium. * All ships in the Dilithium Store will be 20% off. * Return of the Anniversary Bundle * **Legendary Bundle Discount:** All Legendary Bundles will be 35% off, including the 10 Ship Legendary Anniversary Bundle.


    September 5th, 2024, 8am PT to September 12th, 2024, 12pm PT * Receive a free Phoenix Prize Pack once per day from Grym on Drozana Station or Onna on Deep Space Nine.


    **General:** - Resolved an issue with the Captain Alteration Token that caused gender changes made with the Captain Alteration Token to not fully reflect the change in dialogue and some items.


    From August 15th at 8am PT to August 22nd at 12pm PT on all platforms > all of your assignments give out double Campaign XP > all Tour of Duty missions will award bonus Dilithium Ore during this event


    August 15th, 8am PT to August 22nd, 12pm PT * **All Red Alert Events Active:** Borg, Elachi, Tholian, Tzenkethi, and Nakuhl Red Alerts will be available. * **Grand Prize:** After five days of progress, receive an Ultimate Tech Upgrade and a Specialization Point.


    August 8th at 8am PT to August 12th at 12pm PT on PC Save 35% on Ship Bundles and Expansion Bundles in the Zen Store


    PC Patch Notes for 8/8/24 **General:** - Resolved an issue that caused some Romulan Duty Officer missions to only grant Klingon aligned Duty Officers no matter what faction the captain was aligned to. - As part of this fix, Federation aligned Captains who received these Klingon aligned Duty Officers will have the correct Duty Officers granted to them. - Resolved an issue with the Elite Force Sniper Rifle that caused its FX to appear on dead enemies rather that its active target. - Resolved further cases of the windows of the Premonition appearing to flicker. **Known Issues:** - Currently the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer is defaulting to normal Quantum Slipstream Drive over the cyclical quantum slipstream drive.
