Bible 5mo ago
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
  • anders anders 5mo ago 75%

    Hey @Mastengwe

    Yes you are right. I don't know why we Christians receive hate from some people. I don't hate atheists and don't wanna try to convince them to believe in my religion.

    As for myself I found more peace in Jesus Christ. If someone finds peace in being an atheist and that makes sense to him then he shall be an atheist. I wish for all my fellow humans to have peace and enjoy life in whatever way pleases them.

    Cheers mate 🍻

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%

    I see. Well for me too, Xorg offered all the features I need and is still more well supported than Wayland in some areas, but on my system Wayland has so much better performance. On Xorg I was having mouse lags, on Wayland it's just smooth.

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%

    I think this description describes it very well. This is also how I remember it from back in the 2000's when I tried to use it.

    It is indeed a lightweight DE.

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%

    Have you tested the Wayland implementation of Enlightenment?

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%

    Interesting. I should check it out. Thanks for the suggestion

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%

    I didn't know about that feature in Windows 11 even though I use it on my work laptop but I guess it's because I only use the laptop's screen when I work 😂

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Has anyone tried the #Enlightenment DE for #Linux in the recent years?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%

    Makes sense. I think I would also miss some if I switched.

  • Has anyone tried the [#Enlightenment]( DE for [#Linux]( in the recent years? How was the experience? [@linux](

    Have you tried to eat stuff in your lucid dreams?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%

    That's one of the "normal things" I haven't done in a lucid dream. But I've gone to the toilet once in a lucid dream 😂


  • Anybody else finding it hard to want to stay on Lemmy?
  • anders anders 5mo ago 100%


    Yes I agree. I don't want to posts about the Bible on Lemmy, because most people hate it on that platform. I have made my decision so there is really no need for me to debate with anyone and that decision is that I as an adult have chosen to believe in God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    If you want to join other Christians in a closed community, there is the Mastodon instance, which you can join.

    God bless 🙏
