Its funny seeing all the other instances rage viewing exploding heads
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    There's c/nostrblog but tbh, I'm not really sure if that's for discussing the nostr protocol in general, how it relates to EH, or all of the above

  • Based Berenstain Bears
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    there is no space where right wingers have “civilized dicussions”

    You mean bc the left get their panties in a wad when we - even in polite, pg-13 tones - don't go along with the left's narratives and hivemind mentality so they block us on other platforms? Not our fault that you lot are so thin skinned.

    You guys seem to communicate via facebook tier memes at this point.

    As I was saying before: THIS IS A MEME SUB. I don't know that I can simplify it anymore than that for you mate...

    The only possible place to have any contact with right wingers are “free-speech” meme communities

    Again, not by our design. But even then, as I mentioned earlier, there are in fact other communities on this instance. They have mostly all the same folks that are in here posting memes.

    My point was that a lot of the time, people post memes to chill and relax. And they go to discussion subs to have discussions. Is anyone telling you that you can't exercise your free speech by making discussion comments in the meme section? No. I was just pointing out that you probably aren't going to get great feedback here, bc a) discussion is not the focus of this sub (memes are) and b) your complaint is essentially against others exercising their free speech, on an instance and sub where that is explicitly allowed...

    They are the only communities with any numbers right now, the rest is virtually dead…

    DMT is more anything goes (read: MUCH better for discussion, tho complaining about folks using free speech still isn't likely to get great results; my guess is most just ignore you, block you, or tell you to piss off but you're free to try)

    “Free speech” kinda implies that memes with different opinions and views are posted. Instead, the opposite is the case, it’s virtually only one viewpoint that is presented., it does not. I think you may be confused on what free speech means. It means only that you are free to say whatever you want, unless otherwise specifically prohibited by law (e.g. yelling "fire" in a movie theater as a prank would not be protected).

    There is NO stipulation whatsoever about WHAT someone will speak on, only what they CAN speak on.

    And community rules are set by the community creators and can be more or less inclusive than those of the site as a whole. e.g. site as a whole does not allow some particular language in ALL communities but site owner has given ok on specific communities to have language that is not generally acceptable on the site. Likewise, any given community is free to decide that they want. Be that 100% free speech from all sides, only free speech that is prohibited elsewhere on the web, or whatever else.

    So if a community mod wanted to make standards that where basically like reddit but for right-wingers, then they could do so.

    obsessed with the trans community to an absurd degree…

    See what you like. Personally, I would say "extremely frustrated with" fits better than "obsessed with" but whatever you like.

    Right, the way I see it, you guys have exactly two topics, or one topic depending on how you look at it. It’s “the gays/homos/trans” and “the left”. In practice, those two are often treated as the same thing.

    Even assuming that you aren't wrong and being overly reductive based on your own biases... Let me ask this: So what? In practice, it's a conservative instance. Did you expect something different? A lot of us already have accounts elsewhere where we post the normal fare. This sub is for all the stuff we can't post anywhere else.

    If you're looking for "safe" memes, there's a funmemes community here on this instance that is strictly for non-offensive stuff but really you can get that anywhere. If you want discussion, there's DMT if you have thick enough skin, and several other communities if you don't.

    But DankMemes on EH is one of the few places you can get conservative memes on the web without getting a bunch of jew-hating / black-hating propaganda. Yeah, we're probably not much better towards trannies, tankies, and wokees than any other conservative place. And you probably won't believe me or care about the difference but if you spend time at the other places, we're actually pretty damn tame in comparison.

    Right, but the thing is nobody will ever believe you when you are called “ihatetroons”, write about how much you hate “troons”, post memes about how “troons” are pedos, etc.

    ok. Thing is though, I don't really care. In fact, besides testing the waters here, my main goal with the s/n was to create something that the most disagreeable, sjw/activist cunts would probably block on sight so that I wouldn't need to bother with them.

    I might decide to change it later if that's still allowed. Might not. Now that I've been here a little while, I think they are pretty chill about s/n's and I don't think we have much of the folks I was worried about here. If we did, I can only think that every defed reduces that number significantly.

    Right, that’s how it works, you just go to the trans factory and say “one body mutilating transition please”…

    They can dress it up with pretty words. But if you paint a turd gold, it's still a turd and you have nothing to show for it but shit on your hands.

    No way, tech online forums are filled with weird nerds who like strange stuff? Who would have thought…

    Wasn't a stab at them liking weird stuff. They can like whatever the fuck the want as long as it isn't hurting anyone. The point in bringing it up was that they were posting off-topic shit repeatedly and frequently and whenever people would speak up about it, bc it just happened to be an agenda speaking point for the left, all rational discussion about alternatives was immediately shut down and any making the suggestions either accused of bigotry etc or banned.

    If furries or trannyfags want to create a sister sub or limit themselves to a weekly thread or something then whatever. But posting it repeatedly, then having the mods sit back and not only take their side but outright silence the opposition, is subversive in the extreme.

    Being critical or questioning things doesn’t make one a hater. But again, you are literally called “ihatetroons”, so I seriously don’t understand why you want to act suprised when people actually take what you say half-way seriously…

    Funny, bc all the stuff I was talking about was from BEFORE I decided to adopt that little moniker. And in a very real way, you could say that I wouldn't have bothered with it but for past grievances.

    Don’t you think this whole game about “I don’t really dislike trans people, well just a little bit, but I actually hate the politics” is a bit silly?

    To you maybe. I do hate the politics behind it. I think of eunuchs and feel not a shred of anger, hatred, or malicious intentions. I might think much of the idea, and I may think even less of tacking on a bonus hole.

    I get that you probably would love it if you could somehow get me to see that I'm a bigot and change my ways. And I'll give you props for at least being much more civil and pleasant to talk to than many of your comrades... but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

    you are actively trying to signal to everyone that you hate trans people, so you shouldn’t be suprised when people think you actually do…

    That's fine. Like I said, it was a very calculated and intentional move to throw off the rabid dogs trans "rights" warriors and any trans that could be called goons (troons). Was never about me bashing individuals. If it eases your conscience to chalk me up as a trans hater, go right ahead. I really don't care even a little bit.

    But the fact remains that leftists drove me to it and that I don't intend on changing.

  • Where can I buy this shirt?
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Chad Big Tech haters can find it here:

    Virgin Bezos cucks can find it on his shitty website. But you can do your own goddamn searches 😆

  • dankmemes
    Dank memes ihatetroons 1y ago 41%
    F 'em
    Why are we losing subscribers?
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    No clue. This is something I saved from god knows where and reposted. I don't have Netflix either

  • LGBTQ Movement Exposed: Shocking History Behind It
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    So based on his data, wouldn't the increase in lgbt precentage of population over time seem to indicate that sexual orientation is indeed a product of environment/learning rather than biological?

    To my thinking, if it were strictly a biological condition, then it is either inherited or something happening in very early development. Since LGBT couples don't typically pass their genes on (many adopt, trans MTF are incapable post-op. So that leaves surrogates and in vetro for lesbians and FTM)... So after the numbers reach their "true" ratios (according to them anyway bc I'm sure they'd claim some folks are still coming out of the closet), then we would see at best a plateau effect in lgbt rates and more likely a decline, assuming an inherited trait. That only leaves....

    Otherwise, if being lgbt is not inheritable and they are saying it is NOT a learned condition, then it would be fair to refer to lgbt as a birth defect, right?


  • has defederated
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%


    Saw the same (really offensive places) when ruqqus and voat were still around. Poal is that way now.

    I'm sure there are others. This place is a real treat being able to talk with others that aren't part of the liberal hivemind and still be able to casually say fag, libtard, etc without the whole community being out for blood.

    The other places, sometimes I feel like I'm talking to prepubescent boys that just learned a few new swear words. Other times, it's like really out there deep state theories but somehow magically every single Jewish person is part of it and only Jews or people controlled by them. One of my best friends is Jewish. I have some family that married into being Jewish too. They all hate the libs and deep state just as much as I do.. but I'm guessing admitting that much probably wouldn't go over well on poal etc lol

  • He Probably Want Ever Quit
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    I think their referring more to making small sites. I've sort of pidgeon holed myself into working with certain corporate bits and pieces but not really throwing together a full site by myself. And I generally work with backend java stuff instead of ui's (haven't played with ui's in literally years).

    Been thinking about taking some time off and trying to retrain to see if I can switch roles in the industry. If that doesn't work, might even look into how hard it would be to switch careers (bioinformatics maybe).

    When I first got in, I liked it but too many years in corporate America has killed a lot of the love I used to feel for coding... Or maybe it's just that I hate working for big corps. Maybe some time at a small company again would help..

  • I appreciate constructive criticism
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Not really a criticism, more of a request if you and/or kapow (and anybody else I'm missing) are open to it but wondering if you guys would consider at some point getting together and maybe doing a post about what kind of challenges you guys have had from admin / infra / etc perspectives (obv no sensitive details)

    I know the defedding stuff has to be a little disappointing and that's probably what most people think about. But I admit I have been a bit curious if you guys have had to spend a lot of time on fighting spam/trolls/it problems/etc and what it's like.

    If you guys don't have time right now, no worries. Was just a thought

  • Should I create an alternate account so that people can block me if they don’t want to see my content?
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    I assume it would only apply to local users being able to block you and federated wokees could already block you even now?

    Anyway, I like your content but yeah, if I was in your shoes, I'd probably keep 2 accounts.

    I'm in the IT sector tho so I've kinda had that mentality beat into me repeatedly for decades. Definitely makes sense from security perspective. That said, I log in as root sometimes anyway just bc I can lol.

    And in this case for allowing users to block id probably something that could be a factor for defed situations, assuming they aren't all just going to block us regardless...

  • Thoughts on Protestant Justification for "Moral Anarchy"?
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Not protestant.. closer to a non-denominational Christian with smatterings of Catholic and Lutheran.. but if I'm on the fence about a few things, I Believe in God pretty solidly.

    I might be missing a lot of nuance etc. But my take based on nothing but my own opinion is that if I were someone's boss or creator, I would be happy with any honest effort (whether you're setting specific goals or just doing the best you can). Some of us work better with well defined structure and others do better with more freedom. I sure hope any creator will grade me with this in mind anyway.

    But one thing I absolutely would not be too thrilled with is people trying to cheat the system (e.g. "as long as I have faith" + then setting out from day 1 fully intending to commit sins with the expectation that you will get away with it).

  • I’m going to tell everybody a little story about how many members of my grandmothers family were killed by Nazis (repost)
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 66%

    Lot here and I'm getting tired so sorry if I skip some stuff / have more typos than usual.

    I’ve seen you lean on the “this is just a place for memes, bro” crutch a couple of times now.

    Point was more that if the sub is about posting memes, I'm not there to have long political discussions. A little short back and forth is one thing, but purely if I'm posting memes I'm not there for long form chats andbis more what I meant. I don't always have time for long form which IMO is what the best discussion is but popping on to post a quick shit post while you're dropping a deuce at work usually doesn't take too long.

    Casual racism or bigotry is still racism and bigotry, FYI.

    As far as this and the crutch part from earlier, I really do just consider it joking around. You want to call me a racist for that, I don't really care. I have had black friends that call me cracker. That's racist too. My Jewish friend has called me goy before. Same shit.

    There was a Broadway play awhile back with a song something like everybody is a little racist sometimes or something to that effect. I believe similarly to that or maybe that it is a spectrum not unlike autism. To my way of thinking, there's a big difference between someone that gets fed up with politics and memes things up / acts like a twat in one specific place as an outlet but is otherwise a decent person and someone that is calling for mass eradication of a group of people. Maybe you see someone with high functioning autism (formerly Asperger's) and low functioning as the same thing just because they're both called "autism"? I dunno but for me there's a difference.

    And I think the fact that everything is confined to a specific sub is also a point worth considering. I do post on other subs but like for instance on EH's funmemes the rules are a lot different and I don't do that stuff outside of the designated areas for it.

    Also, I didn’t really pay close attention to everything that got posted here, I did see a bunch of memes or whatever, but this thread and the other couple that I posted in weren’t meme related in the slightest, which is why I chose to respond to them.

    Ok, if I came off as trying to crucify you over it, wasn't my intent. Meant it more in terms of time management and compartmentalizing different stuff in different areas. TBF, I get that lemmy's ui does not always make this an easy task and that I probably come across as a lot more of an asshole when I'm in a rush and firing things off more rapidly. When I have the time, I have tried to help folks out that don't like that kind of content.

    I'm not offended at all if people want to block me. Honestly, I really wish Lemmy had some kind of tagging system and the ability to filter in/out posts based on tags (at community and post levels, possibly for comments and users too tho). I think that would be a much better solution than wholesale defedding / user-blocking of entire sub or everything another user posts. Or at least a real cool and novel alternative for those that want to take advantage of it.

    But at the end of the day, I came there specially to vent and relax and I'm not breaking any rules. So if someone isn't trying to actually engage in discussion and just wants to give a hard time about it, then I either ignore them or if they are persistent then probably will block them and move on.

    As far as you saying you’re not a bigot, well when you selected your username, you chose to show the world otherwise.

    Honestly, when I selected it what was going thru my head was I was frustrated with trans activists (not necessarily all trans people) and thinking

    1. If I get blocked bc of the name, then it's not really a free speech instance so that is a good test that's pretty quick and easy
    2. If I pick a name that the more radical trans activists dislike, then probably they will be more likely to straight up block me rather than engage in discussion so I will get less interactions with people I am not fond of dealing with.

    I think I'm allowed to change my name on here and now that I know the instance is truly free speech, I might even consider looking into it at some point. I haven't ruled it out or committed to it yet but we'll see.

    As far as "showing the world", in terms of what "world" is encompassed in the corner of the fediverse that hasn't defedded us, I'm fine with that perception/misconception/deception if the trade off is that it encourages more radical elements to leave me be. I'm not opposed to calm discussion here and there but I don't come here to defend my viewpoints that I'm "not allowed" to have on mainstream sites. TBH, if people on mainstream sites weren't so easily offended like things used to be 10/15/20 years ago, I doubt I would feel the desire in the first place.

    maybe your hatred of trans people

    Minor distinction but I don't actually hate trans people - only the pushy activists types. What most people would call sjw's. Many of whom are not even trans themselves.

    Hell, if you asked me what a "troon" was even 10 minutes before I registered, my dumbass probably would have confused it with a "macaroon" and started getting hungry. While trying to find something for point #2 above, I saw a post mentioning it meant trans activists or goons or something, but tbh I don't even really know for sure how its used.

    you saying you’re not a bigot

    Ok, maybe bc the word is so reductive that it doesn't account for someone being annoyed by a group of people or for where on the spectrum of bigotry one falls or what they are bigots about. I dunno.

    But like I said earlier, I see a huge difference between someone that is literally a member of KKK and wants to literally kill people, someone that casual says slurs to their buddies, and someone who is neither of those things but disagrees with using political power to artificially put one group on a pedestal or is willing to tolerate but not cater to demands.

    If people want to call me a bigot for the stuff I'm posting in dankmemes, I don't really care. It will fall on deaf ears and if someone wastes my time too much, I'll probably block them.

    Outside of that, if I'm on some other instance with some other name and just expressing a different political opinion, I think it's kind of a dick move calling someone a "bigot" over nothing but having a different point of view.

    I still can’t figure out why anyone who wasn’t a Nazi sympathizer would allow that sort of presence in their party.

    I dunno about the official party/ GOP. But most of the guys I personally know that vote Republican aren't officially affiliated with the party and mostly just don't want stuff the other side is pushing but they identify as Republican. I know a couple guys that vote entirely along the 2A lines and don't seem to really give a damn about anything else but call themselves Republicans. Haven't known any of them to express any race hate whatsoever. Lgbt support varies a bit tho.. Especially the T part. But most of them are pretty indifferent to LGB.

    You could day they are bigots I guess. I don't think it fits. Racist definitely doesn't. Transmisic / transphob maybe. But that kinda implies disliking the people. Most art like ne and just don't like how the political side is getting thrown at them wihy no discussion, no input from the other side, just "do as we say" mentionality.

  • ywnbaw
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Totally fair dude. FWIW, I don't really feel any hate for those ones. Even the annoying ones are mostly just annoying.

    I'm honestly more against promoting it to kids and the politics behind it than anything else.

  • ywnbaw
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    You can find a ai version of Biden saying the same thing

    Lmfao. I'm gonna have to find me a copy of that

  • ywnbaw
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    _Sir_, I take great offense at being called trainsfobic. My preferred term is trainsmisic bc fobia's iz fear and misia's iz hate. Ty and have a wonderful day.


  • I’m going to tell everybody a little story about how many members of my grandmothers family were killed by Nazis (repost)
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Well, for starters most of the time I see a right wing internet site, they are the ones doing the blocking. All you have to do is push back just a little bit on their views and the ban hammer gets swung. Supposedly the admins here claim that isn’t going to be the case, so I’m testing that out. And not by name calling and mindless attacks, but by trying to make valid points.

    You might be surprised to hear this but I actually get you in that respect. I've had plenty of issues on Reddit and other lemmy instances with similar things. And it might surprise you even more than I wasn't using any slurs whatsoever or promoting for violence etc.

    But I've had plenty of times where merely even dissenting from popular opinion on a site that I see as authoritarian left, results in immediate accusations of bigotry or similar.

    For voicing opinions like:

    • long term effects of affirmative-action aren't good for minorities bc it both creates a dependency and adds to the perception that they can't do it on their own. Even worse, the current usage didn't have a plan for scaling back and deprecating itself, e.g. was not short term AA but the laziest most unimaginative version possible: perpetual AA (this was years before the recent SCOTUS rulings btw so "current" might not be accurate anymore).
    • not having rainbows in your non-gender-related subreddit's banner - especially outside of pride month - doesn't mean you hate lgbt. You could just as easily have a sticky sub without adding confusion for new users or if there was a strong need for that special focus, an additional lgbt sister sub could be formed.
    • Pretty much any time I would point out that people wanting to jump ship away from "Capitalism" to "Communism" didn't really understand those terms or that the current system is about as "capitalist" as Taco Bell is "authentic Mexican" and that the problem isn't "capitalism" but (esp government) corruption which switching systems does nothing to eliminate. And that it would be much more effective to focus on preventing and undoing the effects of corruption in the present system than enacting a major change that doesn't even address the core issue.

    I don't see myself as a bigot. I've had black people I respect a hell of a lot. One of my best friends is Jewish. I've had multiple friends that were either L, G,or B over the years. Aside from personal drama from 1 individual, I've not had any issues with the others nor do I think the one individual is representative. I've had coworkers of just about all walks of life, never had an issue. Never known anyone in the KKK/neo-nazis/other hate groups or had even the slightest interest in seeking them out.

    I did technically have a great something or other grandfather that fought for Germany but I think that was WW1 and they gtfo before WW2. Haven't dated outside my race before but that's never been a qualifier for me and there have been women outside my race that I was extremely interested in but unfortunately it didn't work out (ironically one was an Indian lady and she told me that she didn't date outside her race.. go figure).

    Point is I don't really give a fuck what color skin or sexual orientation individuals are, so if someone is calling me a bigot, odds are pretty damn good it's either a really big misunderstanding or they're disagreeing with my political views.

    I’m not sure what points you specifically disagreed with, you’re more than welcome to tell me here, but as long as I have the opportunity

    I have different opinions than you sure. But in this case, it wasn't even about that.

    It was more just that it came off as really disrespectful in the context of replying directly to the post that it did and that IMO you were tossing around the term "Nazi" pretty casually when other terms would work fine. Many on the left are super duper careful about language semantics and if you're used to participating in those forums, it strikes me that it could be a very intentional use designed to mock or goad OP.

    If that is the case, then you should be able to handle criticism for behaving like a jerk.

    If that it was not intentional and your goal really is having /pol discourse with people that think different, then IMO it seems a bit lazy to say things like "Nazi" and could also lead to confusion in cases where you aren't actually talking about 1940s history, geriatric German guys with a shady past, or a particular group of racists that like shaving their heads and literally worshipping the failed ideals of 1940s German Socialist party.

    I would make the argument that it's only purpose where you used it was to create shock value or to set up the argument to more easily be dismissive of political opponents based on a very subjective and arbitrarily inserted moral high ground. So again, it's just lazy and is actually completely counterproductive to having a conversation. It's not much better than if I go into a trans forum, with my current s/n (which was born out of political frustration rather than hate in case you were curious) and started saying names and terms that I know they dislike, misgendering, etc while asking for civil discussion (e.g. if I wasn't trolling, I ought to know that it will not support the objective)

    I would like to see if I can get someone who disagrees with the way I see the world to explain it to me why they seem to think it’s a valid point instead of just blocking me and making me go away.

    Hell, just start by saying that. If you are a liberal that is open to actually talking with conservatives without dropping "racist" / "bigot" / etc at the first sign that they don't agree with you, I think you'll find more people than you might think who are open to that convo. Yeah, some people will be lazy jerks and inevitability yell / mock / dismiss out of frustration. You have plenty of guys like that on your own side of the fence too. But I would be genuinely surprised if you were being civil and nobody wanted to chat with you in turn.

    What’s the point of only being around people that think the same way as you do? You will never expand your viewpoint if you do that (which is a MASSIVE problem with 99% of right wing safe spaces on the internet)

    No argument here. Well, I would maybe note a couple things...

    First, that there seem to be a LOT more left wing safe spaces after so many places have forcibly ejected large segments of right wing users as ostensibly being racists and that your same arguments apply equally to those places.

    I think most of the difference is that neither side enjoys being called names and both sides consider it namecalling as disrespectful but many of the leftist sites get way more offended by names than we tend to and seem to practice authoritarianism by also blocking us.

    And second, because of the first point, there are a lot less places for right wingers. As such, it seems fair to actually get their buy-in and participate in the right places. Not accusing you personally but I've see other users who were very obviously leftists complain to people just trying to relax in their small corner of the web or complaining about language/ideas in meme subs that specifically allow that sort of thing (some on EH, some elsewhere). If you want serious discussion, willing participants in a forum/sub intended for discussions rather than memes, seems appropriate to me.

  • He Probably Want Ever Quit
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Guessing they probably don't have to take as much bullshit propaganda "courses" from HR either... Really hate that even at companies where I don't have any tranny coworkers that I still have to take some bullshit pronoun course.

  • I’m going to tell everybody a little story about how many members of my grandmothers family were killed by Nazis (repost)
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Good point, I guess they are kinda worthless but imi you're still kinda acting like a bit like a dbag here mate.

    One thing I don't get. If it was me and a site / user had nothing of value to me, I would just block the user / switch sites and move on. I see a few guys act like this here and there and just don't get it. If you hate us "nazis" / "bigots" so much, why chill here then? Just seems a bit counter intuitive to me.

  • He Probably Want Ever Quit
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 100%

    Web programmer. Not all bad but some employers have their heads up their asses and don't know how to run basic scheduling or planning and seems like a higher than average percent of coworkers are liberals... Can be really frustrating some times. I've enjoyed working at smaller places more than bigger ones but really depends on the project and the folks running it

    My dads a welder... Some days I kind of wish I had gone in for that kind of thing instead.

  • I’m going to tell everybody a little story about how many members of my grandmothers family were killed by Nazis (repost)
  • ihatetroons ihatetroons 1y ago 75%

    Sorry to hear that man.

    My grandpa fought in WW2. He didn't like to talk about it aside from hating spam (or any canned ham really) for the rest of his life... So never heard any firsthand horror stories like you did but I'm no Hitler fan either and one of my best buds is Jewish.

    Really wishing downvotes were still here so I could give this other jerk one for trying to use your post as a springboard for talking shit.

  • dankmemes
    Dank memes ihatetroons 1y ago 70%