Five flavors 🤤
  • kshade kshade 15h ago • 100%

    Well, there’s also “punk goes pop” stuff

    My favorite. Those lyrics were surprisingly unsettling.

  • Cynthia Erivo calls out fans who made their own Wicked poster
  • kshade kshade 4d ago • 100%

    This is the wildest, most offensive thing I have seen

    Congratulations I guess?

  • This is a thought experiment "Ball on a Table" for detecting whether someone has Aphantasia. What do you see when you perform this experiment?
  • kshade kshade 4d ago • 100%

    I was really surprised when I learned that the inner eye wasn't just some figure of speech, so I don't see anything, certainly no extra visual details.

    Something is still happening though, I can sort of "feel out" shapes/volumes and motion, like depth perception with no visuals attached.

  • „It’s crazy“: Blaumachen heiĂźt jetzt „SelbstfĂĽrsorge“
  • kshade kshade 5d ago • 100%

    Krankenschein ab erstem Tag ist halt ein dicker Stinkefinger zum Vertrauen in die Arbeitnehmer.

    Das stimmt, laut Kolumne ist das ja so stark gestört dass man anfängt über die Lohnfortzahlung zu diskutierten. Das ist, finde ich, ein noch größerer Mittelfinger.

  • „It’s crazy“: Blaumachen heiĂźt jetzt „SelbstfĂĽrsorge“
  • kshade kshade 6d ago • 100%

    Diese Kolumne des stellvertretenden Chefradakteurs hat mich faules Stück vorhin endlich dazu gebracht dieses Wirtschaftsheulblatt bei Google News auf die Sperrliste zu setzen. Nicht nur argumentiert der werte Herr so als würden nur körperliche Beschwerden eine Krankmeldung rechtfertigen und sich der Status einer kranken Person nicht in den Stunden nach dem aufstehen rapide verschlechtern können, er haut auch unironisch sowas raus:

    In Schweden etwa, auch nicht gerade das Land des wilden Manchester-Kapitalismus, wird der Lohn erst nach einem Krankheitstag weitergezahlt, und garantiert auch nur zu 80 Prozent. Die weitaus meisten Arbeitnehmer dĂĽrfte dies kaum ins soziale Elend stĂĽrzen, aber vielleicht manchen dazu bringen, die Bettkantenentscheidung noch mal zu ĂĽberdenken.

    Blau machen mit einem wirtschaftlichen Interesse der Arbeitnehmer bekämpfen zu wollen ist doch quatsch, das Interesse hat ein wirklich kranker Mensch doch auch. Gerade die Minderheit die tatsächlich von der Hand in den Mund lebt wird dann eben doch krank zur Arbeit erscheinen, sich und andere gefährden und potentiell noch viel mehr Schaden anrichten als nur ihren eigenen Arbeitsausfall.

    So weit ich weiß ist es durchaus möglich ab dem 1. Krankheitstag eine ärztliche Bescheinigung zu fordern. Nur spart man so natürlich kein Geld auf Arbeitgeberseite.

    Nebenbei: Ich bin dieses Jahr tatsächlich öfter krank gewesen als die davor, bisher 2x Erkältung und 1x Corona. Hoffe es bleibt dabei.

  • Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you'
  • kshade kshade 1w ago • 100%

    As far as I know there is no mandatory DRM on Steam either, so if a publisher wants to they can just make their game be portable and not require Steam to even be installed. Pretty sure all the re-releases that use DOSBox or ScummVM are like this, for example.

  • Almost nine gigabytes in size: Windows update 24H2 creates an undeletable cache file
  • kshade kshade 1w ago • 100%

    You could fit an entire modern OS in that space, together with all the drivers, a web browser, an office suite, graphics editor, an IDE and a compatibility layer for running Windows applications.

  • New S.A.R. leak!
  • kshade kshade 1w ago • 100%

    Now this truly is some Dark Eldar nonsense.

  • North Koreans deployed alongside Russian troops in Ukraine, sources say
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 100%

    People are laughing at the desperation of Russia they’re getting help from basically a pariah state

    Putin was seriously looking at the state of North Korea and thought "yeah, I can do that, I want that".

  • Bröckelt die Brandmauer? CDU-Politiker fordern Gespräche mit der AfD
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 75%

    Das kann sicher auch stressig sein, die AfD zeigt allerdings regelmäßig dass sie schon auf der Metaebene gar keinen Plan hat. Jüngstes Beispiel: Thüringer Landtag.

  • Bröckelt die Brandmauer? CDU-Politiker fordern Gespräche mit der AfD
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 85%

    Selbst wenn wir die Gesinnung und Pläne der AfD wegignorieren: Mit dieser Kindergartenpartei will doch nicht ernsthaft jemand zusammenarbeiten, oder? Die und viele ihrer Anhänger sind so dämlich und verbohrt dass man sie nicht mal ausmanövrieren und vorführen kann. Ist doch viel zu stressig.

  • I... don't know how to feel about this
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 100%

    I don’t see this furry science being referenced outside of furry science.

    I don't quite understand what you mean by that but their publications have been cited by people who aren't part of the research group. Which is an actual academic endeavor with many contributors, not just someone blogging.

  • I... don't know how to feel about this
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 81%

    They have verifiable sources and are an international group of interdisciplinary scientists but their conclusions don't mean that your subjective experiences aren't real. Still, they are anecdotal, which is why I wanted to provide another source of information for people reading this thread.

    EDIT: To clarify, Furscience is a research group funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. They are actual, published scientists, some with doctorates. Even if some of them are part of the subculture they still apply proper methodology and are subject to peer review.

  • I... don't know how to feel about this
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 80%

    Since anecdotal evidence can only go so far here's what a group of researchers say on the topic:

    Some seek psychological explanations, suggesting that furries may be people with developmental problems or psychological conditions. Others assume situational explanations such as a broken childhood or a tumultuous, friendless, socially awkward childhood. After all, most furries have experienced significant bullying, and abundant psychological evidence shows that bullying, stigma, and concealed stigmatized identities can be particularly damaging to a person’s well-being. One would therefore expect furries to show evidence of significantly compromised well-being.

    Data collected on the well-being of furries suggests otherwise, however. Across several samples, furries and non-furries did not significantly differ from one another on measures of life satisfaction and self-esteem.

    Furries did not differ with regard to their physical health, psychological health, or the quality of their relationships, and were actually more likely to have a stable and coherent sense of identity than non-furries.


    The well-being of furries was also compared across fandoms (see figures above and below.)

    Furries did not differ significantly from convention-going anime fans or fantasy sport fans, and were actually higher in life satisfaction and self-esteem than online anime fans, all groups which experience less stigma than furries do.


    Taken together, these data, in conjunction with the rest of the data in Section 117, demonstrate that furries, contrary to popular misconceptions, are surprisingly well-adjusted. It’s worth noting that this lack of difference in well-being occurs despite the fact that most furries have a history of significant bullying. One possible explanation for this is the ameliorating role of the fandom: given that belongingness and acceptance are both important values in the furry fandom, as is compassion, helping, and global citizenship, for many furries, the fandom is a source of social support. Social psychologists have long recognized the important role that social support plays in building resilience and fostering well-being, and future studies are planned to test whether this mechanism explains furries’ tendency to thrive despite often enduring significant hardship.

  • I... don't know how to feel about this
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 86%

    Funny how one event where the actions of a few people fucked everything up must imply something for the whole group, especially since there's bigger, long-running conventions like Anthrocon that have become part of the city's event culture like any other festival. But you don't hear about that because it's not scandalous.

  • I... don't know how to feel about this
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 83%

    I agree those things can coexist, but when for a significant portion of the people it is sexual it is going to taint the meaning naturally.

    What do you think about other groups then? There's plenty of people cosplaying characters from media, sometimes in a very tame way, sometimes very much not. Those can be the same people, in the same outfits, minutes apart. You have people cosplaying Princess Leia in basically lingerie, is that alright?

    maybe say “I vant to fuck your butt” in a fake Romanian accent, I can work with that

    [Insert words of judgement here]

    The nazi ones are all blonde dogs? Do they hate people who dress as rats/mice?

    Nah, they are just your average white supremacists except they also have a fursona. It doesn't have to be intermeshed like that.

  • I... don't know how to feel about this
  • kshade kshade 2w ago • 86%

    I've seen these sentiments a lot, usually not spelled out like this though. I think the unease often comes from associating anthropomorphic animals with children's media exclusively. That way it seems scandalous that there is an adult component to the subculture. Pretty much every subculture/fandom has that, of course, but people don't seem to mind as much when it's anime, goths and so on.

    The fact that they insist it isn’t sexual, when it clearly is at least for many.

    In my experience people push back against that characterization because the existence of an adult component seems to make everything else disappear or read as dishonest for some people. There is plenty of perfectly innocent, family-friendly content and we genuinely like it for that, not as a sex thing. Those things can coexist just fine with neither diminishing the other.

    feeling like if I saw a dominatrix and her sub licking her heels in a McDonalds

    If you remove the sex/fetish stuff from the BDSM community you'd really have nothing left, if you remove it from furries you'd still have a group of people who really love anthropomorphic animal characters, just not also in that way.

    Also, ew, who goes to McDonald's?

    The fact that everyone wants to be an animal and for many that is sexual is uhh…not not creepy

    If we just roll with that, what do you think about all the people who fetishize vampires, for example? That's pretty much mainstream now (not just because of Twilight) and it's literally undead, blood drinking, mind controlling monsters.

    "Idk the guy who stabbed me was like…some blue dog or wolf thing, goddammit.” Lol

    You'll be relieved to know that most people in costume can't see or hear very well, so you'll have the advantage in a knife fight.

    An insignificant portion of furries are actual literal nazis.

    Yeah, in open groups with tens of thousands of members you'll have some bad people, not really surprising is it? Look at anime, comics, warhammer, .... anything nerdy and not-so-nerdy, they are there too.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Alterspräsident muss Thüringer Landtag abstimmen lassen
  • kshade kshade 3w ago • 100%

    Nazis sauer. Nazis Tagesschau runterwählen.
