
> While India **does not permit “active” euthanasia**, which involves use of substances such as lethal injections or external force to end life, **court rulings have permitted clinicians to withhold life-prolonging treatment in certain cases**. > Now the government has **drafted guidelines** to standardise such decisions and is seeking expert feedback on the proposals. According to the Health Ministry’s draft, published on 30 September, *doctors must take considered decisions in a patient’s best interest in cases involving an incurable condition from which death is inevitable in the foreseeable future*. > Association president RV Asokan warned that “**the guidelines could expose doctors to legal scrutiny and increase stress in their decision-making**”. “The perception and assumption that machines are unnecessarily used to prolong lives is wrong. **It exposes doctors to legal scrutiny**,” he told news agency PTI. > Meanwhile many Christian activists are opposed to any form of euthanasia, which they argue is ripe for abuse. “**Relatives may want to get rid of an old patient who they take to be a burden on them and their freedom**,” John Dayal, former president of the All India Catholic Union, told RFI. “**In a land where kidneys are stolen from beggars and rickshaw-pullers when they have been drugged into sleep, can we trust the medical profession and the law and justice system to be the watchdog guardian?**” > But others involved in frontline care said **the guidelines would help close a regulatory gap**. > “**We have been doing this for years**,” said Sushma Bhatnagar, a professor of palliative care at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi, whose experts helped formulate the guidelines. “**Once we know that a patient is terminal, we counsel them and their family members to withdraw care**. They are usually made comfortable and sent home. **However, there was no guideline or legal procedure for the same**,” she told the Indian Express. > Except in cases of medical emergency, she said, **many patients prefer to spend their final days with their family rather than in intensive care**. > By next year, 189 million people will be over 60 years of age and fuel demands for 175 million additional hospital beds in India, **where 32 million people fall below an official poverty line every year because of medical bills**.


> A Malagasy business has been developing the porridge, prepared daily by local vendors, **to avoid the irreversible cognitive and physical damage that malnutrition causes during the first 1,000 days of a child's life**. > Six days a week, Tantely walks the streets carrying two five-kilogram thermoses of porridge. Tantely hands out portions in exchange for 500 ariary, or about 9 euro cents. “**My job is to mix all the ingredients: peanuts, maize, rice, soy, sugar, minerals, calcium, vitamins and iron**,” says Tantely. It takes about 45 minutes to cook. > *For many of her customers, this is the only nutritious meal they will eat all day*. > Changing the eating habits of these communities, however, wasn't easy. It took at least five years for sellers like Tantely to convince families **to switch from their traditional rice soup to Koba Aina** ("flour of life" = porridge). Through persistent awareness-raising, Tantley was able to break down misconceptions about the supposed nutritional benefits of rice soup. Now, some 42,000 children in Malagasy cities eat Koba Aina every day. > Nutri’Zaza, which has been distributing Koba Aina since 2013, says the flour addresses a critical public health issue. Founded to build on child nutrition projects, Nutri’Zaza reinvests profits to sustain its mission. The company also collaborates with NGOs and government agencies across Madagascar. Nutri’Zaza **hopes** that by making its porridge widely available at an affordable price, **stunted growth** among children in Madagascar’s cities **will be dramatically reduced, breaking the cycle of poverty that malnutrition perpetuates**.


> **Cases of buildings caving in are not uncommon in the country**, often a result of shoddy construction and flouted regulations. > The *eight-storey building* in Kahawa West, a densely-populated neighbourhood north of the capital, **had been condemned for demolition**, Nairobi county officials said. One woman who was standing outside the building when it collapsed was hurt, Nairobi governor Johnson Sakaja told AFP, adding that casualties were "**expected to be minimal**". > According to a Nairobi county document seen by AFP and dated October 16, the building had been constructed and occupied **without the requisite approvals**. > The East African nation is undergoing a construction boom, but **corruption has allowed contractors to cut corners or bypass regulations**. > **Five people were killed** when a six-storey building collapsed in a town on the outskirts of Nairobi in September 2022. In April 2016, **49 people were killed** when a six-floor apartment building crumbled in the northeast of the capital after days of heavy rain caused floods and landslides. > The building, constructed two years earlier, had been scheduled to be demolished after being declared **structurally unsound**.


> Japan pulled the plug on nuclear power after the 2011 Fukushima disaster, but with the G7's dirtiest energy mix, *it is seeking to cut emissions, and atomic energy is making a steady comeback, in part because of AI*. > Before the 2011 quake and tsunami, which **killed around 18,000 people**, nuclear power generated about **a third** of Japan's electricity, with fossil fuels contributing most of the rest. **All of Japan's 54 reactors were shut down afterwards**, including those at KK. To keep the lights on, resource-poor Japan has hiked **imports of natural gas, coal and oil** while increasing solar power. But fossil fuels are expensive, with imports last year costing Japan about **$510 million a day**. > The government is striving for "**carbon neutrality**" by 2050 and to cut emissions by 46 percent by 2030 from 2013 levels. It wants to increase the share of renewables to 36-38 percent from around 20 percent and cut fossil fuels to 41 percent from around two-thirds now. > Japan aims for nuclear power to account for 20-22 percent of its electricity by 2030, up from well under 10 percent now. *Japan in late 2022 decided to accelerate reactor restarts* and to *extend operating time* for nuclear reactors **to 60 years from 40**. > Nine of Japan's 33 still-operable reactors are currently online. > Business groups remain worried about power shortages, particularly as Japan seeks to go big in energy-hungry data centres for artificial intelligence (AI). > Making Fukushima fully safe, meanwhile, has also barely begun. Japan last year started to release into the Pacific Ocean some of the **540 Olympic pools' worth of treated cooling water amassed since 2011**.


> Armed groups operating in Colombia's Amazon are tightening their grip on the region, and that's stalling government efforts to tackle deforestation, according to a think tank report on Thursday. > The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) **dissidents, known as EMC**, have the ability to slow or accelerate deforestation at will, said the report by The International Crisis Group. > "**This group is the most directly responsible for deforestation in the last five years**," said Rodrigo Botero, director of The Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development (FCDS). "**More than half a million hectares have been lost in their control zones**." > *More than 40 percent of Colombia is in the Amazon-an area roughly the size of Spain*. **Colombia has the world's largest bird biodiversity. Fifteen percent of the Colombian Amazon has already been deforested**, according to FCDS.


> "**The system was left without power nationwide**" after the unexpected shutdown of the Antonio Guiteras power plant, Lazaro Guerra, director general of electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mines, told state television. > When the power plant shut down, "the system collapsed," he said, adding that the government was working to restore service as soon as possible to the island's **11 million people**. > He blamed the situation on Cuba's difficulties in acquiring fuel for its power plants, which he attributed to **the tightening of a six-decade-long US trade embargo** under former president Donald Trump. > The island's electricity is **generated by eight aging thermal power plants**, *some of which have broken down or are under maintenance*, as well as seven floating plants leased from Turkish companies and a raft of generators.

A new case of murder by SUV in Paris
  • xiao xiao 2d ago 85%

    That's standard procedure.

    Thanks to let me know that !

    The same process would've been done after a murder with a gun.

    The connection with the murder by firearm was not made on the process but on the greater ease in general for the defense to defend a murderer who committed murder with a car during a trial. And the ease with which one can premeditatedly kill with a car and make it look like an accident.

    On an unrelated note, I did downvote the whole article because you tacked your opinion onto it.

    No problem, downvote anything you want !

  • www.rfi.fr

    > **Ghana** is being swamped by millions of unwanted clothes from the West, creating an *environmental disaster* as textile waste piles up across the country. > About **15 million items of second-hand clothing arrive in Ghana each week**. Nearly half cannot be resold. The unsellable clothes end up in informal dumps or are burned in public washhouses, **contaminating the air, soil and water**. > [The report](https://www.greenpeace.org/africa/en/press/56381/fast-fashion-slow-poison-new-report-exposes-toxic-impact-of-global-textile-waste-in-ghana/%C2%A0) shows how Ghana has become a dumping ground for the world's unwanted textiles, with devastating consequences for local ecosystems. "**What we're seeing is environmental racism. The Global North is using Ghana as its trash can**," said Helen Dena of Greenpeace Africa.


    > A driver who ran over a cyclist following an altercation in central Paris has been charged with murder in a case that shocked the capital. > The 52-year-old driver of the SUV is accused of having deliberately targeted the cyclist, who was named as Paul Varry, 27. > According to witnesses, the driver, trying to make progress on the congested road, steered his car onto the adjacent cycling path for about 200 metres (650 feet), where he drove over the cyclist's foot, prosecutors said. > Varry, the cyclist, banged his fist on the bonnet of the car to alert the driver, who backed up at first. Varry then stood in front of the car expressing his anger at the driver, **who started driving towards him**. -_-... > An autopsy showed that Varry's lethal injuries had been caused by the car. No joke ! > **CCTV footage showed the vehicle rising once when the left front tyre rolled over the body, and then again when the back tyre went over**. > *A test for alcohol and drugs came back negative*. > The man's lawyer, Franck Cohen, told AFP that his client "**has no explanation for what happened**". lol, good defense. Hey now look at that 👇 > **A judge will now rule whether he should be held in custody ahead of trial**. -_- ### You wanna commit murder ?! Forget about gun, just by a big shitty car. *Society will forgive you faster.* Fuck cars forever


    > Prosecutor Mohammad Tajul Islam called it a "remarkable day", while a relative of one of the hundreds who died in the uprising against her autocratic rule said they were "looking forward" to the trial. > **Hasina's 15-year tenure saw widespread human rights abuses**, including the mass detention and extrajudicial killings of her political opponents. > "The court has... **ordered the arrest of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina**, and to produce her in court on November 18," Islam, chief prosecutor of Bangladesh's International Crimes Tribunal (ICT), told reporters. "**Sheikh Hasina was at the helm of those who committed massacres, killings and crimes against humanity in July to August,**" Islam said. > The court also issued an arrest warrant for Obaidul Quader, the fugitive former general secretary of Hasina's Awami League party, **as well as 44 others**, who were not named. Dozens of Hasina's allies were taken into custody after her regime collapsed, accused of culpability in a police crackdown that **killed more than 700 people** during the unrest that deposed her. > *Her presence in India* -- her government's biggest benefactor -- has infuriated the interim administration in Bangladesh that replaced her. Dhaka has revoked her diplomatic passport, and the countries have a bilateral extradition treaty which would facilitate her return to face criminal trial. > Hasina was replaced by *Nobel Peace Prize winner* Muhammad Yunus. The 84-year-old microfinance pioneer is leading a temporary administration, to tackle what he has called the "extremely tough" **challenge of restoring democratic institutions**. Yunus said he had **inherited a "completely broken down" system of public administration and justice** that needs a comprehensive overhaul **to prevent a future return to autocracy**.


    > No Japanese premier has visited **Yasukuni Shrine** since 2013 and Ishiba's predecessor Fumio Kishida would also regularly send offerings for its biannual spring and autumn festivals. > Yasukuni in central Tokyo is **dedicated to 2.5 million war dead**, mostly Japanese, who have perished in conflicts since the late 19th century. > *Every year, dozens of lawmakers pay their respects during the spring and autumn festival and in August for the anniversary of the emperor announcing Japan's surrender in 1945*. But a **Japanese prime minister has not appeared there since 2013**, when Shinzo Abe sparked fury in Beijing and Seoul and earned a rare diplomatic rebuke from close ally the United States. > Seoul expressed "**deep disappointment and regret that responsible leaders in Japan have once again offered tribute or visited the Yasukuni Shrine**," South Korea's foreign ministry said Thursday. When asked about the matter at a regular briefing, Beijing's foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning called Yasukuni "**a symbol of Japan's militaristic war of aggression**".


    > "**If you make a mistake and attack our targets, whether in the region or in Iran, we will strike you again painfully**," Salami said at the funeral of a Guards general killed in an Israeli strike last month. > Abbas Nilforoushan, a top commander in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force foreign operations arm, was killed on September 27 alongside Hassan Nasrallah, the chief of Lebanon's Hezbollah, in an Israeli strike on south Beirut. > During his speech Salami criticised as "not reliable" the THAAD missile defence battery which the Pentagon on Tuesday said arrived in Israel, along with about 100 American troops to operate it. > "*We know your weaknesses. You know them well*," he added addressing Israel. > The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system is "**designed to intercept targets outside and inside the atmosphere**," according to its manufacturer Lockheed Martin. > Salami's remarks came as Iran's Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi intensified diplomatic efforts on ways to contain the conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon from spreading across the region. Araghchi has over the past nearly two weeks visited **Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, Oman and Jordan**. He is currently in **Egypt** and is scheduled to head to **Turkey** afterwards. > Iran has said its October 1 missile barrage, **most of which was intercepted by Israeli air defences, according to Israel**, was in **retaliation for the killing of Nilforoushan, Nasrallah, and the political chief of the Palestinian movement Hamas**.


    > Literature **students from the University of Buenos Aires**, the country's most prestigious school, **brought their desks out onto the sidewalk in the center of the city as professors lectured loudly over the din of the traffic**. > The protests come a week after **Milei vetoed a law approved by the Senate that envisaged regular funding increases for public universities, whose budgets he slashed**. The law also provided for university instructors and other staff to receive pay increases to offset Argentina's stubbornly high inflation rate. **Annual inflation stood at 209 percent in September**. > At the University of Buenos Aires, the faculties of law, medicine, philosophy and arts, economy, science and social science **all took their classes outside**. > Milei, who has imposed **harsh austerity measures to try to revive Argentina's ailing economy**, argued the increases, which Congress said represented **0.14 percent of GDP**, jeopardized his zero-deficit policy. On Tuesday he insisted he was committed to Argentina's cherished model of fee-free public university education and said it was up to parliament to find a way to fund them *without upsetting his fiscal surplus*. >Around **80 percent of all Argentines who attend higher-level education enroll in public universities**. > **Milei, a self-declared "anarcho-capitalist"** has described them as *hotbeds of Socialist indoctrination*.


    > Widely shared on social media, the atmospheric black and white shots -- a mother and her child starving in the Great Depression; an exhausted soldier in the Vietnam war -- may look at first like real historic documents. **But they were created by artificial intelligence, and researchers fear they are muddying the waters of real history**. "*AI has caused a tsunami of fake history, especially images*," said Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse, a Dutch historian who debunks false claims online. "**In some cases, they even make an AI version of a real old photo. It is really weird, especially when the original is very famous**." Among the images created using Midjourney, a popular AI online image generator, is a series of fake reproductions portraying the moment when the suspected assassin of president John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, was himself shot dead by Jack Ruby in 1963. Other images on Midjourney purport to show the explosion of the atom bomb over Hiroshima in 1945, the invasion of Prague by Soviet-allied troops in 1968 and even a vision of the Roman Coliseum in ancient times. "**This creates a risk of false visuals being accepted as fact**, which could, over time, **distort our understanding of history and weaken public trust in visual evidence** as a reliable source for learning about the past." For Teeuwissen, "real photos are made by real people and there's usually something that's out of focus, or someone looks silly by accident, the makeup looks bad, et cetera." But **she judges it is "only a matter of time" before the quality of the AI image makes fakes hard to detect with the naked eye** -- a "dangerous" prospect, she says, which **would amplify disinformation**.


    > Pyongyang on Tuesday blew up deeply symbolic roads and railways connecting the two Koreas after warning any further drone flights would be considered a declaration of war, and ordered soldiers on the border to prepare to fire. > "*Millions of young people have turned out in the nationwide struggle to wipe out the ROK scum who committed a serious provocation of violating the sovereignty of the DPRK through a drone infiltration**," the official Korean Central News Agency said, referring to both countries by their official acronyms. It said more than **1.4 million youth league officials and youth and students** across the country volunteered to join or rejoin the Korean People's Army on October 14 and 15. > South Korean authorities in areas near the border with the nuclear-armed North are moving *to prevent activists from launching balloons*. To protect its citizens, the provincial government of Gyeonggi will designate Yeoncheon, Gimpo and Paju "**as special 'danger' zones where anyone trying to send leaflets to the North may be subject to criminal investigation*", an officer from the Gyeonggi provincial goverment told AFP. > South Korean activists -- **many are former North Koreans who defected** -- have also sent materials such as USB drives containing K-pop tracks and K-dramas. The isolated North is extremely sensitive about its people gaining access to the South's popular culture. > Since late July, Pyongyang has broadcast eerie sounds along the border -- some resembling the cries of wild animals -- in apparent retaliation. "**The anxiety and suffering of residents in border areas is becoming increasingly severe**," the Gyeonggi province said in the statement. "*Many are reporting that they can't sleep without medication* due to the constant influx of garbage balloons and unsettling broadcasts from the North."


    > **[UN Women](https://www.unwomen.org/en/articles/explainer/which-government-policies-do-the-most-to-keep-women-out-of-poverty)** released a report highlighting the widening gender gap in social protection. The report reveals that an alarming **two billion women and girls are without access to any form of social protection**. > Despite some progress since 2015, *gender disparities in social protection coverage have widened in most developing regions*, suggesting that recent gains have disproportionately benefitted men. > The report paints a stark picture of gendered poverty, showing that **women and girls are overrepresented among the poor at every stage of life**, with the largest disparities seen during their childbearing years. **Women aged 25 to 34 are 25 per cent more likely than men in the same age group to live in extreme poverty**. Conflict and climate change continue to exacerbate this inequality, with women in fragile environments being **7.7 times more likely to live in extreme poverty compared to those in stable regions**. > Globally, over **63 per cent of women still give birth without access to maternity benefits**. *This lack of financial support during maternity leave, not only places women at an economic disadvantage, but also compromises their health and well-being as well as that of their children, perpetuating poverty across generations.*


    > The deployment of the **Terminal High Altitude Area Defense** (THAAD) system comes as Israel prepares to hit back against Iran for a major ballistic missile attack earlier this month, and **the battery will boost Israeli defenses in case Tehran strikes back again**. > US ships and warplanes have helped defend Israel from the Iranian attacks, but the deployment of the battery will put the roughly 100 US troops who will operate it -- as well as the system itself -- on the ground in Israel and more directly in harm's way. > "Putting US servicemembers in Israel proper shows that **Washington is very visibly and tangibly committed to Israel's security and will fight if necessary**," said Raphael Cohen, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation. > Pentagon spokesman Major General Pat Ryder said Tuesday that an advance team of US personnel and initial components needed for the battery had arrived in Israel the previous day, with more to follow soon. "*The battery will be fully operational capable in the near future," he said in a statement, adding that the deployment "**underscores the United States' commitment to the defense of Israel and to defend Americans in Israel from any ballistic missile attacks by Iran**." > The THAAD system -- which was developed in the 1990s, with the first battery activated in 2008 -- is operated by 95 soldiers and consists of six truck-mounted launchers with eight interceptors each, a radar, and a fire control component, according to the US Congressional Research Service. > Tom Karako, director of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the battery -- **which includes a billion-dollar radar** -- is "**potentially a very expensive target**" that needs to be well-protected. The THAAD deployment to Israel "obviously adds a lot of capability and capacity, but **it... comes with some strategic risk, and it comes with some operational and opportunity costs**," Karako said.


    > **Lebanon's Prime Minister Najib Mikati** said the international community had engaged in "serious efforts" to impose a ceasefire. "**Currently we have 4,500 soldiers in south Lebanon, and we wish to add to them between 7,000 and 11,000**," Mikati said. He said his cash-strapped government would start by recruiting an additional 1,500 troops, and that as soon as any ceasefire is agreed they would move in soldiers from elsewhere in Lebanon. > "**The Lebanese state is ready to impose its sovereignty over all of Lebanese territory**," he said, in a country where the powerful Hezbollah group holds sway, particularly over swathes of the south. > **At least 1,315 people have been killed** since Israel intensified its bombardment of Lebanon. The Israeli strikes -- concentrated mostly on the south and east of the country, as well as the heavily populated southern suburbs of Beirut -- **have forced 1.2 million from their homes**. > Mikati said security had been tightened at the country's only airport in Beirut, to remove any potential justification for an Israeli attack. "**The government is doing everything in its power to remove any pretexts from the Israelis' hands**," he said. He said "everything is inspected" from passengers to goods, cargo and incoming aircraft. *The airport was previously targeted during Israel's last war with Hezbollah in 2006*. > Later on Tuesday, Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem warned Israel that the only solution to the current war was a ceasefire. > Mitaki said that "if a ceasefire is reached, there will be full cooperation between the Lebanese army and UN peacekeeping forces in the south **in order to implement Resolution 1701**". *Adopted in 2006, the UN Security Council resolution led to a ceasefire in the Israel-Hezbollah war that year* and said the Lebanese army and peacekeepers should be the only armed forces deployed in the country's south. **The resolution also calls for Israel to withdraw troops from Lebanon**. > His comments came as Israel faced severe criticism over injuries and damage sustained by the UN peacekeeping force, which has been deployed in Lebanon's south since the first of Israel's four major ground offensives against its neighbour in 1978. > He also said that there were "serious efforts" to name a new president. The country is reeling from war and five years of economic collapse and has not had a head of state for almost two years. "**Electing a president is of the utmost necessity presently**."


    > Since leader Kim Jong Un declared the South his country's "**principal enemy**" earlier this year, the North has laid fresh mines, erected anti-tank barriers, and deployed missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads along the already heavily fortified border. > Last week, North Korea accused Seoul of using drones to drop anti-regime propaganda leaflets on the capital Pyongyang, with Kim convening a security meeting to direct a plan of "*immediate military action*" in response, state media reported Tuesday. > "**North Korean has detonated parts of the Gyeongui and Donghae roads north of the Military Demarcation Line**," the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday, referring to inter-Korean infrastructure that once connected the two countries. *The roads and railways have long been shuttered*, but destroying them sends a **clear message** that Kim is not prepared to negotiate with the South, experts said. > Relations between the two Koreas are at their lowest point in years, with the North's army saying last week it would permanently shut the southern border by "**completely cutting off roads and railways**" connected to the South and building "**strong defence structures**".

    Une instance pour suivre des flux RSS
  • xiao xiao 7d ago 100%

    Merci, très utile !

  • news.cgtn.com

    > Approximately **48,000 liters of water contaminated with [PFAS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per-_and_polyfluoroalkyl_substances) synthetic chemicals overflowed** from a firefighting training area at the U.S. Yokota Air Base in western Japan during heavy rainfall **in August**, the Asahi Shimbun reported recently, citing the Tokyo metropolitan government. > **Tokyo officials received the report on October 3** from the U.S. military through the Japanese Defense Ministry, according to Asahi Shimbun. > On October 4, a council composed of officials from the metropolitan government and affected municipalities told Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani that *the significant delay in reporting the incident was deeply regrettable*, the Japanese media reported. > The council also requested that the Japanese government take responsibility for investigating and analyzing the leak's potential impact on groundwater and other environmental resources. > PFAS, used in various products such as frying pan coatings and water-repellent clothing, **have been detected in high concentrations at places near Self-Defense Forces and U.S. military bases as well as industrial areas in Japan**. > Since last year, regions in Japan including Okinawa, Osaka and Tokyo have successively **reported excessive levels of PFAS in their water bodies, and abnormal blood tests of nearby residents**.


    > The nuclear-armed North has accused Seoul of flying drones over its capital to drop propaganda leaflets filled with "inflammatory rumours and rubbish", and warned Sunday that **if another drone was detected, it would consider it "a declaration of war"**. > *Seoul's military previously denied it was behind the flights*, with local speculation centred on activist groups in the South, which have long sent propaganda and US currency northwards, typically by balloon. > The South's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) on Monday **neither confirmed nor denied that Seoul's military was responsible for sending drones across the border, instead calling the North's claim "shameless"**. > Seoul's military said Monday that the North appeared to be **preparing to carry out explosions at roads connected to the South**, days after Pyongyang said it would seal the border. Last week, **the North's Korean People's Army (KPA) announced the measure will "completely separate" North Korea's territory from the South**. > "*If sending information via drones becomes a regular activity, it would be a serious issue for North Korea*," said Yang Uk, a research fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. > Former National Intelligence Service chief Park Jie-won said on a radio show on Monday that **the government's refusal to confirm or deny their involvement in the drones was an admission of guilt**. "The appropriate response is to say that we cannot confirm anything. In my view, this is essentially an acknowledgement."South Korea military says 'fully ready' as drone tensions soar

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearMI
    Life-Saving Pneumatic Inflatable Helmet declared the 2024 Red Dot Award: Design Concept Luminary Winner
  • xiao xiao 1w ago 100%

    Nice innovation !

  • [Vie quotidienne] Quels matelas et lits recommandez-vous?
  • xiao xiao 2w ago 100%

    Matelas fin 10cm max au sol (rangé le matin) ou alors installé sur une structure (sommier plein). Je ne supporte pas les matelas épais.

  • Telegram had been handing over user data to authorities since 2018, Durov informs
  • xiao xiao 3w ago 98%

    Telegram was built to protect activists and ordinary people from corrupt governments and corporations — we do not allow criminals to abuse our platform or evade justice.

    Criminals according to what standard ? In some countries, activism or sympathy with a cause is considered criminal behavior.

    Evade justice ?? What justice is he talking about? The justice of the United States of America, Chinese justice, or the justice of the nationalities he possesses?

    Better to avoid this platform

  • Israel claims Hezbollah leader Nasrallah killed in Beirut strike
  • xiao xiao 3w ago 25%

    Until a more terrible leader takes control of the organization. These people didn't watch Attack on Titan a priori ! Or their goal is to bring more chaos in the region... In this case the result of chaos is indeterminable.

  • Laïcité : l’interdiction du port de tenues de type abaya à l’école est conforme à la loi - Conseil d'État
  • xiao xiao 3w ago 100%

    Sinon pour faire moins arabe il y a le HanFu, ça devrait passer pour le conseil d'état.

  • Deleted it.
  • xiao xiao 3w ago 91%

    SimpleX is the future !

  • The number of bicyclists we lose in collisions with cars, just in Somerville and Cambridge, is tragic and terrifying.
  • xiao xiao 4w ago 100%

    I would really like to put all these metal boxes where they deserve to be: in the scrapyard.

  • [Mercredi CinéSéries] Qu'avez-vous vu cette semaine?
  • xiao xiao 4w ago 100%

    Les 7 Mercenaires (1960), après les 7 Samouraïs (1954).

    Verdict sans appel les 7 samouraïs est bien meilleur à mon goût. Rien que la comparaison du plan des tombes à la fin des deux films en dit long.

  • linux or windows?
  • xiao xiao 4w ago 100%

    GNU/Linux for life. Winbooze only at work, sadly.
